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Guest The Phoenix

You and TP should just moooove on.

C'mon now, no more puns. Let's not milk it.

I should stay. He can hoof it!

I think you all deserve a pat on the head.

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I'm due at work in exactly 3 minutes for my shift; however I'm still on a bus home and won't be at work for another 20 minutes. Do I care, nope cause I was told I could come in late since I'm covering a shift. I'm wondering how late I'll get away with!

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I'm due at work in exactly 3 minutes for my shift; however I'm still on a bus home and won't be at work for another 20 minutes. Do I care, nope cause I was told I could come in late since I'm covering a shift. I'm wondering how late I'll get away with!

I do this. My current record is 4 hours.

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I do this. My current record is 4 hours.

Nice. Shame I'm only covering for someone and it's a three hours shift. :lol:

Looking at least half an hour, so 1/6, that's not too bad. Mind you I quite enjoy my work. It's so simplistically easy and non-taxing.

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Nice. Shame I'm only covering for someone and it's a three hours shift. :lol:

Looking at least half an hour, so 1/6, that's not too bad. Mind you I quite enjoy my work. It's so simplistically easy and non-taxing.

I despise my work, currently looking for a new job so hopefully I'll get the same enjoyment as you do!

Highlight of my working career( I work nightshift) has to be last year. I work Tuesday and Wednesday nights and Thistle had a back log of games midweek. Approached the Senior Manager asking for permission to start late. Expected to be told to f**k off but, delightfully, he was a Morton fan. He took great pleasure in telling me I could go to as many games as I wanted as we wouldn't win the league. How his smile fell over the next few months. The only time I actively looked forward to work.

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A big b*****d Herring Gull just dive-bombed me from behind and took off with half of my tuna mayo sandwich as I walked down the street!!!

One the size of a small child went for my steak pie the other day.

Top predator in Aberdeen.

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My backup business venture was always going to be a Scottish insect repellant called 'Die You b*****d Midge'

Have a logo ready and everything:


If it's a choice between Jungle Formula, Skin So Soft or that in a Portree shop, which one are you going to buy? No brainier.

Edited by Hedgecutter
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My backup business venture was always going to be a Scottish insect repellant called 'Die You b*****d Midge'

Have a logo ready and everything:Scottishmidge.jpg

If it's a choice between Jungle Formula, Skin So Soft or that in a Portree shop, which one are you going to buy? No brainier.

Aye, kill the b*****d, I always hated him!


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A big b*****d Herring Gull just dive-bombed me from behind and took off with half of my tuna mayo sandwich as I walked down the street!!!

I've just finished reading and watching Watership Down and I had a vision of your scenario in my head with Keehar as the gull.

That's my thing I want to share; I've managed to finish a book for the first time in something like five years and I actually enjoyed the experience. I can do anything.

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