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31 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

Loads of people on Twitter, especially Scottish Twitter, have stories about how Godley behaves. Most of my timeline is now people sharing stories about how Godley has tried to get her followers to pile onto them for some imagined slight.


18 minutes ago, G51 said:

Godley has been a lightning rod because she’s a total p***k of a person. Some folk are desperate to ignore this obvious fact.


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I first heard of Godley when she tried to make the Glasgow bin lorry crash all about her. Presented herself to Sky News as an eye witness before admitting that she never actually saw anything, she just so happened to be nearby at the time.

A seriously disturbed woman. 



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2 hours ago, bennett said:

Janey is the victim here.



This is yet another week where bullying, misogynist fucks get a win and the people who stand up to them get a kick in the fucking gut. To my fellow women, nothing you do will ever be good enough and don't kid yourself for a minute. Put that on a public health message.



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3 minutes ago, Hammer Jag said:

I first heard of Godley when she tried to make the Glasgow bin lorry crash all about her. Presented herself to Sky News as an eye witness before admitting that she never actually saw anything, she just so happened to be nearby at the time.

A seriously disturbed woman. 



I also remember that at the time, it’s fucking vile.

No idea how she managed to get herself on that Anthony Bourdain, Parts Unknown as some local expert 


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I first heard of Godley when she tried to make the Glasgow bin lorry crash all about her. Presented herself to Sky News as an eye witness before admitting that she never actually saw anything, she just so happened to be nearby at the time.
A seriously disturbed woman. 

Tell me your taking the piss. Please tell me your taking the piss.
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1 hour ago, mizfit said:


It’s absolutely frightening when you see how many people seem to hang onto everything she does online.


The support she’s getting on her FB page is quite disturbing tbh. Her tweets, the support she’s receiving and the silence from certain people is disgusting 

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6 hours ago, GordonS said:

Yeah, you're exactly who I was talking about.

It’s always funny to watch the reaction of the chattering classes when it’s one of their own that’s called out for racism, rather than one of the proles.

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8 hours ago, Hammer Jag said:

A seriously disturbed woman. 


6 minutes ago, Theroadlesstravelled said:

 fat, ugly, 

There is a certain thread running through this thread.

It's interesting to see how p&b reacts when their own get called out.

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1 hour ago, Theroadlesstravelled said:

More over, how can the fat, ugly, racist munter say Kelly Rowland has a horse face? 
Get her entire life destroyed please

It was her husband was it not? She was mearly relaying what he said.

As for destroying her life, it would probably be wise for her to leave mainstream public life but she's always going to have fans she's shown remorse and apologised, albeit 4 years later.

Much like Katie Hopkins, who is obviously 100x worse, if private individuals wish to chuck money her way then that's entirely their own affair, but when public funded broadcasters & organisations give racist people legitimacy and a platform then rightly people should bring it back again.

There are plenty men who would have and have done far worse and it's had 0 impact on their career, perhaps because they are more talented or perhaps because they are men. But I think it's worth framing the discussion about destroying lives in the wider societal issues around gender.

None of which excuses vile racist language.

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You know how it is, 10 years of racist comments in your forties and fifties just happens sometimes.

As long as your “straightforward and dignified” in your apology for it, that’s what matters.

Edited by G51
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3 minutes ago, G51 said:

You know how it is, 10 years of racist comments in your forties and fifties just happens sometimes.

These things happen due to a lack of due diligence. Hopefully whoever recruits talent for their adverts will conduct better background checks in the future.

I use talent in the loosest sense of the word. Naturally.

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