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The Falkirk FC Thread

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Mark Kerr was doing a fair bit of greeting in the papers about the 4 week break, the way The playoffs changed from 2 a week to 2 in a fortnight to suit Rangers and that with them (maybe) playing the day after the cup final, come Monday (should we win) we will be knocked off the back pages.

All in all a very weird piece.

Seems a journalist has actually turned an interview with a Falkirk player regarding the cup final into a bit about Rangers.

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Seems a journalist has actually turned an interview with a Falkirk player regarding the cup final into a bit about Rangers.

And so it goes. Same old same old, from our scum journalist community. 'Diddy team not important' so shoehorn the Govan angle into the story.

Two utter belters in the past week; (1) the story about the UEFA summit reviewing the away goals rule, ended with The Glasgow Herald reminding us that The (old) R*****s benefitted from this in...er...1972.

(2) "analysing" the prices for play-offs tickets, the Glasgow Herald amazingly gushed that R*****s were "to be applauded for standing up for the working man" by offering the reduced price deal.

Erm, okay, so lets not dwell on all those 'noble working men' who lost their jobs/business/outstanding debts when the Govan pestilence dodged paying their bills.

Ye could'ny make it up.

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The number of 'journalists' in this country that constantly find the Celtic/Sevco angle on every singe story, is utterly pathetic.

I switched to the National at its launch but it will be getting dropped if it continues it's constant pandering to Scotland's shame for much longer. Though its entire sport section is a joke tbf

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Of course this is a well covered P&B topic - Newspapers are businesses not services and they quite rightly tailor their product to suit the market. It can be frustrating as a diddy fan but column inches of stories about Falkirk don't make them money where-as column inches pandering to the mono-brows certainly does.

It has to be said though that they do generally employ total bellends who utterly love sooking the Old Firm and 'Rangers' root - and that they do often print absolute pish.

The irony of all this of course is that their thick uneducated audience - the market share that they strive so diligently to pander to - thinks that they don't get enough coverage and that the coverage they do get is biased AGAINST them!! You couldn't fucking make it up !!

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Yeah, I know, I know, Ned. All spot on, but every once in a while, when the press come away with something like them "standing up for the working man" line, its so grotesquely sycophantic its well-nigh impossible not to throw up. And unfortunately (in this case for me) rise to the bait.

Still, always makes them losing - to anyone - all the better.

Meanwhile, we've a cup final to think about! COYC-FB!!

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