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Aberdeen Fan Accidentally Set On Fire


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Guest Springboard
Did you bravely witness that, too?


This thread is total carnage; I wish I got here sooner, I would most definitely have sided with EF. That's not to say I believe he's anything other than a ranting mentalist, but he is most definitely the underdog in this particular exchange and I always like a challenge.

Fair play, EF. You've put up a spirited defence. Everything you've posted contradicts itself in one way or another, but it was a spirited fight nonetheless - kudos.

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You have just agreed with me.

real != not real

If I've just agreed with you, you've contradicted yourself because you tried to somehow compare CoD's relation to real people with laughing at the image of a burning man.

And in fact, I realise I made an error (well, not an error...more of an oversight).

Let's assume that CoD is a concrete instantiation of shooting people (i.e. "shooting virtual people"). That means it isn't the abstract: the abstract is shooting people, and just because you enjoy the concrete it doesn't mean you enjoy the abstract, or any other instantiations of it.

However, you have admitted to laughing at the abstract notion of a man dressed as a sheep running through a train whilst on fire. That means you, by extension, would laugh at Saturday's concrete occurrence.

For an abstract notion, A, C ⊆ A, where C is a set of concrete instantiations.

And basic set theory dictates that what is true for a set, is also true for all subsets.

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Guest Springboard
So what did the carriage smell like Sir Calum?

I'm willing to bet on baaaaaaabeque.

See, now, that's already been used - repeatedly.

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Soo nice weather on sunday :)

that's kinda funny, a bit like when someone quotes what they're having for their tea that night.

sir calum has taken a right pounding on this thread and I don't know if its because he is an unpopular forum member and its payback or for some other reason. is there something so wrong with giving a dramatic account of events he had witnessed?

I haven't read the whole thread so maybe I've missed something obvious. or perhaps the posters that are laying into him are the type of people who spend their whole lives online and have seen every video clip from the hilarious student lighting his own fart to the delightful 1 cup 2 girls and the thought of some chap running about on fire is pretty tame stuff.

hopefully a video clip will appear online of the incident and we can all have a good laugh about it. only for its slapstick qualities of course, not because someone got hurt.

anyway, mince and tatties.

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That's some of the biggest load of pish posted here - and EastFootball has had a damned good crack at posting mince so that's saying something.

You alone cannot decide what is moralistic, unless you are assuming everyone applies specifically to your personal moral compass, and what has conscience have to do with anything? And how can I have "no conscience of" it just doesn't make sense.

Nobody is laughing at the lad. Just because you are incapable of finding humour in abstracted situations doesn't mean the rest of us can't, and it's nothing more than arrogance to assume that we are crossing some sort of moral divide when we do.

Now you can keep on "biting" all you wish, but it's not my intention to keep casting you bait. ;)

It was tongue-in-cheek hence the lol's!

And, f**k knows where conscience came from, it should have said consequence :)

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Do they teach it in the Strathclyde Region in primary school. Do you get a standard grade in spreading your rubbish round the garden/street.

On the topic of standard grades spud,did you fail your English for lack of correct punctuation marks? Thought so!

This thread is now getting rather tedious and possibly should be closed. Just an observation. <_<

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Car crash interwebbery doesn't even begin to cover SCF's posts on this thread.

So expressing disgust at people who like the thought of someone being on fire, and defending my account of events against arseholes counts for "Car crash interwebbery"?

Mind you, why I even taking seriously the opinion of someone who can't even get a 3-character initialism correct?

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You are the first St Mirren poster I have come across that I might actually like.

ach ye don't know me - im sure it'll change :lol:

Of course not, and neither you nor I would have done that.

That doesn't suggest there aren't muppets out there who would though. (Edit: the fact it actually happened demonstrates that).

What I meant by I wouldn't was I wouldnt think twice about dressing up as a sheep incase anyone set me on fire (a sentence i would never have thought i would have spoke/typed in my life :lol: ) not that I wouldn't have set someone on fire. Not sure if it came across/understood that way.

Anyway another 2 pages of this!

Callum guy - I still agree he wasn't trying to 'oh look at me I was there drama' other people have turned it into a farce! A thread was started about the incident the guy told you what he knew as he was there - it should have been a 'thanks for the info' 'hope the guy is ok' that must have been frightening' kind of thread. Someone somewhere said something along the lines of 'if that is the most frightening situation you have been in in your life then you are lucky' - so what - I've never been in a train carriage on fire and I'm bloody glad I also think it is a positive thing if that is the worse situation he has been in not something to have a go about.

Any who knows the guy please pass on my best wishes and I hope the idiot who did gets charged/fined etc whatever happens.

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So expressing disgust at people who like the thought of someone being on fire, and defending my account of events against arseholes counts for "Car crash interwebbery"?

Mind you, why I even taking seriously the opinion of someone who can't even get a 3-character initialism correct?

My apologies for my typo, it must be difficult being perfect.

I'm generally referring to the series of :1eye posts - you could have let this thread lie 24 hours ago and saved yourself the hassle!

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My apologies for my typo, it must be difficult being perfect.

I'm generally referring to the series of :1eye posts - you could have let this thread lie 24 hours ago and saved yourself the hassle!

Those posts at least managed to shut 2 people up...the third claimed to not be annoyed and the 4th played the spamming card.

I don't see I should have let things lie. I'm entitled to defend myself and my opinion from imbeciles who think it's funny to exaggerate what someone has said, then have a go at them for it, and to laugh at the thought of someone being on fire.

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Those posts at least managed to shut 2 people up...the third claimed to not be annoyed and the 4th played the spamming card.

3dmad7359952.gif <-- you!


I don't see I should have let things lie. I'm entitled to defend myself and my opinion from imbeciles who think it's funny to exaggerate what someone has said, then have a go at them for it, and to laugh at the thought of someone being on fire.

What a fūcking tit you really are. And a desperately arrogant and small minded one at that. You've constantly berated people for what they can and can't think. What we should and shouldn't find funny. Who the fūck do you think you are, the fūcking thought police? :lol:

You are far from the sole arbiter of what is good and bad, and to even think that takes a fucking massive ego.

Of course, I wasn't there man, I didn't see what you saw. You carried the dead bodies of your buddies out of that swamp while Charlie peppered you with rounds. You are a hero. :rolleyes:

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3dmad7359952.gif <-- you!


What a fūcking tit you really are. And a desperately arrogant and small minded one at that. You've constantly berated people for what they can and can't think. What we should and shouldn't find funny. Who the fūck do you think you are, the fūcking thought police? :lol:

You are far from the sole arbiter of what is good and bad, and to even think that takes a fucking massive ego.

Of course, I wasn't there man, I didn't see what you saw. You carried the dead bodies of your buddies out of that swamp while Charlie peppered you with rounds. You are a hero. :rolleyes:

Out of interest do you secretly forward on disgusting racist jokes about Indians and Pakistanis, thinking you are perfectly justified, because you think they are 'funny'?

You are completely exaggerating, he never said anything as prosaic as you describe.

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3dmad7359952.gif <-- you!


What a fūcking tit you really are. And a desperately arrogant and small minded one at that. You've constantly berated people for what they can and can't think. What we should and shouldn't find funny. Who the fūck do you think you are, the fūcking thought police? :lol:

You are far from the sole arbiter of what is good and bad, and to even think that takes a fucking massive ego.

I'm perfectly entitled to berate people for what they can and can't think.

You're living in cloud cuckoo land if you think people don't have that right.

Of course, I wasn't there man, I didn't see what you saw. You carried the dead bodies of your buddies out of that swamp while Charlie peppered you with rounds. You are a hero. :rolleyes:

And there we go again...you seem to take great pleasure in over-exaggerating what I've said and then using that to attack me. A classic strawman situation.

I also note you've ignored one of my posts... :)

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Out of interest do you secretly forward on disgusting racist jokes about Indians and Pakistanis, thinking you are perfectly justified, because you think they are 'funny'?

Spud, considering you entered this thread with a volley of personal abuse, I believe that comment is laced with irony.

Although the assumption I am racist because I find abstract comedic situations is somewhat of a novel approach.

You are completely exaggerating, he never said anything as prosaic as you describe.

I am guessing you don't understand what the word "prosaic" actually means. Once you do look it up, I am sure you will realise your mistake.

Prosaic actually means lacking in imagination, it comes from the Latin prōsaicus, when let's be honest I thought my description was wonderfully imaginative. :)

You have to remember spud, you weren't there man, you can't comment on the subject.

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