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In one of those pondering moments everyone has, the realisation suddenly hit me that in the 21st century the existence of forbidden swear words are absolutely ridiculous.

Words like shit. The meaning of the word shit isn't offensive, it either means something isn't good or its a bodily function, so its only the word itself that is offensive, but why? Other than we have all been brought up to think swear words are bad.

In this day and age for us to still be offended by words like that just because they are words we have been told from a young age are bad words is hilariously tragic for a species as evolved as ours.

Clarification* I know not everyone is offended by swear words, but when you still have things like the watershed on TV and teaching kids not say bad words then the problem is still a huge one and must be stopped at all costs or else we will go the same way as the dinosaurs.

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Our four ships are docked together for the first time in Bergen and I feel slightly aggrieved that I'm not there. Instead I'm stuck at college revising.

And it's sunny in Bergen today, which never normally happens.

So that's where SJC is.

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In one of those pondering moments everyone has, the realisation suddenly hit me that in the 21st century the existence of forbidden swear words are absolutely ridiculous.

Words like shit. The meaning of the word shit isn't offensive, it either means something isn't good or its a bodily function, so its only the word itself that is offensive, but why? Other than we have all been brought up to think swear words are bad.

In this day and age for us to still be offended by words like that just because they are words we have been told from a young age are bad words is hilariously tragic for a species as evolved as ours.

Clarification* I know not everyone is offended by swear words, but when you still have things like the watershed on TV and teaching kids not say bad words then the problem is still a huge one and must be stopped at all costs or else we will go the same way as the dinosaurs.

Agreed, it's funny on these news shows when someone swears and then the presenter apologises like f**k. Get a grip

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Primark security guard 'removes baby from woman's breast'

Claims a Primark security guard removed a woman's baby while she was breastfeeding and ordered her to leave the store are being investigated by police.

Caroline Starmer said on Facebook the security guard at the Leicester store told her if she wanted her daughter "I was to come and get her".


Primark breastfeeding assault woman summoned to court for "intent to pervert the course of public justice".


The Facebook mummy brigade will be livid to see they're banned from discussing the case online.

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If they phone and demand you pay it back threaten to cancel, threaten report them to the ombudsman and raise a complaint.

It's amazing how quickly they'll leave you alone when they think they'll lose business.

I work for a bank and what you say is not really true. You get people threatening to close their accounts everyday and I can assure you that although yes, the bank will log a complaint, losing a customer who's deep into their overdraft is no huge loss. Shite way to look at things but it's the truth.

As for Throbber predicament. The bank are correct in saying that it's only the sort code and account number that matters, everything else is just for reference. If Throbber came out from the outset and claimed the money was sent to him correctly that would be the end of it. No way to prove that you haven't just sent someone cash and them changed your mind. You're basically covered for f**k all if you transfer cash online. Had to deal with a customer who transferred £2500 to someone for shares and it turned out to be a scam. Felt awful for the poor sod when I explained there was really nothing that can be done about it by the bank. Well I didn't feel awful at all but you get the picture.

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A peacock stole my gran's ice cream once. Just sidled up behind her, stuck it's whole face right in the cone, then danced about in front of the other peacocks like it just wanted to give everyone a laugh.

They didn't look impressed; bunch of miserable Mardi Gras chickens.

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