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Game of Thrones

Quentin Taranbino

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What an amazing episode, heart was pounding for almost the entirety of the b*****d bowl. Was expecting Ghost to rip Ramsay limb from limb but no sign at all?!


The trampling scene was tense as and agree with most that Rickon is a tit for not weaving at least a little.


Thought the wee bit when Tormund and Davos said Jon Snow not being a king was significant. Perhaps a wee hint to the future

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Fabulous episode. The battle sequences were amazing, there was a real feeling of peril amongst the crashing swords and galloping horses. That crush was one of the most claustrophobic pieces of television I have ever seen - I had a visceral reaction to that which is testament to all involved and the power of the scene.


Wun Wun :bairn

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Bearing in mind comments above, I'm trying not to be a "book w****r" - mostly because I can't remember whether this was in the book or the series. 


Didn't Robb Stark declare Jon Snow as his heir as King of the North?  So long ago, sorry....

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Wun Wun :(





Some heroes hold the door - others break them. Hilarious watching him demonstrate in one simple move that any attempt by Ramsey to hold out in Winterfell would have been equally as doomed had they decided to sit it out.


It was a pity no one thought of forging a big f**k Off Size Sword for Won Won - he could have had fun with that scything it through the Bolton ranks.


WunWun & Tormund were brilliant - every time you thought, no, that's them this time, no more left in the tank, they went straight into "is that your best shot?" mod & started tearing Boltons in two like they'd merely stopped for a tea break.

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Bearing in mind comments above, I'm trying not to be a "book w****r" - mostly because I can't remember whether this was in the book or the series. 


Didn't Robb Stark declare Jon Snow as his heir as King of the North?  So long ago, sorry....

I not sure we actually heard him name an heir and legitimise him as a Stark. I think there was just speculation at the time that it would be Jon.  It's a fair bet though.

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Didn't Robb Stark declare Jon Snow as his heir as King of the North?  So long ago, sorry....


Why would he do that when he'd just got married? Surely he'd be planning on producing a few direct heirs?

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Only route left to him assuming nobody will know his true lineage apart from Bran would be the highly unlikely event of Sansa becoming Queen in the North and legitimising him.

That obviously won't happen though and even if it did, Sansa would be making him a better claimant to Winterfell than her which ain't desirable for her

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Only route left to him assuming nobody will know his true lineage apart from Bran would be the highly unlikely event of Sansa becoming Queen in the North and legitimising him.

That obviously won't happen though and even if it did, Sansa would be making him a better claimant to Winterfell than her which ain't desirable for her


I still think it'll be Howland Reed with the big reveal when we get to meet him properly. He was the other person at the Tower of Joy where baby Jon would have been discovered.

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Don't think being Queen of the North is Sansa's ambition - getting back Winterfell was the sum total of her world scope, but knowing they who hold Winterfell hold the North.


They know now they're going to have a Lannister-Frey army coming up after them (unless Jaime decides to avenge Caitlyn on Brianne's behalf - stranger things have happened!) once word heads south - however events in Dorne and King's Landing may leave the latter preoccupied enough to allow the north to rebuild and repair, so by the time the south gets its act together they'll have little realistic choice left but to come to terms, especially with the crown & Lannisters both skint, & a possible bunch of raiding Iron Islanders to contend with when Dany tells King Hipsterbeard "sorry but I prefer Yara's small but perfectly formed ass - er I mean fleet - to yours!"


The pieces are coming nicely together for Dany to come over with the Northerners happy to accept her thanks to Jon's soon to be revealed ancestry, Tyrion's kindnesses to Jon and Bran paying dividends years later to make peace with the Starks as a Lannister (& southerner) they can trust (there's also the small matter that technically Tyrion's still married to Sansa...), and ultimately for the bigger picture (the White Walkers).


There is however one major fly in the ointment - Littlefinger. He never learns his lesson, like Cercei he is doomed by his nature to play "the Game" until it is his undoing. What price him wrecking it all because he'd happily see the whole world destroyed just to rule the ruins?

Edited by WaffenThinMint
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A bit of googling tells me it was the books.  Sorry


Robb Stark had planned to legitimize Jon Snow and name him his heir until a son was born to him from Jeyne Westerling - given that he falsely believe that his other trueborn brothers were dead, Arya was probably dead, and Sansa was a prisoner of the Lannisters. He signed the decree in the presence of several lords as witnesses. However, it is unknown what became of the decree, as it is no longer mentioned in the books. It is speculated that Robb gave it to Maege Mormont and Galbart Glover, but their current location is unknown. So far Jon has not received the decree, and has no idea of its existence.

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They know now they're going to have a Lannister-Greyjoy army coming up after them once word heads south

A Lannister-Frey army.

How will that pan out when, effectively, Jon and Sansa have just avenged the death of Walder's great grandson and Walda?

Edited by Nizzy
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A Lannister-Frey army.

How will that pan out when, effectively, Jon and Sansa have just avenged the death of Walder's great grandson and Walda?


Not much considering the Freys butchered the Starks and Tullys under their roof - the one unforgivable crime between noble families in Westeros. Like Ramsey, there is no way back for them.


The Freys have no friends left other than the Boltons & Lannisters out of nothing more than convenience - the former are now on the verge of extinction (those left back in the Dreadfort leaderless) and the latter are Westeros' Big Tax Case incoming. That Ramsey was happy to make Fat Walda his Pedigree Chum shows no one really treats the Freys seriously as a foe, more a nuisance.

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