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Was at Ibrox today for Rangers-Chelsea and it was the most bizarre match I've ever been at. It was a love-fest, both teams singing eachother's songs and Rule Britannia/GSTQ :barf It gets even worse, when Rangers scores the Chelsea fans turned to the **** and sang "That's why you're champions" :lol:

:barf :barf

What's your excuse for being there though?

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was at a family reunion shite yesterday cellebrating someones 50 anniversary. What a load of pish it was. i Was required to talk to boring family members who i have only seen like twice before about almost exactly the same thing for about 5 hours ( i left half way through). I simply don't give a f**k about their lives and thye probably dont care about mine so why do i have to force myself to talk to them just because they happen to be family.

On the plus side the food was good.

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