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17 minutes ago, Skyline Drifter said:

Its clearly causing you some problems then for something not brain taxing. Do you lot just accept nonsense without question? Whatever your share of last night's gate was it is money you otherwise wouldnt have and there is prize money for advancing too. If your player win bonus is higher than the prize then thats a reflection on an incompetent wage structure. And the game was in Ayr, not Arizona. It was probably closer to home than your own ground is for half your squad.

I never said it was a cash cow. Its not. If you want to claim its not worth the hassle for a fairly trivial benefit thats fine. Thats a matter of opinion. However the idea that it costs you money to advance is utter nonsense.

Its not caused me a jot of brain tax, its a competition for me that doesn't get any Thot of yaas till the semi finals and the club itself have stated we lose money competing in it.

Perhaps Queens can create positive out a share if 600+ crowd paying £12 / £6 minus costs and the token prize money.

Its the pretend cup, having won it three times, I'd say the best was the first time v St Mirren, I'll leave you to pretend its a worthwhile competition

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1 minute ago, MrDust said:

Its not caused me a jot of brain tax, its a competition for me that doesn't get any Thot of yaas till the semi finals and the club itself have stated we lose money competing in it.

Perhaps Queens can create positive out a share if 600+ crowd paying £12 / £6 minus costs and the token prize money.

Its the pretend cup, having won it three times, I'd say the best was the first time v St Mirren, I'll leave you to pretend its a worthwhile competition

So just a lot of irrelevant deflection then which completely ignores the points I made. As I suspected you will swallow any old tosh your club apparently says without question. The idea that you lose money by advancing is laughably stupid but you carry right on repeating it.

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17 minutes ago, Skyline Drifter said:

So just a lot of irrelevant deflection then which completely ignores the points I made. As I suspected you will swallow any old tosh your club apparently says without question. The idea that you lose money by advancing is laughably stupid but you carry right on repeating it.


Its not that hard to process, we will have lost money last night, more if we had won, surviving on gate receipts of around 400 paying £12 / £6 and token prize money is not financially viable for Falkirk Fc. The same scenario could happen next game or a home crowd of over 2000 at home that's halved is also not financially viable. Knock yourself out tho ..... Ra ra ra the petrofac cup

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It's not financially viable for any club, however that's not what SD said was it?
If you are losing money just by playing a game then your board must have an utterly incompetent wage structure, any money brought in last night is money you obviously wouldn't have had if you weren't playing, how on earth do you lose money by playing?! The amount will be fairly minimal but you won't lose any money by doing it.

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32 minutes ago, Grant228 said:

It's not financially viable for any club, however that's not what SD said was it?
If you are losing money just by playing a game then your board must have an utterly incompetent wage structure, any money brought in last night is money you obviously wouldn't have had if you weren't playing, how on earth do you lose money by playing?! The amount will be fairly minimal but you won't lose any money by doing it.

Are Dunfermline fans in all seriousness mocking the idea of teams having "an utterly incompetent wage structure"


Holy f**k!!!!!!

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34 minutes ago, Grant228 said:

It's not financially viable for any club, however that's not what SD said was it?
If you are losing money just by playing a game then your board must have an utterly incompetent wage structure, any money brought in last night is money you obviously wouldn't have had if you weren't playing, how on earth do you lose money by playing?! The amount will be fairly minimal but you won't lose any money by doing it.

I believe we lost money playing Vaduz in 2009.

The cost of flights and hotels etc.

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Being out of the Irn Bru cup doesn't really bother me that much. The fact that we've played Ayr twice, while really not looking convincing, and drawn with St Mirren does. Last night there was no lack of effort but there was a real lack of drive, quality and ideas. We weren't ruthless at all up front, Miller looked out on his feet by the end of the game and quite honestly there were a few Ayr players I would have happily welcomed into our team. The recent half decent results are papering over some pretty big cracks. The Dundee United game aside, we are not playing good football right now.

It also struck me that Ayr looked fitter than we did, which is worrying. This isn't necessarily a big problem if you manage it but Houston taking off McHugh and Shepard while leaving on Miller, Kerr and Rankin seemed like absolute madness given that fact the game was heading for extra time. 

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Just now, Gaz FFC said:

I believe we lost money playing Vaduz in 2009.

The cost of flights and hotels etc.

Quite possibly but you didnt fly to bloody Ayr and wouldnt have lost money going anywhere in subsequent rounds unless you hired a damned Learjet to get there. Mr Dust's head must button up the back.

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2 minutes ago, Skyline Drifter said:

Quite possibly but you didnt fly to bloody Ayr and wouldnt have lost money going anywhere in subsequent rounds unless you hired a damned Learjet to get there. Mr Dust's head must button up the back.

How do you know FFC don't have a private jet like Air force 1?


ETA we had 1 in 2002 when we were spending millions on avoiding building a stadium.

Edited by Gaz FFC
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1 hour ago, Grant228 said:

It's not financially viable for any club, however that's not what SD said was it?
If you are losing money just by playing a game then your board must have an utterly incompetent wage structure, any money brought in last night is money you obviously wouldn't have had if you weren't playing, how on earth do you lose money by playing?! The amount will be fairly minimal but you won't lose any money by doing it.

The games onwards in the petrofac cup are scheduled fixtures, so any Saturday fixture moved due to petrofac will lose money with lower crowds, lower hospitality if you have a home game. Our budgets will be based on the league and not the petrofac cup run.

We have two away games in the upcoming petrofac dates, so we won't lose out 


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1 hour ago, Bairnardo said:


I just dont get that our formed turned when we started playing Hippo, and moved Sibbs to the middle with Kerr.

Kerr and Rankin just does not work. Im getting frustrated talking about it because it seems so fucking obvious to everyone except Houston.

The right hand side is Taiwos at the moment. He has earned it. Kerr is a standout and Hippo is becoming more consistently our danger man. Sibbs is a funny one but should get in the team beside Kerr until Craigen shows something to unseat him.

I mean it nearly picks itself ffs. Stop with the Kerr/Rankin combo. It is not a balanced midfield.


Couldn't agree more.

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36 minutes ago, FalkirkLad said:

Have no idea why Lee Miller didnt take it last night, i get it if a player is confident but with no track record it was a poor choice.

The only reason to let Leahy take it would be because he has the hardent shot and would hopefully put his laces through it. 

To then side foot it and miss :thumbsdown

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4 minutes ago, Rizzo said:

Did we not get a penalty and score with it in a away game against Dumbarton around March time? Sure it was on Alba.

I was at that.

Baird penalty and a red card for handball.

We drew 1-1 after Dumbarton got 1 after Rogers clattered Nade.

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