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The get fit, stay fit thread

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I weighed myself yesterday and since massively improving my diet and upping my exercise, I've seen a real difference. And I can feel it too.

Since 31 December, 2012, I've lost 11lb and feel good too. A good weigh-in like that makes it worth it and spurs you on to keep going too. :)

If your motivation drops at all which after your good results might be a while, try setting a target to see how much you could lose before the end of may (roughly the start of summer) of you haven't already. Well done.

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I was playing squash earlier on in the week and went belting across court to deliver a devastating winner, however, there is a lot of me and stopping was fast becoming a serious issue. So I hit the wall kind of side on, arm first then the rest of me and I heard a horrible cracking noise. It didn't hurt much at all and I was able to keep playing and getting on with my life. A few days have passed and I'm in pain, I wouldn't class it as agony but it hurts like hell.

If I've cracked a rib how long am I looking at before I'm fighting fit?

I've pulled a muscle in my chest before and that took about a month to sort itself out.

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I was playing squash earlier on in the week and went belting across court to deliver a devastating winner, however, there is a lot of me and stopping was fast becoming a serious issue. So I hit the wall kind of side on, arm first then the rest of me and I heard a horrible cracking noise. It didn't hurt much at all and I was able to keep playing and getting on with my life. A few days have passed and I'm in pain, I wouldn't class it as agony but it hurts like hell.

If I've cracked a rib how long am I looking at before I'm fighting fit?

I've pulled a muscle in my chest before and that took about a month to sort itself out.

Quite a while to be fighting fit seeing as ribs repair in there own time. I'd say to withstand any hits, it will take about 2 months although that is just a guess and I don't know how bad it is.

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Jan 1st 2013 : 18 stone 0 lbs

Feb 1st 2013 : 16 stone 8 lbs

Delighted so far and whilst I personally only see a little bit of a difference, feel alot fitter and muscles starting to take shape in legs and arms.

All that shagging you are doing big man.

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Decided that although I do a lot of cycling,I wanted to do other types of exercise,so joined a local gym and really enjoying it.

However,predictably,I spend a lot of time on the exercise bikes and its a lot tougher than the real thing at times.

I've been doing 45 minute spells on a "rolling landscape" programme and totally humped when I come of after doing on average 14 miles

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What is the consensus on the ideal number of reps to do on the resistance machines.

When I started years ago the guy at Bannatynes in Dumfries said two sets of 12

The guy here in Renfrew says two sets of 15 or go to failure.

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I try to do 3 sets of 12 doing a pyramid on each (lifting/pushing whatever slightly more with each set) Been doing it a month and already feeling and seeing some serious progress.

Also, a decent warm up, warm down and stretch after each is absolutely vital.

Listening to Sharam's 'Wildcast' podcasts whilst working out is helping too, they've got just the right beat to keep going and going like a wee duracell bunny!

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I do some weights at home, usually just do as many as I possilby can. Sit down, watch some telly and repeat the process in 20mins or so.

Is this wrong?

Depends on what you are watching on the tele

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Cycled 15k in 30 mins on tuesday then another 10k on the Wednesday.

Also done some lengths in the pool as well as a warm down on the treadmill and some free weights.

Feeling good so same again in the morning before work at 12.

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Back to 5s tonight for the first time in about 3 months due to work, felt good and far better than I did last time I had a one off game.

Eating better is making me feel great and I'm starting to get the taste for certain vegetables.

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Back to 5s tonight for the first time in about 3 months due to work, felt good and far better than I did last time I had a one off game.

Eating better is making me feel great and I'm starting to get the taste for certain vegetables.

Sugar snap peas are the boy to have!

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Last night was the first time since Christmas that I got through a whole squash match without my legs going. I have been post virally all that time but it must have passed now. At fucking long last, it was horrible. And the game was thoroughly enjoyable.

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Last night was the first time since Christmas that I got through a whole squash match without my legs going. I have been post virally all that time but it must have passed now. At fucking long last, it was horrible. And the game was thoroughly enjoyable.

But did you win?

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But did you win?

I won 3-2, four of the five sets went to extra time. It was a good match. :)

I love playing squash, I couldn't see me running about like that unless I was chasing a small rubber ball to be honest. :P

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I won 3-2, four of the five sets went to extra time. It was a good match. :)

I love playing squash, I couldn't see me running about like that unless I was chasing a small rubber ball to be honest. :P

Of course you would say you won :P

I've always fancied a game of squash but im nowhere near fit enough and I with my shit back and hamstrings I think I would struggle.

I've always loved playing Badminton myself and would love to play it regularly but I always have something on the nights the sports halls in my areas are available to play it. I can play on a Friday night but I'd much rather go out boozing most times :)

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Of course you would say you won :P

I've always fancied a game of squash but im nowhere near fit enough and I with my shit back and hamstrings I think I would struggle.

I've always loved playing Badminton myself and would love to play it regularly but I always have something on the nights the sports halls in my areas are available to play it. I can play on a Friday night but I'd much rather go out boozing most times :)

I used to love a game of Badminton but don't think my knee could take it right now.

I've been trying to stick to a routine of two weights sessions and two 40 minute runs on the treadmill per week. Don't know if that's the best way to go about getting fitter but I'm pretty nackered after it for sure.

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Of course you would say you won :P

I've always fancied a game of squash but im nowhere near fit enough and I with my shit back and hamstrings I think I would struggle.

I've always loved playing Badminton myself and would love to play it regularly but I always have something on the nights the sports halls in my areas are available to play it. I can play on a Friday night but I'd much rather go out boozing most times :)


I normally gub this guy but a combination of him beasting hismeslf in the gym and his training for some marathon and my lack of condition just now made it close and good fun. I can normally wear him down for fitness by making the rallies long and moving him around, but he is fitter than he has ever been.

I used to play badminton at school and quite liked it, haven't played for years, but it would be a good way to keep fit while enjoying yourself. Much better than plodding away on a treadmill anyway.

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