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The complete list:

0 Mario Aerts, Yukiya Arashiro, Stephane Augé, Michael Barry, Francesco Bellotti, Jose Alberto Benitez, Edvald Boasson Hagen, Lars Boom, Maxime Bouet, Pavel Brutt, Fabian Cancellara, Manuel Cardoso, Dries Devenyns, Samuel Dumoulin, Julien El Farès, Simon Gerrans, Anthony Geslin, Bert Grabsch, Christopher Horner, Robert Hunter, Kristjan Koren, Burt Lancaster, David Le Lay, Christophe Le Mével, Adriano Malori, Koes Moerenhout, Amael Moinard, Lloyd Mondory, Damien Monier, Juan Jose Oroz, Remi Pauriol, Mathieu Perget, Gregory Rast, Mark Renshaw, Nicolas Roche, Jurgen Roelandts, Pierre Rolland, Anthony Roux, Jeremy Roy, Mathieu Sp***k, Rein Taaramae, Sebastien Turgot, Niki Terpstra, Brian Vandborg, Kristof Vandewalle, Ivan Velasco, Thomas Voeckler, Fabian Wegmann, David Zabriskie

1 Marcus Burghardt, Sandy Casar, Anthony Charteau, Sylvain Chavanel, Julian Dean, Mickael Delage, Martin Elmiger, Johannes Fröhlinger, Jakob Fuglsang, Robert Gesink, Xavier Florencio, Adam Hansen, Ryder Hesjedal, George Hincapie, Andreas Klier, Roger Kluge, Alexander Kuchinsky, Daniel Lloyd, Mirco Lorenzetto, Martijn Maaskant, Aitor Pérez, Alan Pérez, Jerome Pineau, Ruben Plaza, Alexandre Pliuschin, MaartenTjallingii, Rafael Valls, Maarten Wynants

2 Eros Capecchi, Mark Cavendish, Stephen Cummings, Remy Di Gregorio, Arkaitz Duran, Mathias Frank, Oscar Freire, John Gadret, Francesco Gavazzi, Volodymir Gustov, Thor Hushovd, Christophe Kern, Thomas Löfkvist, Sebastien Minard, Daniel Navarro, Grischa Niermann, Stuart O'Grady, Rubén Pérez, Christophe Riblon, Thomas Rohregger, L. L. Sanchez, Carlos Sastre, Fränk Schleck, Simon Spilak, Bram Tankink, Stijn Vandenbergh, Benoit Vaugrenard, Jens Voigt, Eduard Vorganov

3 Ivan Basso, Grega Bole, Brent Bookwalter, Dimitri Champion, Gerald Ciolek, Rui Costa, Damiano Cunego, Mauro Da Dalto, Francis De Greef, Markus Eibegger, Imanol Erviti, Tyler Farrar, Fabio Felline, Juan Antonio Flecha, Maxim Iglinskiy, Vasil Kiryienka, Roman Kreuziger, Matthieu Ladagnous, Robbie McEwen, Maxime Monfort, Sergio Paulinho, Joaquin Rodriguez, Andy Schleck, Chris Anker Sörensen, Sylvester Szmyd, Paolo Tiralongo, Amets Txurruka, Johan Van Summeren, Gorka Verdugo, Charles Wegelius

4 Lance Armstrong, Janez Brajkovic, Bernhard Eisel, Cadel Evans, Pierrick Fédrigo, Juan Manuel Garate, Andriy Grivko, Jesus Hernandez, Ignatas Konovalovas, Sebastian Lang, Levi Leipheimer, David Millar, Daniel Moreno, Serge Pauwels, Manuel Quinziato, Luke Roberts, Samuel Sanchez, Christian Vande Velde, Nicolas Vogondy

5 Alessandro Ballan, Matti Breschel, Alberto Contador, Cyril Gautier, Inaki Isasi, Sergei Ivanov, Vladimir Karpets, Alexandr Kolobnev, Karsten Kroon, Steve Morabito, Benjamin Noval, Jose Rojas, Nicki Sörensen, Alexander Vinokourov, Bradley Wiggins

6 Linus Gerdemann, Christian Knees, Egoi Martínez, Alessandro Petacchi, Francesco Reda, Mauro Santambrogio, Geraint Thomas

7 Jeremy Hunt, Andreas Klöden, Tony Martin, Christophe Moreau, Michael Rogers, Wesley Sulzberger

8 David De la Fuente, Ivan Gutiérrez, Danilo Hondo, Matthew Lloyd, Iban Mayoz, Dmitriy Muravyev, Rinaldo Nocentini, Daniel Oss, Kevin Seeldraeyers, Kanstantsin Siutsou, Jurgen Van Den Broeck

9 Denis Menchov

10 Carlos Barredo,Yaroslav Popovych

So what is the UCI's next step? According to L'Equipe the riders marked between 6 & 10 show "overwhelming" evidence of doping. It apparently allowed the various anti-doping bodies to target specific riders during 2010 le Tour. So why no positive results for Popo and Menchov for example? We can all have our suspicions but until riders fail specific tests - the tests that WADA certify and police - then lists like these are pretty useless (but none the less, interesting).

Edited by Sarge Bullman
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So what is the UCI's next step? According to L'Equipe the riders marked between 6 & 10 show "overwhelming" evidence of doping. It apparently allowed the various anti-doping bodies to target specific riders during 2010 le Tour. So why no positive results for Popo and Menchov for example? We can all have our suspicions but until riders fail specific tests - the tests that WADA certify and police - then lists like these are pretty useless (but none the less, interesting).

Put simply the UCI and that bungling clown McQuaid don`t have a clue how to deal with the modern day issues which face the sport, sounds familiar eh?

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Yeah just be reading, more here

This really would shake the sport to its foundation, hopefully. The biggest fraud of all time about to be found out?

Here's hoping. His sanctimony is insulting. If you are going to be a drugs cheat, at least be a bit of a dick, don't attempt to pass off as whiter than white.

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Don't know what all the fuss is about the Crostis descent, doesn't look all that bad


Yeah nothing more technical than we`ve seen before, i.e. Coul de Joux-Plane. Could just be a reaction to Weylandts death earlier in the Giro?

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It would appear the Tifosi were none too pleased at the Crostis ommission either.

Saturday's stage was shortened from 220km to 190km on Friday night after race organisers decided to pull the controversial climb and descent of the Monte Crostis.

Confusion reigned during the race prior to the ascent of the Zoncolan when the route was altered yet again following alleged protests at the foot of the Monte Taulis, a short second-category climb that has been introduced to replace the Crostis.

As a result, a further 20km was taken off the stage. This led to an initial panic from the peloton, who had let a three-man breakaway ride 12 minutes up the road.

Some frantic pace setting by the Liquigas team of Nibali saw the advantage whittled down to just three minutes at the foot of the day's showpiece finale.

I thought they booed AC as he appeared to allow Nibali to catch him in the last 500 before putting in another dig to show who's boss.

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It would appear the Tifosi were none too pleased at the Crostis ommission either.

I thought they booed AC as he appeared to allow Nibali to catch him in the last 500 before putting in another dig to show who's boss.

Yeah the crowd booed him home. At least he showed he`s human today & full marks to Anton for attacking him. Contador will probably come out & smash everyone on the Marmolada tomorrow though!

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Just realised that during my forthcoming holiday to Switzerland, that I`ll be in Grindelwald when the Tour de Suisse visits on stage 3.


The Eiger should provide a stunning backdrop for the days racing. Think I`ll take a hike to Grosse Scheidigg & watch the riders over the final climb of the day. :)

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Yeah the crowd booed him home. At least he showed he`s human today & full marks to Anton for attacking him. Contador will probably come out & smash everyone on the Marmolada tomorrow though!

I thought AC produced a very reserved performance today, always there to mark the main contenders & didn't let Anton too much of a lead.

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i think this could have been a classic grand tour if contador wasn't in it. the stages coming up could make for magic racing but i don't think we'll see anything different than we did today with big groups escaping and contador marking someone then attacking on the final climb.

i'm getting quite excited about the prospect of lance getting the jail. i'm guessing that the press are going to have to wait until the investigation concludes before they can really start digging into this but whoever does lift the lid of it will have a hell of a story on their hands. i imagine there will be some very nervous people at the uci, aso, us cycling and especially nike. 70 million livestrong bands sold on fraudulent grounds i don't think even being buddies with g.w bush will get him off this one.

hincappie giving evidence against lance is actually unbelievable. hincappie was his right hand man who rode himself into the ground for him year after year and was still helping him when they were on different teams. floyd landis is clearly a bit of a nutter and tyler hamilton lost any credibility he had after the 2004 games and being at phonak but big george is a loyal henchmen and if he has decided he can't lie to the grand jury then it's safe to assume that the garmin mob - vaughters, zabriskie and vandevelde - will be doing the same. lance is fucked now, the only question seems to be who he will take down with him. i can see levi being stupid enough to perjure himself and horner's late career resurgence marks out exactly where he stands but it's nike's reaction that interests me the most.


us postal's nazi-esque evil effiency always used to do my head in. the perfect straight line of their team trial squad was the cycling equivalent of goose stepping. it's very odd to think that they have turned on their leader.

Edited by T_S_A_R
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Yup & it would appear that the UCI are now strongly involved, Paul Kimmage told us all along...

Whilst Kimmage's

may have been a bit near the knuckle, it certainly hit the target.

Interview given by

His views on the Contador case, & he's none to complementary about Schleck.

Edited by kiddy
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Whilst Kimmage's

may have been a bit near the knuckle, it certainly hit the target.

Interview given by

His views on the Contador case, & he's none to complementary about Schleck.

Clearly referring to the age old problem of omerta within the peleton. He is right someone, somewhere in the peleton needs to start taking a stance, but who has the balls for the fight?

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Contador set to ride Tour

With the Giro in the bag(barring disaster), and with CAS hearing now postponed, we could now be set for a Schleck/Contador battle at the Tour. Contador would be the first rider to complete the double since Marco Pantani in 1998. Contador would also be the first rider to have both titles stripped if found guilty. The CAS hearing should have been dealt with long ago, & just adds to the farce which modern day cycling has become. Contador being stripped of a Giro/Tour double would be utterly ridiculous. Why all parties have decided further time is needed for the case is beyond me. The more I hear of the UCI and WADA the less I like. To me there is something more sincere at play, other than the fact they are bungling idiots.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just realised that during my forthcoming holiday to Switzerland, that I`ll be in Grindelwald when the Tour de Suisse visits on stage 3.


The Eiger should provide a stunning backdrop for the days racing. Think I`ll take a hike to Grosse Scheidigg & watch the riders over the final climb of the day. :)

A fine afternoon spent on the last climb of Grosse Scheidigg. Saw Cunego as he was catching the breakaway & went straight through, although caught on what must've been a treacherous descent I hear, still got yellow though. Andy Schleck seemed to be struggling somewhat, but probably timing his form for a months time. Waited to see Cav over the top of the climb. He wasn't last, Robbie McEwan pipped him to it! Also had the joy!?!?!, of standing near Didi, aka, the Devil. He is as mad as he looks I can assure you! A good day despite the rain this morning!

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