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Who's Going To Uni?

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P&B is not a microcosm of real life though, these posters you talk of are just exaggerated caricatures.

It's not as if Tryfield tries his University of Life pish in real life, neither will VikingTon boast about doing history at Strathclyde.

I've never said to anyone they've wasted four years of their life not going to uni, but I hear it plenty. Even when it's patently not the case and my job is as a direct result of going to University.

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Can't say I'd be even slightly bothered if someone didn't have a degree, but there you go. Who cares? They are easy enough to get, regardless of your educational background.

Yes, I agree. In some ways, that's my point. Anyone can get a degree.

Some people do find University particularly difficult, just because you didn't doesn't mean everyone finds it easy.

That's a fair point too. And it comes back to my point on the last page of the thread. For me a work environment was much more difficult than university. Just because of the skillset i have. Other people will find it otherwise.

I genuinely had to do nothing to succeed at University. I could have started a law degree at 14 and got one. (Ignoring the emotional development i would have been lacking at that age).

But transferring that to a more structured and demanding work environment was difficult. Actually having to be somewhere every day, with deadlines that mattered and a lot of responsibility from even quite early on in my career etc i found a real challenge.

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I don't mind the mature students in my first year. At least they get the work done and avoid some of the awkward silences that seem to happen in tutorials. In my liberal arts blow off class Politics of the Welfare state (10% for participation at tutorials and 30% for a 1500 word essay) you get a whole load of sob stories and general pish with no factual accuracy from normal students desperate to get that participation, It's probably made me more right wing.

Next year, I'm probably going to change all of my subjects to stuff that I like such as History and (actual) Politics.

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I never had problems with the mature students in our classes until they started asking questions every minute and disrupting the flow of the lecture (classroom like). I'm convinced they knew the answer most of the time and were just wanting to play Teacher's Pet.

It wasn't just that class though. I can appreciate why you'd want to make genuine questions rather than sit back and say you'll suss it out before exams but there's a line somewhere.

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I only had mature students in one of my classes, a first year elective that I (and a few others) had to take because the elective our course told us to take was full so there was probably only 5 or 6 from my actual course taking this class. No problems from them, one of them did tell a group of people to shut up during one of the lectures because they were talking so much which I found quite funny. I guess that does illustrate the point that they take it a lot more seriously than the younger people.

Was a bit of a pisstake class anyway, one of the class tests that counted for part of the class took place in one of the lecture rooms that only had one aisleway in the middle so it split the rows into left and right sections and it was just the lecturer invigilating so there was rampant cheating going on and blatant discussions yet he didn't seem to care.

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In first year at Glasgow, do you have to get a D3 or higher for every class to progress to 2nd year even if you don't want to continue the subject you didn't get a D3 in into 2nd year?

You have to meet credits passed thresholds to make it into the next year.
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cant remember if I posted this before ,

Im not going to Uni ,but have been accepted for Health and social care academy at Dundee College,(course includes work placements at Hospital),

My daughter has a conditional for Nursing at Dundee Uni ,hopefully starting in September :)

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You have to meet credits passed thresholds to make it into the next year.

Yeah that's what I've read but then when I read another part on myglasgow it said you usually have to complete each course at D3 or better.

My exact situation is:

Business 1A: A5

Psychology 1A: B3

Economics 1A: C3

GPA of 15.

Will very likely get B3 or above for both Business and Psych 1B but might not get a D3 for Economics 1B.

Each course worth 20 credits, but when I read the bit about progressing to Level 2 it said you need to have 80 credits with 60 at D3 or higher. That can't be right surely? You only need to get D3 or higher in 3 courses the whole year? Or does that mean each semester?

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Yeah that's what I've read but then when I read another part on myglasgow it said you usually have to complete each course at D3 or better.

My exact situation is:

Business 1A: A5

Psychology 1A: B3

Economics 1A: C3

GPA of 15.

Will very likely get B3 or above for both Business and Psych 1B but might not get a D3 for Economics 1B.

Each course worth 20 credits, but when I read the bit about progressing to Level 2 it said you need to have 80 credits with 60 at D3 or higher. That can't be right surely? You only need to get D3 or higher in 3 courses the whole year? Or does that mean each semester?

Absolutely no idea what mycampus and all that shit means. I largely ignore it. Waste of £14 million.

For most courses the situation seems to be:

The course credit threshold is usually 120.

D3 is the lowest pass. If you take 6 20 credit courses in a year you normally have to get at least a D3 (i.e. a pass) in every single course. If you fail any course, you have to do a resit in August. Normally the grade for that will be capped at D3 unless you have a medical or similar exemption from the first exam diet. If you don't pass that resit, you'll have to false-start or f**k off.

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Absolutely no idea what mycampus and all that shit means. I largely ignore it. Waste of £14 million.

For most courses the situation seems to be:

The course credit threshold is usually 120.

D3 is the lowest pass. If you take 6 20 credit courses in a year you normally have to get at least a D3 (i.e. a pass) in every single course. If you fail any course, you have to do a resit in August. Normally the grade for that will be capped at D3 unless you have a medical or similar exemption from the first exam diet. If you don't pass that resit, you'll have to false-start or f**k off.

That's what I expected, cheers.

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I did Geography, which I'd like to think falls into the 'proper' degree category but found all 4 years to be a real skive. Aside from the odd last minute craming/essay writing session, I think the most work I ever did in a day was 4 or 5 hours. I realise for some degrees you need to work MUCH harder than that to do well, but it's because of my experience that I think having a degree (in the main) isn't much to write home about.

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To progress to Business Management Honours the criteria is thus:

"Students may normally progress to Honours study only if they achieve at least an average grade C3 across Business and Management 2A and 2B courses at the first attempt, provided that no grade falls below a D.
Students must also have acquired 240 credits by the end of their 2nd year, 200 of which must be at grade D or above and a GPA of at least 9."

It therefore seems that you can achieve below a D3 in 40 credits in your other subjects and still progress into Honours in Business.

Also, you usually get three shots to pass an exam - i.e if you fail the resit in August, I imagine they'll still let you into second year and you can do the exam only (you don't have to go to all the classes, tutorials etc)

Edited by Bonksy+HisChristianParade
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To progress to Business Management Honours the criteria is thus:

"Students may normally progress to Honours study only if they achieve at least an average grade C3 across Business and Management 2A and 2B courses at the first attempt, provided that no grade falls below a D.

Students must also have acquired 240 credits by the end of their 2nd year, 200 of which must be at grade D or above and a GPA of at least 9."

It therefore seems that you can achieve below a D3 in 40 credits in your other subjects and still progress into Honours in Business.

Also, you usually get three shots to pass an exam - i.e if you fail the resit in August, I imagine they'll still let you into second year and you can do the exam only (you don't have to go to all the classes, tutorials etc)

Yeah I'd read that too, that's why I was confused. I was wondering then if I got an E or whatever for Econ 1B, do I actually have to resit if apparently I only need 200 out of the 240 credits to be D3 or higher at the end of 2nd year?

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I still think you need to resit just to get enough credits to progress. A fail is no credits, and you can't progress to honours without full credits.

The difference is that in a resit, I think you can only achieve a D3 regardless of your actual score. Or at least that's what I've been led to believe, never bothered with them myself.

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The whole "200 of which must be at a grade D or above" part seems pretty superfluous then, does it not? Hardly clear requirements anyway...

In summary, I have no idea Honest Man. :lol:

Just email that Angela Lyle bird. She is pretty good for responding.

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The whole "200 of which must be at a grade D or above" part seems pretty superfluous then, does it not? Hardly clear requirements anyway...

In summary, I have no idea Honest Man. :lol:

Just email that Angela Lyle bird. She is pretty good for responding.

Yeah if what Supras is saying is right then there basically appears to be no point in even sitting the resit as you could write any old shite and get a D3! :lol:

Anyway, I've emailed my advisor about it and might email Angela too. Cheers everyone.

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Yeah if what Supras is saying is right then there basically appears to be no point in even sitting the resit as you could write any old shite and get a D3! :lol:

Anyway, I've emailed my advisor about it and might email Angela too. Cheers everyone.

No, you can fail easily enough, but you can give an A1 effort and only get a D3. It's a pass fail situation.

Sorry I didn't make that clear.

Also Venders is a satire...

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No, you can fail easily enough, but you can give an A1 effort and only get a D3. It's a pass fail situation.

Sorry I didn't make that clear.

Also Venders is a satire...

Ah right, I should have realised that's what you meant.

Venders was too cringey for me to continue.

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