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Thanks for the reply. I have collected a lot of info which took ages. Can definetly see how much profit these bookmakers make and where exactly the public bet. Maybe I just need to turn the data round. Anyway thanks again and back to the drawing board.

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Betfair's own data is more relevant than Football Data's. The only problem is that Football Data have the data in a nice easy to process format, while Betfair's data is anything but easy to process. The data from one match can be spread out across the data file and some small bits can be missing or incorrect. I've often paid a couple of students to trawl through it to find what I need and put it into a new spreadsheet.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, here we go. Have I been paid correctly?

Its petty but ill go with it.

Had Lucky 15 on this and one player didn't play so its fucked it all up. Anytime scorers. 50p a line. £7.50 total stake.

(BlueSq btw)

Edin Dzeko 11/10 VOID

Marouane Chamakh 5/6 WIN

Gary Hooper 5/4 LOSE

Nick Blackman 2/1 LOSE

What should this of returned?

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I could be wrong but I'm sure when a similar thing happened to me I was paid out on a single and a double due to a void game acting as a double with the winner.

I don't know where you put it on but Ladbrokes pay double if you only get one up on a lucky 15 but as I said I think it counts as a double and a single.

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The site has been down for over five and a half hours and they'd just managed to fix it just now. Yet again Betfair screw their customers on a Saturday afternoon.

They haven't screwed their customers. They'd be screwing them if they did something pre-meditated that was to the detriment of the customers and the benefit of betfair. Premium charge for example.

Betfair don't get any benefit out of downtime, they lose revenue and reputation, they have screwed themselves.

They are causing huge inconvenience, yes, but they are not screwing them.

Edited by mid-table
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They haven't screwed their customers. They'd be screwing them if they did something pre-meditated that was to the detriment of the customers and the benefit of betfair. Premium charge for example.

Betfair don't get any benefit out of downtime, they lose revenue and reputation, they have screwed themselves.

They are causing huge inconvenience, yes, but they are not screwing them.

I disagree completely. The reason the site is unstable is that Betfair decided that they needed to "upgrade", which largely involved adding lots more games of chance to part fools with their money. Fair enough, their share price is tumbling so they need to find ways to increase their revenue. Hence the announcement that they are moving offshore. However, if you are going to add such upgrades, make sure that it doesn't start destroying your core business by making the entire site crash every weekend.

If you are a customer and it comes to about 2:45pm today and you are laying across dozens of markets and the whole site crashes and you have absolutely no idea what has been matched and what hasn't, this isn't good. If you have traded prices pre-game and have a massive liability that you do not want and suddenly can't trade out of, this isn't good. If you happened to be betting on the India v South Africa cricket game in-running, and had a massive liability that you intended to trade out of later, this isn't good. Betfair may not be screwing their customers intentionally with the site crashes, but they are screwing them none the less, particularly when they deal with the fallout from it, or rather don't do anything to deal with it. If as a business you cause massive inconvenience for customers by having a service that they are paying for unavailable for large periods of time through your own incompetence, any sensible business would compensate those customers in some way by offering some sort of refund/upgrade/discount. Betfair as usual will offer nothing. The busiest day of betting this week has pretty much been wiped out completely, yet the points decay will still be 15% come Sunday night and many people will be paying higher commission as a result. If this isn't screwing people, then I don't know what is.

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I disagree completely.

I do too...

In fact I closed my Betfair account after the last Saturday shambles as it left me with a position I intended to manage during a tennis match, but could not. I will use Betdaq from now on, even though the liquidity is poorer. I'm not a big stakes punter anyway. I can't justify giving these scumbags any more of my money.

Betfair have sacrificed customer experience for profit. By changing their IT strategy and loading the front page with shite.

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The site could be down for six days in a week and they'd still have the 15% points decay. I remember a time when at Christmas they used to have a 5% decay for one week, fat chance of that now. What was even more annoying today was that as usual there was no information for customers. For over four hours all we had was the standard "we are experiencing technical difficulties, sorry about this, we'll fix it as soon as we can, come back again later. In the meantime, why don't you look at our pointless betting information site....". No emails are sent, if you don't read the forum you wouldn't have a clue what's going on. Even the Betfair service website took about two hours to register that there was anything wrong. They had a forum live chat last month when the site was crashing regularly, but chose to ignore difficult questions asked by me and I'm sure several others. The premium helpdesk don't reply to emails regarding site crashes and my account manager didn't respond when I texted him today to ask what was going on. The site had only crashed yesterday morning during the England v Bangladesh cricket too.

Betfair are creating a lot of bad feeling at the moment, but because they have a virtual monopoly they can get away with it. Individual customers like me need Betfair far more than Betfair needs one or two disgruntled individuals. As soon as a credible alternative emerges, they'll find that people have long memories and customers leave in droves. In the meantime, if Betdaq had taken out full page adverts in every national daily newspaper and wall to wall TV adverts, they couldn't have had better advertising today. How ironic that while watching Man Utd v Arsenal, the advertising boards said "Betfair, Live Odds Bet In-Play." :lol: Quite a few people would've loved to do just that but sadly couldn't till well after that match.

Perhaps I'm evil, but I would love it if the site crashed one afternoon next week, or even better every afternoon from Tuesday to Friday. Betfair will have a marquee full of their biggest customers to deal with face to face on each of those days, so it would be most interesting to see how they deal with any crash if it were to happen. They may need to employ mid-table as head of PR. ;)

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