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I find the idea that VLC has Munchausen Syndrome highly persuasive. 

In the same way as you need to be a bit of a psychopath to do certain jobs you can imagine the sort of personality that is drawn to laying bare their lives to vulgar public for a living.

Twitter really  has been Scottish journalism's Wizard of Oz moment.

I sometimes wake up in the middle of the night and shout out that Angela Haggerty was briefly editor of the Sunday Herald.

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10 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Would it not be more effective if different people did it under their own "names" and backed each other up? Sounds like a lonely obsessive but I haven't studied his oeuvre in depth. 

The whole "uber unionist" twitter thing fascinates me. From what I can see, you have around 15 accounts that spend all day, every day posting and retweeting stuff about "Nazi Nic" etc. All using anonymous accounts obviously - animal profile pics remain common. I've no doubt some are genuine, basement dwellers who are obsessed.  However, the sheer volume fired out makes me think they are at best group efforts and potentially even "professional" accounts. Links to pro trump & anti lockdown are common.

And turning it 180°, I've no doubt there are similar set ups on the Scot Nat side. 

All of which just goes to show that it's easy to think that Twitter reflects real life but in reality is just an artificial echo chamber. 

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I find the idea that VLC has Munchausen Syndrome highly persuasive. 
In the same way as you need to be a bit of a psychopath to do certain jobs you can imagine the sort of personality that is drawn to laying bare their lives to vulgar public for a living.
Twitter really  has been Scottish journalism's Wizard of Oz moment.
I sometimes wake up in the middle of the night and shout out that Angela Haggerty was briefly editor of the Sunday Herald.

Not a Jon Ronson fan but that brief interjection from him with Haggerty was great
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32 minutes ago, invergowrie arab said:

I find the idea that VLC has Munchausen Syndrome highly persuasive. 

In the same way as you need to be a bit of a psychopath to do certain jobs you can imagine the sort of personality that is drawn to laying bare their lives to vulgar public for a living.

Twitter really  has been Scottish journalism's Wizard of Oz moment.

I sometimes wake up in the middle of the night and shout out that Angela Haggerty was briefly editor of the Sunday Herald.

My dad was a reporter, NUJ rep and eventually newspaper editor and proprietor for thirty years and the memories I have of it and the stories he has really lay out the stark differences between then and now. I used to get taken into the office with him when I was a kid sometimes and it was crammed full of hacks battering out copy after being out getting stories, actually speaking to people and trying to hunt down what was going on. 

that’s all gone now, we get thinkpieces about people’s feelings, enabling the lies and gritting that’s everywhere in the media.  I think it’s a bit of a loss to the world to be honest. No doubt there were lots of bad actors then as well but overall it was better.

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1 hour ago, invergowrie arab said:

I find the idea that VLC has Munchausen Syndrome highly persuasive. 

In the same way as you need to be a bit of a psychopath to do certain jobs you can imagine the sort of personality that is drawn to laying bare their lives to vulgar public for a living.

Twitter really  has been Scottish journalism's Wizard of Oz moment.

I sometimes wake up in the middle of the night and shout out that Angela Haggerty was briefly editor of the Sunday Herald.

These sorts of journalists writing articles about just how fabulous the latest poetry slam at the vegan milkshake bar is before an evening reading their pal’s latest book whilst listening to a book on LP about Lykke in co-operative online workspaces really do my tits in, they exist in a world of arseholery and backslapping which for me absolutely explains why they go utterly mental at even the vaguest perceived slight or challenge to their world view. Its so false and perverse, it displays a deep disconnect to reality. 

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57 minutes ago, PWL said:

The whole "uber unionist" twitter thing fascinates me. From what I can see, you have around 15 accounts that spend all day, every day posting and retweeting stuff about "Nazi Nic" etc. All using anonymous accounts obviously - animal profile pics remain common. I've no doubt some are genuine, basement dwellers who are obsessed.  However, the sheer volume fired out makes me think they are at best group efforts and potentially even "professional" accounts. Links to pro trump & anti lockdown are common.

And turning it 180°, I've no doubt there are similar set ups on the Scot Nat side. 

All of which just goes to show that it's easy to think that Twitter reflects real life but in reality is just an artificial echo chamber. 

Yes, there’s one in particular called ‘Janella’ who is genuinely an evil cow. But there are equally vociferous people on both sides, criticise the SNP on twitter and you’ll be accused of being a unionist stooge and piled on for having the audacity to question a single policy. I speak from experience as a former member of the SNP, committed indy supporter who has questioned some aspects of policy, the pile on was quite tremendous and scary to see people so absolutely unable to accept people can have different views on domestic policy yet not be an uber yoon. 

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There is journalism and there is commentary and commentary is much much cheaper.

The term 4th estate is a bit self aggrandizing but I have to admit quality journalism is an essential part of a functioning democracy.

Commentators get awffy pissy when you point out that they are not.

Arts and culture is one big circle jerk but so is political and constitutional commentary.

I wouldn't mind but in Scotland it's the fucking worst. MacWhirter, Farquharson, McCool, McKenna etc are all abysmal writers with abysmal opinions 

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41 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Yes, there’s one in particular called ‘Janella’ who is genuinely an evil cow. But there are equally vociferous people on both sides, criticise the SNP on twitter and you’ll be accused of being a unionist stooge and piled on for having the audacity to question a single policy. I speak from experience as a former member of the SNP, committed indy supporter who has questioned some aspects of policy, the pile on was quite tremendous and scary to see people so absolutely unable to accept people can have different views on domestic policy yet not be an uber yoon. 

The uberNats hate the SNP now so you would have been fine.

As alluded to above relevance is a hell of a drug 

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The best journos are the ones who do f**k all but write pieces like “what my husband’s periodic UTIs taught me about housework” sharing actual investigate journalism from the arse end of Aleppo and saying shit like “see? This is why journalists are essential. Think on that next time you attack me trolls.”

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Yes, there’s one in particular called ‘Janella’ who is genuinely an evil cow. But there are equally vociferous people on both sides, criticise the SNP on twitter and you’ll be accused of being a unionist stooge and piled on for having the audacity to question a single policy. I speak from experience as a former member of the SNP, committed indy supporter who has questioned some aspects of policy, the pile on was quite tremendous and scary to see people so absolutely unable to accept people can have different views on domestic policy yet not be an uber yoon. 

My favourite thing is when Pete Wishart says something about Indyref 2 and how careful it needs to be.

He spends hours after arguing with people claiming he’s a sleeper agent for the Union etc.
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Yes, there’s one in particular called ‘Janella’ who is genuinely an evil cow.

I think she got papped out of her local Conservative association (or at least suspended from it) for mocking Sturgeon over having a miscarriage.
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4 minutes ago, H Wragg said:


I think she got papped out of her local Conservative association (or at least suspended from it) for mocking Sturgeon over having a miscarriage.

She instantly blocked me after I added her to a list I created called ‘miscarriage mockers’. 

Childish, but satisfying. She’s absolutely vile. 

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3 hours ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

 I speak from experience as a former member of the SNP, committed indy supporter who has questioned some aspects of policy, the pile on was quite tremendous and scary to see people so absolutely unable to accept people can have different views on domestic policy yet not be an uber yoon. 

My lecturer (who's now a Yes supporter) at university had a great line: "There are three things you can't criticise in Scotland on social media - Celtic, Rangers and the SNP.  If you do expect a tsunami of lunatics."

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7 minutes ago, Highland Capital said:

My lecturer (who's now a Yes supporter) at university had a great line: "There are three things you can't criticise in Scotland on social media - Celtic, Rangers and the SNP.  If you do expect a tsunami of lunatics."

Oh I absolutely agree. Ive been a member of the FSN, Ive been a member of the party itself, ive voted for them all my life and find it incredulous that you can be subject to pile ons and abuse for calling them out on some issues. You even get it to a slightly lesser degree on here. 

Edited by Inanimate Carbon Rod
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5 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Oh I absolutely agree. Ive been a member of the FSN, Ive been a member of the party itself, ive voted for them all my life and find it incredulous that you can be subject to pile ons and abuse for calling them out on some issues. You even get it to a slightly lesser degree on here. 

I've had it a bit myself on Twitter as well.  It's not that I'm now a unionist but if you say something minor like about how the approach isn't working, how you'd prefer an independent Scotland did something else or whatever you're met with sometimes a barrage of folk defending the SNP position.  It really puts me off getting involved properly in any future campaign.

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