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2 minutes ago, Jmothecat2 said:

Just me who thinks that clip makes it pretty obvious Griffiths was time-wasting?

I thought he made a gesture too. Not that there's any excuse for lobbing bottles and such like st him obviously. 

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Why would he time waste when they were winning 2-0 and obviously cruising? 

Because it's Lee Griffiths and he does it in literally every game Celtic are winning in. Absolutely no excuse for having stuff chucked at you, disgraceful, but in that video he spends thirty seconds picking things up to show the ref, the ref speaks to him, he goes back to take the corner, then goes and picks something else up to show the ref. I've no problem with the ref booking him for that.
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On a bus ( hate them) home after work. Sit at back then a junkie ( aye she is ) sits at back beside me. Asks if I have a pen, I do so I gave her it. She then goes on to ask me how to spell a few things which I have no problem helping out with. She then goes on to tell me she is writing a doctor's note to give to a person who refuses to pierce her lip because she is on a methadone program. So she is writing this letter pretending to be a doctor so she can get this piercing. She then gives me a story about buying new converse she's every week because she hates getting dirt on them so she needs to buy a new one.

Eh need a can of irn bru

Are doctors allowed to prescribe piercings?
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Oi you fucking c***s.

Stop slagging Moray Cup.

I've tried Moray Cup. Tastes like Red Kola. Interesting label though. Two guys, not from Scotland, in some tropical setting, drinking a drink that is a different colour to the one in the bottle.
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I've tried Moray Cup. Tastes like Red Kola. Interesting label though. Two guys, not from Scotland, in some tropical setting, drinking a drink that is a different colour to the one in the bottle.

What makes you think they aren't from Scotland?
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