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Game of Thrones

Quentin Taranbino

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'Was setting stuff up' is now becoming too much of a crutch for average episodes.


- the stuff in Horn Hill actually, Samwell's cloying aside. Randall was good.

- yeah okay I am fine with Benjen being back as a deadman.

- Walder Frey! best bit by MILES.

- Mace Tyrell being hilarious. Jaime's face during his speech!


- nearly everything on Essos inc the Braavos bit ESPECIALLY the ending with the dragon.

- the oooh GOTCHA of the High Sparrow, I am OUT on this guy, he has no real oomph.

- King Tommen still not getting a fucking clue, he has the king appeal of a biscuit with two shits inside

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Jacqen has never been seen wielding a sword to the best of my memory. Syrio would batter him.


Don't think we've actually seen Jacqen do anything as far as I can remember even remotely murderous or deadly other than when he poisoned himself. Absolutely everything else he's done has been out of sight of even us I think.

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Trailer for next episode showing Bronn is back. Belter, very underated character


I wouldn't say he's under rated, exactly.  The almost universal opinion of Bronn is very high.

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Syrio, of course, said to Arya that there is only one God and his name is Death, indicating that he had an awareness of the lore of the Faceless Men.  He was a Braavosi as well.

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Unlikely Syrio and Jaqun would fight as both are on the same side.


Both are worshippers of the Many Faced God, & there were some hints that Syrio may have been a former member of the House of Black & White who was employed as First Sword of Braavos to ensure that the Faceless Men never carried out a hit on the Sealord, & as a warning to outsiders that to cross swords with the First Sword was to cross swords with the House of Black & White.


As for Syrio being killed by Ser Meryn Trant, his head was not amongst those on the spikes Joffrey forced Sansa to look at. When Arya tells the Hound that Syrio was killed by Trant, he pours scorn on the idea - Trant got his position due to his family's importance as Baratheon vassals, not out of ability. Syrio may very well have defeated Trant, and escaped much the same way all the Faceless do (which with King's Landing in melee at the time would not have been too difficult).

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Possibly, apart from when he actually called it The Red Wedding. To me, that sounded a bit silly and stupidly scripted. It's still annoying me three days later.


Yeah it felt a bit "third wally". It also annoyed me when Dany was talking about how many ships she'd need to cross the seas. The whole "you'd need a thousand ships, at best, who has that?", "nobody, yet" shite obviously shoehorning some reference of the Greyjoys in despite the fact they've never spoken to each other and are on opposite ends of the world is mental, they'd be as well just saying shes all knowing, all seeing and all powerful.

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