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The folk across the way from us have still got their Christmas lights up, inside and outside the house!

Just f*ck off with that! It's over for this year. There is nothing so pathetic as Christmas lights in daylight in the rain!

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The folk across the way from us have still got their Christmas lights up, inside and outside the house!


Just f*ck off with that! It's over for this year. There is nothing so pathetic as Christmas lights in daylight in the rain!

Petty things that get on your nerve for this pish.
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Two things:

1. Been listening to The Doors debut album a lot recently. What an absolute topper it is. Why the f**k did it take me this long to start listening to them. Twentieth Century Fox and Break on Through would have to be my favourites from the album

2. I only came on the thread to post the above, but that post about arse pain has reminded me of my bollock pain.

I quite often get a deep-seated ache in the left side of my baws/groin area. It's uncomfortable and only really stops if I hold the sore area.Had it for as long as I can remember, and usually mostly occurs in the morning. Walking about all day commando also causes them to be very sore. Anything to worry about?

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2. I only came on the thread to post the above, but that post about arse pain has reminded me of my bollock pain.

I quite often get a deep-seated ache in the left side of my baws/groin area. It's uncomfortable and only really stops if I hold the sore area.Had it for as long as I can remember, and usually mostly occurs in the morning. Walking about all day commando also causes them to be very sore. Anything to worry about?

Probably not but you should always get these things checked out. If nothing else, do you really want to walk around in pain when you don't have to?

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Was just about to head out for lunch when I realised that my wallet wasn't in my jacket pocket. Went back to my desk, wasn't there, panic sets in. I also realise that my work pass and iPod are missing from the pockets too. "It can't be the case that they fell out my pockets on the way to work, surely?!" I thought.

So, I head to my other half's work to get the car keys and a lend of some lunch money. Go to the multistorey car park, no wallet in car. Fuuuuck.

So, panicking about losing all my cards and ~£60 in cash, I go to get some lunch with my borrowed money. I get my change, go to put it in the safe inside pocket... only to find no inside pocket. Upon further inspection, it turns out I've picked up the wrong jacket at work and all is in fact just fine. What an idiot. :(

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Was just about to head out for lunch when I realised that my wallet wasn't in my jacket pocket. Went back to my desk, wasn't there, panic sets in. I also realise that my work pass and iPod are missing from the pockets too. "It can't be the case that they fell out my pockets on the way to work, surely?!" I thought.

So, I head to my other half's work to get the car keys and a lend of some lunch money. Go to the multistorey car park, no wallet in car. Fuuuuck.

So, panicking about losing all my cards and ~£60 in cash, I go to get some lunch with my borrowed money. I get my change, go to put it in the safe inside pocket... only to find no inside pocket. Upon further inspection, it turns out I've picked up the wrong jacket at work and all is in fact just fine. What an idiot. :(

I had a similar facepalm moment last night. I was heading out to work last night preparing a bag to take to my girlfriend's house after work. I even remember picking up my wallet to see if I had change, which got me all panicking as I turned up to work with no wallet in my back pocket. I let it slide during work (only a 3 hour shift) and phoned my mum while I was on my way to my girlfriend's house. She had a look but couldn't find it anywhere in the house.

I sat wondering where the f**k it could be, and started to panic, as it is a major pain in the arse to have everything in my wallet cancelled/renewed.

Turns out I'd put it in my bag. Total fud.

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Still, wasn't as bad as the time I accidentally woke up at 8:45, rushed to get to work for 9, set up shop, worked for an hour and then realise realised from a tourist saying "I'm surprised you still run tours this late on in the day" that I'd turned up for work 12hrs early. I was 'jetlagged' the next day as I'd convinced my body it was morning.

In my defence, it was the height of summer where sunlight's the same brightness both am and pm, I worked in a cave so I couldn't see the light outside fade and my boss replied to the news by saying "ha, I've done that a few times myself" as if there was nothing stupid about it.

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Was just about to head out for lunch when I realised that my wallet wasn't in my jacket pocket. Went back to my desk, wasn't there, panic sets in. I also realise that my work pass and iPod are missing from the pockets too. "It can't be the case that they fell out my pockets on the way to work, surely?!" I thought.

So, I head to my other half's work to get the car keys and a lend of some lunch money. Go to the multistorey car park, no wallet in car. Fuuuuck.

So, panicking about losing all my cards and ~£60 in cash, I go to get some lunch with my borrowed money. I get my change, go to put it in the safe inside pocket... only to find no inside pocket. Upon further inspection, it turns out I've picked up the wrong jacket at work and all is in fact just fine. What an idiot. :(

Is your name Rodney and your other half Cassandra?

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