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Who's Going To Uni?

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Garscube 6s - serious business.

I think it's about 3 years since I played in it. We were quite good and got to the final once but had nae players cause everyone was at exams (including myself).

Also got a ringer from my school who wasn't at the uni (and wasn't a member of the uni gym which was a requirement) but was an excellent player. Felt good when we beat the Glasgow Uni football team who ran the league :lol:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just handed in my final piece of coursework for the semester after an 11 hour shift in the library so that's me done until January. Don't know what to do with myself now, can't even sleep after that marathon session :unsure:

An 11 hour library shift isn't doesn't qualify as a marathon I'm afraid. Regular study day for many.

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Just handed in my final piece of coursework for the semester after an 11 hour shift in the library so that's me done until January. Don't know what to do with myself now, can't even sleep after that marathon session :unsure:

Zero sleep must count for something imo.

You probably know this, but it's a terrible method for studying or doing an assignment.

Whenever I did exams, the one thing I would never cut back on was sleep - you should sleep as much as you can. It's vitally important for preparing your mind to study.

There is a plethora of research to back this up as well, drunk people actually perform better than sleep deprived people.

During my marathon honours year I slept to around 10:30am, went to study at 12:00 noon and came back around 9:30-10:00pm. Not feasible to everyone, obviously, but the point is don't sacrifice sleep for more study.

Edited by Supras
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who the f**k studies for 11 hours a day?

I could never come near that myself. I would spend 5/6 hours a day in the uni and maybe two hours of that maximum was spend studying. I'm a horrendous student

Had a good week though so far. Got my first A in a uni essay having been told these lecturers never give As. Only took me til third year honours to get one but I'll take it. Did a seminar presentation too the same day that the lecturer seemed very impressed with. He quoted me later on his twitter which can only be a good thing!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have completed my final essay. I only need to complete the hours required to finish my final placement (which should have been done this week but having a chest infections in December, I was off sick for a bit) and I will have done it. I will have a degree. I cannot bloody wait. I don't have a job to go to so it'll be like being on holiday. Or the dole.

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That's all my application sent away. No particular order in choices.


Just found this thread by accident. I'm waiting on the Uni's getting back to me and I may well end up meeting you :lol: I've applied for Napier and Caley Journalism and UWS Sports Journalism.

Few of my friends have got offers but they are (slightly weirdly) the ones who got worse grades last year than me. Not panicking yet, no news is better than bad news an' all that!

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Just found this thread by accident. I'm waiting on the Uni's getting back to me and I may well end up meeting you :lol: I've applied for Napier and Caley Journalism and UWS Sports Journalism.

Few of my friends have got offers but they are (slightly weirdly) the ones who got worse grades last year than me. Not panicking yet, no news is better than bad news an' all that!

Perhaps see you at UWS ;)

Received an unsuccessful from Edinburgh Napier today, heads gone etc :(

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I have completed my final essay. I only need to complete the hours required to finish my final placement (which should have been done this week but having a chest infections in December, I was off sick for a bit) and I will have done it. I will have a degree. I cannot bloody wait. I don't have a job to go to so it'll be like being on holiday. Or the dole.

I have 7 different job applications in and I'm not expecting to even hear back from any of them. Everywhere wants post-registration experience. The b*****ds.

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Sent off my application just before Christmas:

  • Edinburgh Napier - Social Science
  • RGU - Social Science
  • Dundee - European Studies and International Relations
  • Stirling - History, Politics and Professional Education
  • St Andrews - International Relations and Modern History

Both of the Social Science courses are for year 2 entry as that's what I currently do an HNC in. So we'll see what happens!

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Glasgow uni has fucked up getting equipment delivered for my Masters project meaning I have to do 120 credits this semester. I need to get a 2:1 for the graduate position I've been offered. Starting tomorrow these next few months will be harrowing.

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