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GordonS last won the day on July 12

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    Linlithgow Rose

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  1. Cupar beat Abbey Vale 5-0 away from home last season, so they'd have to be strong favourites.
  2. Ta. Could that be taken as a sign that Hearts believe a loan at East Fife is better for development than playing for the B team? Or do they think McFarlane isn't ready to be a first pick anywhere yet? ETA Sorry if this has all been covered on the Hearts B thread.
  3. Title of this thread gets on my wick. Ikea only rhymes with Keir and beer if you're a slack-jawed Sassenach that can't speak English properly.
  4. I detested her because of things I saw her say and do as a councillor, and I don't imagine that's going to get any better now she's an MP. Drug dealers have more integrity than Sullivan.
  5. Are the previous B team keepers that have gone out on loan too old for the B team?
  6. Those would be interpreted though this handy tool:
  7. He might bring the state with him - it was Trump's most marginal state in 2020, only 1.35% in it. North Carolina's demographics have been changing rapidly as lots of northerners have been moving there. It's much more likely to turn Democrat in this election than Georgia was in the last election. Kelly helps hugely in Arizona, which was ultra-marginal and looks to be getting away, and presumably Nevada too. But they don't carry the electoral college votes of the Midwest states.
  8. Truss was known as a moron among her fellow Cambridge undergrads. It doesn't take much in they way of logic skills or deductive reasoning to get an impressive degree if you work hard, have clear goals, have a good memory and are happy to regurgitate what you've learned.
  9. At least there's a nice new shed in (part of) its place.
  10. The Israeli FA even have member clubs in the settlements FFS. They're participating in apartheid. FIFA postponed its decision on suspending Israel until it got legal advice. Apparently the legal advice says that not only can they suspend Israel, under their statutes they're obligated to. Belarusian athletes have to publicly state that they are against the war in Ukraine to be allowed to participate in the Olympics, while the Israel Olympic team has many athletes who have directly participated in war crimes and a report in May said that at least 270 Palestinian athletes had been killed since October last year.
  11. Ah OK, ta. The BBC get their fixtures from Opta (as does Sky Sports and the SPFL, among others) and they do a pretty poor job.
  12. Odds aren't predictions, especially in US presidential elections. They're driven as much by money as by assessment of probability, and Trumpists are both stupid and more likely to put money on their guy than other voters. A lot of us here made a killing off these halfwits in 2020, as they drove the odds up on states like Georgia even when it was clear they were already gone. The odds have changed, Harris was 9/4 on Sunday and is under 2/1 now, but that's presumably driven by the atmosphere of despair around the Democrats being lifted.
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