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Yeah but, Bryan Singer.

I'd probably cream myself if Mr Sinister and Archangel were brought in as well.

I don't actually mind Bryan Singer, although I've admittedly never bothered to watch Superman Returns. I like the first two X-Men films well enough despite their flaws, especially after seeing what happened with The Last Stand.

With the emergence of Marvel studios and the success of First Class, he's moved away from the dull black leather costumes from the first two films and actually adapted a famous X-Men storyline and is looking ahead to bringing in a famous X-Men villain who isn't Magneto.

And yeah I'd kill to see Mr. Sinister at some point too. If they're going to do the four horsemen of Apocalypse then it'd be cool to see Archangel also involved.

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I don't actually mind Bryan Singer, although I've admittedly never bothered to watch Superman Returns. I like the first two X-Men films well enough despite their flaws, especially after seeing what happened with The Last Stand.

With the emergence of Marvel studios and the success of First Class, he's moved away from the dull black leather costumes from the first two films and actually adapted a famous X-Men storyline and is looking ahead to bringing in a famous X-Men villain who isn't Magneto.

And yeah I'd kill to see Mr. Sinister at some point too. If they're going to do the four horsemen of Apocalypse then it'd be cool to see Archangel also involved.

I think they'd have to do a bit to build up Angel first as the whole move from the graceful playboy to fall to be the weapon of destruction that is Archangel is where you get the driver of his story. If they did right though it could be very good.

Also a shame they are not going to get Nightcrawler into due to Alan Cummings reluctance to do the prosethtics again. It would have been good to link it back to First Class and Azazel and Mystique (though the Mystique/ Destiny story line that Byrne had wanted to do would be even more fund).

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I don't actually mind Bryan Singer, although I've admittedly never bothered to watch Superman Returns. I like the first two X-Men films well enough despite their flaws, especially after seeing what happened with The Last Stand.

Superman Returns was gash (Spacey aside). X-Men and X2 were poor when you compare them with First Class (and even The Wolverine). I'd far rather see Vaughn have creative control over the project(s) than Singer.

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Superman Returns was gash (Spacey aside). X-Men and X2 were poor when you compare them with First Class (and even The Wolverine). I'd far rather see Vaughn have creative control over the project(s) than Singer.

Agreed about having Vaughan in control over Singer. I do like the first two X-Men films, but First Class is vastly superior to both of them.

I think someone else might have mentioned it, but the way they adapt Rogue is one my big problems with the first three X-Men films. It's such a disappointment after having been used to seeing the Rogue in the cartoons who was a proper part of the team with the powers she stole from Miss Marvel.

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Agreed about having Vaughan in control over Singer. I do like the first two X-Men films, but First Class is vastly superior to both of them.

I think someone else might have mentioned it, but the way they adapt Rogue is one my big problems with the first three X-Men films. It's such a disappointment after having been used to seeing the Rogue in the cartoons who was a proper part of the team with the powers she stole from Miss Marvel.

Couldn't agree more, I like he burd who plays her(Cracking wee set) but her role in those films is just one of being a constant victim

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Couldn't agree more, I like he burd who plays her(Cracking wee set) but her role in those films is just one of being a constant victim

Exactly, she's essentially just a means to an end to get Wolverine some more action scenes and screen time by having him rescue her constantly.

Yeah, they should write her stealing some nomarks powers since they won't have the rights to Ms Marvel. Just so she's far more useful and not just a whiny, useless child. She's basically got the role of the Jubilee from the cartoon

You're absolutely right. She can or could have taken those kinds of powers from anyone really. If anything not having the rights to Ms Marvel saves them from the temptation of including her and then hassle of trying to briefly explain who she is. Tbh I'd forgotten that it was Ms Marvel's powers she'd nicked in the first place and just presumed that she'd picked up her strength and ability to fly from different mutants. I seriously doubt the average cinema goer would really care where she got those abilities from.

It's so disappointing to see Rogue turned into such a whiny, dependant pain in the ass when a decade earlier she'd been portrayed on tv as someone who acknowledged that her powers made her life a bit sh*t at times, but got on with it and was able to kick ass. I don't blame Anna Paquin for it, she's a good actress and the problem clearly comes from the scriptwriters who, as you pointed out, made her into the Jubilee of these films.

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God dammit, I hate Michael Douglas. I did think that Paul Rudd would play Scott Lang as opposed to Hank Pym, which I guess this confirms.

edit: I recall hearing about a Gotham tv show a while back, I'll give it a watch but I fear it'll be a bit like Agents of SHIELD and be very generic with very few actual tie-ins to the superhero world they're in and be there in pretty much name only. I hope I'm wrong though. Tough cast on Jim Gordon though, Oldman nailed that role in the Nolanverse.

Edited by forehead7
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I've loved the idea of a "Gothan PD" type show for years - i think there was a comic series that was similar?

It should be a gritty cop show though - The Wire is aobviousy asking too much but something like NYPD Blue or The Shield would be very pleasing. nae superheroes/villans. Focus on Gordon,his relationship with his wife and

the cop he eventually cheats on her with

perhaps his realtionship with his sibling who eventually has Barbara and so on nd so forth.

You can give plenty of winks to the fans throuh references to charcaters who will go on to become major characters - perhaps Gordon's first bust could be a young Joe Chill? (actually that sounds like a great opening episode) and references to the major crime families that inhabit the Universe, as well as folk like the Calnder Man.

A young Harvey Dent would eb interesting too. Rising through the ranks as an idealsitic lawyer.

Oh and Harvey Bullock. A great character in the cartoons.

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The Gotham City series could be an interesting one, if its Bruce Wayne as a 12 year old it must be not long after his parents have died? Agreed it could be interesting to see character development of other bit part characters in the Batman lore and focus more on the origins of some

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There are plans for a Venom film that will feed in to Spiderman 3. Seemingly the plan is for an incarnation of the Sinister Six to be the main bad guys in Spiderman 3, with hints in Spiderman 2 (which looks exceptional by the way), and seeing as Electro and Rhino are in Spiderman 2, there is a good chance of this.

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Oh and I know it's not a comic book film, but Emilia Clark (Daenerys Targarean) is playing Sarah Connor in the new Terminator film (Terminator: Genesis).

Interesting casting choice, and i hear Schwarzenegger is in it also as a T800, how are they hoping to explain why this T800 looking like a pensioner? Was he left next to a radiator for too long?. Alan Taylor(Thor 2) directing. It seems promising, but they really need to just let that film franchise die, the last 2 films have totally fucked the great and complete storyline that Cameron wrote, the films had a clear beginning, middle and end. T3 is a enjoyable action film, with some great stunts and action scenes, but as a story it was awful, T4 feels like it was directed and written by a Call of Duty fan. Even the X-men franchise has less plot holes.

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