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Interesting casting choice, and i hear Schwarzenegger is in it also as a T800, how are they hoping to explain why this T800 looking like a pensioner? Was he left next to a radiator for too long?. Alan Taylor(Thor 2) directing. It seems promising, but they really need to just let that film franchise die, the last 2 films have totally fucked the great and complete storyline that Cameron wrote, the films had a clear beginning, middle and end. T3 is a enjoyable action film, with some great stunts and action scenes, but as a story it was awful, T4 feels like it was directed and written by a Call of Duty fan. Even the X-men franchise has less plot holes.

Rumours are that he might be a regular dude who becomes the 'model' for the T800 or that they'll just CGI him to f**k.

I actually liked the last Terminator movie and was disappointed to hear they weren't taking that story any further.

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There are plans for a Venom film that will feed in to Spiderman 3. Seemingly the plan is for an incarnation of the Sinister Six to be the main bad guys in Spiderman 3, with hints in Spiderman 2 (which looks exceptional by the way), and seeing as Electro and Rhino are in Spiderman 2, there is a good chance of this.

Yeah I saw this as well, im a bit cautious about a Venom film after what was done with in it "that film" but if they do it properly then it could be quality. The sinister 6 im not so sure about, I know in the ASM2 trailer you see Vulture's wings and Doc Ocks arms but its a gamble purely having a dedicated film for 6 villians (also trying to encoropate some form of origin story for them as well)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just saw another Amazing Spiderman 2 trailer looking pretty good tho for anyone else who has seen it

The point at the end when he catches Gwen, do we think its an adapation of the famous death scene from the comics involving the Goblin?

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Eisenberg as Luthor :lol: :lol: what dreadful casting

It's potentially brilliant, Think about it, Luthor as a character has always adapted to fit the culture of the times. He was a mad scientist in the 50s and 60s before becoming a yuppie businessman in the 80s.His run for President int he 00s can also be read as a time when people's faith in poltics, and particularly the US President was at a low. I'd imagine soemone knocked about the idea of him owning a Bank as well.

If Luthor existed today he;d eb one of the most powerful private individuals in the world, who sums this up better in nowadays than Mark Zuckerberg?

The problem is the film looks like a clusterfuck. which is a pity.

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I'm definitely interested but like Banterman says, it just seems like a clusterfuck.

I think I'm coming around on Eisenberg. He's still too young and even more so on how he looks. If they're going for an older Batman then Luthor should be about the same age. Superman's alright being younger as the way he ages will always be different.

But then they have a younger looking Alfred. Not sure I like that.

I think that Eisenberg's role in Now You See Me is a decent indicator of how well he could do in this. He certainly had the confidence and the arrogance in that. It's a start, at least.

edit: BJ Novak is confirmed to play an interesting role in Amazing Spider-man 2;

He's going to play Alistair Smythe, who's father (Spencer), created the Spider Slayer robots.

Edited by forehead7
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I'm definitely interested but like Banterman says, it just seems like a clusterfuck.

I think I'm coming around on Eisenberg. He's still too young and even more so on how he looks. If they're going for an older Batman then Luthor should be about the same age. Superman's alright being younger as the way he ages will always be different.

But then they have a younger looking Alfred. Not sure I like that.

I think that Eisenberg's role in Now You See Me is a decent indicator of how well he could do in this. He certainly had the confidence and the arrogance in that. It's a start, at least.

Indeed, if this was a straightforward Superman-Luthor film i'd be more interested. Sticking with the Zuckerberg idea - how would the planets resident wunderkid react to the arrival of a genuine superman? A nerdy college kid who found fame and fortune now being upstaged by a genuine "alpha male" jock in the medias eyes. the idea of it as a struggle for ego, and Luthor;s own peroslla issues ultimately turning him into a villian would be fascinating. Particulalrly if Superman rebuffs a Luthor attempt at partnership - "We could have changed the world you and me" and all that stuff. Sadly that seems a little too deep for a franchise whose first outing containined an hour of buildings falling down.

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Indeed, if this was a straightforward Superman-Luthor film i'd be more interested. Sticking with the Zuckerberg idea - how would the planets resident wunderkid react to the arrival of a genuine superman? A nerdy college kid who found fame and fortune now being upstaged by a genuine "alpha male" jock in the medias eyes. the idea of it as a struggle for ego, and Luthor;s own peroslla issues ultimately turning him into a villian would be fascinating. Particulalrly if Superman rebuffs a Luthor attempt at partnership - "We could have changed the world you and me" and all that stuff. Sadly that seems a little too deep for a franchise whose first outing containined an hour of buildings falling down.

I agree, a genius whose had to work for years already despite his young age to build up his empire and reputation having to face the fact that Superman is, by his very nature, physically superior to him would be a great way to approach Luthor in this film and Eisenberg would probably be able to carry it off. However like you say that would seem too interesting for a franchise which seems to hurtling towards Batman and Superman fighting each other because they both wear capes or some other deeply contrived reason.

With this film now having to balance Superman, Batman and Alfred, Lex Luthor, Wonder Woman and a large amount of build up to the inevitable Justice League film it seems extremely likely that we can kiss goodbye to any hope of Lois Lane and Superman/Clark Kent's relationship getting the time and development it desperately needed in Man of Steel.

I'm definitely going to go see it when it eventually comes out but like others have said here, I expect it to be a complete mess.

Ohh Spider Slayers in possible future films, could be interesting. Wonder if that will also involve reintroducing the Kingpin at some stage as well

While I never enjoyed the episodes of the 90s Spiderman cartoons with them, Spider Slayers could easily fit in with where this series of Spiderman films are going in terms of having Oscorp responsible for creation of all the tech for Spiderman's villains. I wouldn't mind seeing Kingpin come into the frame in the future as well though.

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I agree, a genius whose had to work for years already despite his young age to build up his empire and reputation having to face the fact that Superman is, by his very nature, physically superior to him would be a great way to approach Luthor in this film and Eisenberg would probably be able to carry it off. However like you say that would seem too interesting for a franchise which seems to hurtling towards Batman and Superman fighting each other because they both wear capes or some other deeply contrived reason.

With this film now having to balance Superman, Batman and Alfred, Lex Luthor, Wonder Woman and a large amount of build up to the inevitable Justice League film it seems extremely likely that we can kiss goodbye to any hope of Lois Lane and Superman/Clark Kent's relationship getting the time and development it desperately needed in Man of Steel.

I'm definitely going to go see it when it eventually comes out but like others have said here, I expect it to be a complete mess.

While I never enjoyed the episodes of the 90s Spiderman cartoons with them, Spider Slayers could easily fit in with where this series of Spiderman films are going in terms of having Oscorp responsible for creation of all the tech for Spiderman's villains. I wouldn't mind seeing Kingpin come into the frame in the future as well though.

Think Man of Steel really killed off any hope of the Lois/Clark relationship with the way they were introduced, it was mad. The film is really trying to shoehorn in as many JLA members as possible (isn't Green Lantern supose to be in it as well?) tho looking forward to see what happens with Nightwing

Yeah the 90s cartoon for its faults was still great watching (got the boxset at home) tho Id think it would make more sense to have a leader of sorts to assemble (if you pardon the pun) the villians together and form the sinister 6 with Kingpin being the obvious choice and giving us a chance to forget the DD version

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Think Man of Steel really killed off any hope of the Lois/Clark relationship with the way they were introduced, it was mad. The film is really trying to shoehorn in as many JLA members as possible (isn't Green Lantern supose to be in it as well?) tho looking forward to see what happens with Nightwing

Yeah the 90s cartoon for its faults was still great watching (got the boxset at home) tho Id think it would make more sense to have a leader of sorts to assemble (if you pardon the pun) the villians together and form the sinister 6 with Kingpin being the obvious choice and giving us a chance to forget the DD version

Yeah there have been persistent rumours about Green Lantern floating around for a while. You'd have to imagine it'll be a rebooted Hal Jordan that'll appear if he is to be in this after the way the last Green Lantern film bombed.

Is Nightwing definitely going to be in it? If so then I really would have no confidence in the chance of success for this film or the future for the DC film universe. There are some Batman stories that benefit from Nightwing/Robin's inclusion but given how many characters are already in this film, and that it's meant to be a superman sequel, there just seems to be no good reason to include him. Given that we've also never had a particularly successful film version of Robin, I just think it would be a big mistake to suddenly introduce Nightwing into the mix here.

I keep meaning to buy the Spiderman cartoon box set, I watched them all again a year or so ago when they were still on Netflix and they still really hold up well although the last season is a bit mental at times. It would be interersting to see Kingpin being used to unite the Sinister Six in the build up to their spin-off film, similar to the way that Nick Fury was used put the Avengers together in time for their film.

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Yeah there have been persistent rumours about Green Lantern floating around for a while. You'd have to imagine it'll be a rebooted Hal Jordan that'll appear if he is to be in this after the way the last Green Lantern film bombed.

Is Nightwing definitely going to be in it? If so then I really would have no confidence in the chance of success for this film or the future for the DC film universe. There are some Batman stories that benefit from Nightwing/Robin's inclusion but given how many characters are already in this film, and that it's meant to be a superman sequel, there just seems to be no good reason to include him. Given that we've also never had a particularly successful film version of Robin, I just think it would be a big mistake to suddenly introduce Nightwing into the mix here.

I keep meaning to buy the Spiderman cartoon box set, I watched them all again a year or so ago when they were still on Netflix and they still really hold up well although the last season is a bit mental at times. It would be interersting to see Kingpin being used to unite the Sinister Six in the build up to their spin-off film, similar to the way that Nick Fury was used put the Avengers together in time for their film.

Yeah regardless of what they do now with the Batman vs Superman title it is going to be an absolute mess, just trying to get the JLA up and running as quick as they can tho without origins for at least half of the league it will be an uphill struggle. I just like teh idea of having a more mature Robin character in there who can hold his own

Yeah I had it downloaded for years but my brother got me the boxset, still love Venom as well great character and was done pretty well during the series as well as giving cameos to Ben Reilly and Stan Lee near the end

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Indeed, if this was a straightforward Superman-Luthor film i'd be more interested. Sticking with the Zuckerberg idea - how would the planets resident wunderkid react to the arrival of a genuine superman? A nerdy college kid who found fame and fortune now being upstaged by a genuine "alpha male" jock in the medias eyes. the idea of it as a struggle for ego, and Luthor;s own peroslla issues ultimately turning him into a villian would be fascinating. Particulalrly if Superman rebuffs a Luthor attempt at partnership - "We could have changed the world you and me" and all that stuff. Sadly that seems a little too deep for a franchise whose first outing containined an hour of buildings falling down.

it would be good if they actually played on the lex luthor/clark kent relationship that developed then fell apart in "smallville"

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Just before you have gotten over the last 2 castings for Superman vs Batman....


This could break Hollywood and potential for the worst blockbuster lol


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Just before you have gotten over the last 2 castings for Superman vs Batman....


This could break Hollywood and potential for the worst blockbuster lol

Well it'd be interesting at least I suppose. It's not like Marvel haven't made bold, surprising choices for their films so far. Chucking Thor and his universe into the first phase of Marvel movies was brave enough but then having Kenneth Branagth direct it was a very interesting move which paid off pretty well for them. Then again Warner Bros have seemed to be running around like headless chickens when it's come to this project so it's probably unlikely that they are deliberately trying to making striking and unusual creative decisions.

Actually, there's a guy on The Escapist website called Movie Bob who made a decent argument for casting Dwayne Johnson as Lex Luthor a few weeks back. Here's the link to the video if you're interested, the bit about The Rock and Man of Steel 2 starts around the 3:30 min mark:


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Well it'd be interesting at least I suppose. It's not like Marvel haven't made bold, surprising choices for their films so far. Chucking Thor and his universe into the first phase of Marvel movies was brave enough but then having Kenneth Branagth direct it was a very interesting move which paid off pretty well for them. Then again Warner Bros have seemed to be running around like headless chickens when it's come to this project so it's probably unlikely that they are deliberately trying to making striking and unusual creative decisions.

Actually, there's a guy on The Escapist website called Movie Bob who made a decent argument for casting Dwayne Johnson as Lex Luthor a few weeks back. Here's the link to the video if you're interested, the bit about The Rock and Man of Steel 2 starts around the 3:30 min mark:


Marvel have made some bold choices, Downey Jr as Iron Man was possibly a bit of a gamble before you saw what he'd done. He's a great actor but has had his problems. I'm not sure too many were in favour of Chris Evans as Cap when he got it.

Tom Hiddleston was a nobody when he was cast as Loki for the first Thor film.

They have at least done it slowly, not too many risks at a time and had experience throughout (like you say with people like Branagth)

The Rock as Lex Luthor would be terrible, he doesn't need to be muscly, he should be more smart-talkative like Eisenberg is.

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Marvel have made some bold choices, Downey Jr as Iron Man was possibly a bit of a gamble before you saw what he'd done. He's a great actor but has had his problems. I'm not sure too many were in favour of Chris Evans as Cap when he got it.

Tom Hiddleston was a nobody when he was cast as Loki for the first Thor film.

They have at least done it slowly, not too many risks at a time and had experience throughout (like you say with people like Branagth)

The Rock as Lex Luthor would be terrible, he doesn't need to be muscly, he should be more smart-talkative like Eisenberg is.

Agreed with RDJ, fantastic actor but as mentioned he has had his issues but does a great Tony Stark

Chris Evans was a weird choice purely because he was already Johnny Storm, that said the way he baulked up you helped get passed that

I understand that people are throwing round the idea that instead of Hal Jordan Green Lantern instead it might be John Stewart instead. I can see where they are coming from but I don't see it working. The biggest problem DC have is trying to introduce all these characters in a oner with only Batman and Superman having films to cover origins. If they were serious about a Justice League they need to lay a bit more individual ground work first (Flash Tv series due to start is a step in the right direction)

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