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The Falkirk FC Thread

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1 minute ago, Bairnardo said:

Parents are generally a bit fuddish when it comes to stuff like this.

I am not really sure having an academy is really part of supporting a football team tbh. I never worried about academies etc when I was at my happiest as a football fan going to Brockville every other week. I did like that we had a reputation for bringing good young players through, but I am just struggling to get excited about it.

Regardless of what our status would or could have been, the SFA are up to allsorts of pish with Brave and the business people at the club were forced into a business decision because of it. It just means we are going to have to scout 16 and 17 year olds and try to develop them like loads of other clubs do.

Fans are dutybound to take an interest in off the field stuff in so far as they should always attempt to oust dodgy fuckers who invariably get invlolved in football clubs, and those who dont have the clubs best interests at heart. It is also my opinion that we should all be driving towards fan ownership.

But that said, I'm busier than I would like most of the time, so football is primarily about going on the Saturday and talking it to death on here.

So aye, it was nice that we had an academy, but not at the rising expense of Falkirk FC, who play on a Saturday in the Championship.

For me anyway.

We managed without it for decades, and even when we had it, most of the best players that came "through" it were 14 year Olds who'd been booted out other teams youth set up. Which begs the question why we were spending so much in the first place. We now should be keeping an eye for those cast offs and developing them. f**k spending a fortune so we can develop our own guys, when they always turn out to be a Shep or O'Hara. 

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7 minutes ago, Long Suffering Bairn said:

I for one appreciate the Lang statement. Surprised and pleased it was so frank.   When will we learn that a house divided will not stand.   I hate this vandetta against the board.  We should all get behind the team (as hard as it is with these current players), behind McKinnon AND behind the board.   This may not be popular but Falkirk FC is not only a team but a business.  Sometimes the board have to take unpopular decisions (academy) to keep the team on the pitch viable.

I didn't realise our finances were so precarious.  If the board were to take the advice of some on this thread we would probably be in administration within a couple of years.

The team are in a difficult position right now.  If the board do what they say and give us a steady financial footing where extra funds can be pumped into the team without having to rely on selling income we will be in a good position to improve on the pitch. COYB.

^^^ Margaret Lang

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18 hours ago, BountyBairn said:

Why? It says stuff without saying f**k all. Doesn’t say there’s no budget left. Just that it’s unlikely to change unless people are moved on. (There’s pretty much no chance any over budget events will happen - increased gate numbers, more commercial revenue, competition prize money or sales from players). 

Its terrifying because how the f**k are we going to move this dross on??

Last January we were fine because teams wanted the likes of Hyppolyte, Miller and Austin. 

If it has to be cost neutral this window clear out, who takes Owen Evans, Dallison and Harrison?

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Its terrifying because how the f**k are we going to move this dross on??
Last January we were fine because teams wanted the likes of Hyppolyte, Miller and Austin. 
If it has to be cost neutral this window clear out, who takes Owen Evans, Dallison and Harrison?
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"We messed up, we are sorry. We went into this as a collective group of three people Craig, myself and Paul. We need the fans to rally round the new manager and the team because we are in a very difficult position. As a Board we will be doing everything in our power to support Ray to turn this around and preserve our Championship status. We need you, the fans to help us"

End of.

We need everyone pulling together because we are in the shit and squabbling over Academy costs at this time ain't going to help.

I think my suggestion was better but we will call this the back up plans
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1 minute ago, Harry Kinnear said:

We won't be difficult to deal with, honest. We will let you have first dabs on all of our superstars seeing as you have helped us out in the past emoji106.png

Chances are you will be paying us £100k for Bob McHugh in January. One more to add to your pile. 

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When you are asking the fans for ‘help’, are you including cash support?
If they were to make a cogent case then I wouldn’t be averse to putting ‘my hand in my pocket’.

Help can take many forms cash obviously one. I wouldn’t be adverse either if the people running the place are using it wisely
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I for one appreciate the Lang statement. Surprised and pleased it was so frank.   When will we learn that a house divided will not stand.   I hate this vandetta against the board.  We should all get behind the team (as hard as it is with these current players), behind McKinnon AND behind the board.   This may not be popular but Falkirk FC is not only a team but a business.  Sometimes the board have to take unpopular decisions (academy) to keep the team on the pitch viable.

I didn't realise our finances were so precarious.  If the board were to take the advice of some on this thread we would probably be in administration within a couple of years.

The team are in a difficult position right now.  If the board do what they say and give us a steady financial footing where extra funds can be pumped into the team without having to rely on selling income we will be in a good position to improve on the pitch. COYB.

I’ve read some utter drivel on here but for me this takes things to a whole new level!

A call to get behind the board in one ramblefest of a paragraph and then in the next being shocked at the state of our finances but unable to equate one with another.

You continue appreciating the statement Sandra, you continue to be pleased at how frank it was and appreciate the tough decisions taken to give us such a ‘viable’ team on the pitch.

In fact, the more I think about we are lucky to have such a driving force at the helm. I think you should apply to join them as I think you would fit right in.

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I guess “Join zip to Bairns For Life for a tenner a month, and we will issue shares to the value of the money raised to the BFL group” would be a start.

Given the consensus that it would be madness for the BoD to shovel their own money into the club with nothing in return, then that must hold true for the average supporter too. Give shares to the BFL group,  and I will happily sign up.

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