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I not only like Budweiser but I have a Budweiser tshirt.

Carlsberg is better though. Carling is atrocious. Tennents is alright on draft.

Carlsberg is no way better but often a cheaper option!

I'm not 100% sure if I were to be blindfolded I could distinguish between tennents fosters carlsberg and carling but would like to think I could. I quite like heineken but you never really see a 12 pack of it in the supermarket

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I'm not even joking.

I am a broken man today.

You think Im having a laugh?

On Topic: anyone who drinks lager is a pussy that is in dire need of manning the f**k up.

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First 10 seconds :lol:


Anyone got better footage than this chump?

Chose a great viewpoint, perfect lighting and a wasp fucks it up. Looked way better quality than a mobile with a wee battery though, why couldn't he keep it on record? Funny though.

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