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How much cash is there in circulation worldwide? I read a shite Jack Reacher novel on holiday a couple of years ago that stated that there is roughly $300 US paper money per person in circulationin the states, but I don't tend to take my economics info very seriously when it has been gleaned from cheap paperbacks about beating folk up and shagging birds.

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I would also like to know how much money there is in total in the world, Surely there is an exact figure.

I read somewhere/made up in my head that people like Bill Gates/Carlos Slim etc. have more money than is actually physically available. They can't go to their bank and withdraw everything because it doesn't exist.

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I read somewhere/made up in my head that people like Bill Gates/Carlos Slim etc. have more money than is actually physically available. They can't go to their bank and withdraw everything because it doesn't exist.

I'm no economist but I'd guess that if 99% of the wealth is shared by 1% of the population then that 1% are effectively recirculating the world's cash amongst themselves.

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I read somewhere/made up in my head that people like Bill Gates/Carlos Slim etc. have more money than is actually physically available. They can't go to their bank and withdraw everything because it doesn't exist.

I'm no economist but I'd guess that if 99% of the wealth is shared by 1% of the population then that 1% are effectively recirculating the world's cash amongst themselves.

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The problem as said by oxfam is also tax havens and tax avoidance etc. The more i think about it the more i despair and i don't feel any better being in the top 10% bracket.

Are any p and b posters millionaires?

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Interesting for me to read how many of the top 60 were from Hong Kong (i lived there for 10 years until last January) - for a 'city' of only 7 million people they have a huge number of millionaires. Anyone who wants to start a campaign to distribute the world's wealth more equally/fairly could do worse than start there. China isn't even at the races when it comes to unequal division of wealth compared to Hong Kong.

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I just watched that dumping video, what's the point in it? Why not just come out and ask her about it or tell her straight you know she's had an affair and you are leaving her?

The guy seems like a complete weirdo to be honest. I don't blame her for having an affair.

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He obviously wanted to humiliate her like she did onto him. Wouldnt be the way most of us went about our business but each to their own.

Genuinely find it a bit weird. The fact that he went round and filmed the house to prove he hadn't smashed it up suggests that smashing up the house is something that's on the agenda.

Also, has he not just made the world far more aware that his bird cheated on him? Whatever happened to keeping private things private?

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He wanted to publicly humiliate her because he was humiliated himself. You see stuff like this on Facebook all the time, not sure why your giving it more attention than it deserves, the guy is definitely a bit odd and she is a slapper end of.

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He wanted to publicly humiliate her because he was humiliated himself. You see stuff like this on Facebook all the time, not sure why your giving it more attention than it deserves, the guy is definitely a bit odd and she is a slapper end of.

I've never watched one before and it all seemed a bit Raoul Moaty IMO.

What would you do if you knew that Mrs Throbber was having an affair? Would you put a video on the internet and leave her in a blaze of publicity, would you deal with it privately or would you just let it continue, crippled by the fear of being alone?

I'd probably go wth option 3, I can't be bothered moving house again.

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Actually ridiculously twisted and strange that video, surely he couldn't have been that gutted over the whole thing to put so much effort and thought into that. Not sure why he kept reassuring people he wasn't going to smash the place up/go back either. Absolute psycho behaviour.

Definitely would've been in tears and away back up to the house after he'd stopped singing and recording in hope that she would take his weirdo self back again and promise not to see Tom before being telt to gtf.

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