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Things you want to share with P&B

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I appeared to have missed the bit where you were made supreme overlord of P&B and got to dictate as to who should and shouldn't post here.

I wasn't.

I said you needed to sell your PC so as to do the Internet a favour. As in, the Internet would be a much better place without your constant "me, me, me" crap.

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Where does it look like I didn't understand it, you fucking tool? laugh.gif

Let's be honest, your only concern is, and always has been, yourself. So stop trying to take the moral high ground.

On this specific matter, I totally disagree with you and I acknowledge that I can have no moral high ground in this instance, but if that's your interpretation, so be it.

I don't know why I waste my energy if I'm honest. He's a waste of skin and chemicals.

And I can see that any further attempt to convince you otherwise would be a waste of both our time.

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Few beers, new corner sofa, fitba on the tv, pointless midweek friendly coupon, 42" telly, missus away to her mums.

Don't think life will get much better tonight.

A knock on the door from a lovely new female neighbour asking to borrow some sugar....

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I appeared to have missed the bit where you were made supreme overlord of P&B and got to dictate as to who should and shouldn't post here.

The clue's in his username. Honestly Kilt... his suggestion is one of the most reasonable things he's posted in the last 6 months.

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I wasn't.

I said you needed to sell your PC so as to do the Internet a favour. As in, the Internet would be a much better place without your constant "me, me, me" crap.

I can only refer you to the reply given to Adam above.

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Of course, I could state at this moment in time that to achieve such a high status, the said suggestion would have to be an absolute necessity! ;)

Edit: but I'm not going to. Become EastFootball again and be an all right poster.

Edited by Exuberant
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Edit: but I'm not going to. Become EastFootball again and be an all right poster.

On the former, I don't really want to return to that name because I was continually overcome with a sense of spam-guilt when posting.

On the latter, I have mellowed recently. But if I think someone is being a cretin (or such like), I'll let them know.

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