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Just found out the post in the Renal ward(where I'm on placement) has been re advertised,application fired off again,hopefully I get another interview!

The strange thing was, my charge nurse, the one who interviewed me for my previous application, in which I didn't do too well in the interview, pulled me aside at work yesterday and was giving me a little advice about interview techniques :)

Excellent! Hope it goes well.

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Got in to work on time as usual. Very productive morning during which I really applied myself and got a lot of good work done.

I should point out though that the work I was doing this morning was doing an application form for a job I saw online in Aberdeen. I plan to finish the form tomorrow morning. It's very in depth and requires between 500-1400 words per answer.

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Got in to work on time as usual. Very productive morning during which I really applied myself and got a lot of good work done.

I should point out though that the work I was doing this morning was doing an application form for a job I saw online in Aberdeen. I plan to finish the form tomorrow morning. It's very in depth and requires between 500-1400 words per answer.

Does it say that or is that your understanding? I can't imagine recruiters wanting to wade through that much shite.

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If I see someone had written that much I wouldn't even read it.

We had to do this "Positive Selection" pish in the work. Basically this means answering a series of questions and getting marked on them. The lowest scorers would then be "found" other jobs within the company. This makes management feel better about shafting folk into jobs they don't want as it's up to the individuals answering the questions about their work rather than them just picking folk.

The answers to the questions were to be no more than 300 words long, so I made sure mine were no more than 275 just to keep it concise. After it was all done and dusted I asked my gaffer for feedback on my answers. I was told that I'd answered the questions perfectly, but the only slight gripe HR had was my answers were too long.

I honestly couldn't have done them in fewer words without failing to answer them properly.

Edited by KnightswoodBear
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Organising my trip back to the UK with my dog and instead of forking out the 400-500 BA asks to put an animal on as cargo I've decided to do Malaga to Bilbao on the train, Bilbao to Portsmouth on the ferry then Portsmouth to Glasgow is some as yet unknown fashion. The first two parts are less than 200 combined, and I'm strangely excited at the prospect of this journey.

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I've always loves getting the train when traveling about

It's truly the civilised way to travel, when affordable. The California Zephyr service is by far the best in the world, despite Amtrak's Scotrail-esque incompetence they still cover the best rolling tour of the US on offer. Chicago-San Francisco remains by far the best trip I've ever taken.

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