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The Walking Dead

King Kebab

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Must say I wasn't massively impressed with ep2, very uneventful apart from the stuff with Shane (that is his name isn't it?) near the end. Hopefully it picks up a bit next week

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I keep trying to get into this, and whilst it started off very impressively with the whole 'Tank' thing, I just can't get into it and that's frustrating as hell as I love all things zombie and this should be right down my alley but it just isn't holding me. :(

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I'm waiting until Friday to watch episode 2 with my wee brother. will reserve judgement until then, but I liked the direction the first episode of this series has taken. From what I've gathered, the second isn't quite so good?

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I just tend to love anything with zombies in it. Even if it's the biggest pile of crap.

Start watching Death Valley then(only on in the states so you'll need a streaming site), it's a mockumentary, cops show with zombies, vampires and werewolves.

Must say I wasn't massively impressed with ep2, very uneventful apart from the stuff with Shane (that is his name isn't it?) near the end. Hopefully it picks up a bit next week

Why wouldn't Shane take the bag at the end? Made no sense!

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Aye didn't enjoy second episode as much. I like glen but he has barely had 5 lines this series

Aye, seems to be taking a back seat. Hopefully with them being where they are then he'll get more involved

In the comics, he falls in love with one of Hershell's daughters(pretty sure it's the one who shouts "DAD" when Rick is running towards the farm

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I think the main thing that put me off is that I was used to Andrew Lincoln with his normal accent, that when he put the American one on, whilst being half decent at it, I just couldn't buy it.

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I think the main thing that put me off is that I was used to Andrew Lincoln with his normal accent, that when he put the American one on, whilst being half decent at it, I just couldn't buy it.

Really? The thing thats put you off the whole show is one dodgey accent? blink.gif

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Good to see it get back on track a bit more in this weeks episode, although it was very centered around the farmhouse again. Much improved from last week though.

It looks as if Foreheads prediction that the show will follow the comics with Glens relationship with Hershels daughter aswell so we'll hopefully see more of those two this season

Edited by Stewbo
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Good to see it get back on track a bit more in this weeks episode, although it was very centered around the farmhouse again. Much improved from last week though.

It looks as if Foreheads prediction that the show will follow the comics with Glens relationship with Hershels daughter aswell so we'll hopefully see more of those two this season

It was a stone waller

Their relationship is so good as it means whenever Glen has to leave to go scavenge for food, it gives them such an easy moment to put in the show(her trying to stop him but him having to do it for the benefit of the group)

As for this week's episode, it was decent but I had one major annoyance

The opening scene. It fucking ruins the entire story of Shane and Otis in that episode. It showed you that he must've survived getting the supplies as he was shaving his head which could only be in the future. I also sorta figured that he either left Otis or felt it was his fault as shaving your head is used very often to signify guilt(it's a bit of a weak connection but the psychological problem he would be feeling after leaving someone would lead you to do stupid things). Then as soon as Shane fell from the window, I knew he'd kill Otis to save himself/Carl

It was still an ace episode though.

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Aye I know where you're coming from there, but to be fair its either put everybody on hold to add a bit of tension or have the kid die/recover in one episode and miss all of the will he/wont he suspense around his survival.

As for this week's episode, it was decent but I had one major annoyance

The opening scene. It fucking ruins the entire story of Shane and Otis in that episode. It showed you that he must've survived getting the supplies as he was shaving his head which could only be in the future. I also sorta figured that he either left Otis or felt it was his fault as shaving your head is used very often to signify guilt(it's a bit of a weak connection but the psychological problem he would be feeling after leaving someone would lead you to do stupid things). Then as soon as Shane fell from the window, I knew he'd kill Otis to save himself/Carl

It was still an ace episode though.

To be honest I didn't realise when it was, I assumed it was a flashback/dream sequence type thing (obviously when it didn't keep cutting to them throughout the episode it was obvious it wasnt

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Aye I know where you're coming from there, but to be fair its either put everybody on hold to add a bit of tension or have the kid die/recover in one episode and miss all of the will he/wont he suspense around his survival.

To be honest I didn't realise when it was, I assumed it was a flashback/dream sequence type thing (obviously when it didn't keep cutting to them throughout the episode it was obvious it wasnt

I didn't think it could be, as in the present(well what was the present) and the flashback to when Rick got shot, he had his normal hair. I guess his hair could grow back quickly but I just knew it was gonna be a flashback episode(technically)

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I am really struggling with this i love anything zombie/fall of civilisation related (i call it the survivor genre) don't know what it is there are interesting characters in there somewhere but it just seems dragged out like the writers struggle to make it interesting?

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I am really struggling with this i love anything zombie/fall of civilisation related (i call it the survivor genre) don't know what it is there are interesting characters in there somewhere but it just seems dragged out like the writers struggle to make it interesting?

Nope. It's got something like 80 issues in the comics so it's not a writing problem. Some of the things are a bit edgy for tv but on the whole it's pretty easy to move onto tv.

I just think they're trying to make it too much of a drama, whilst drama is necessary, it shouldn't be the focus. It's a zombie show, there's not been enough zombie killings this season.

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