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Game of Thrones

Quentin Taranbino

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Only the Umbers and Karstarks fought for Ramsay. Jon had the wildlings and houses Mormont, Horwood and Mazin. All the rest stayed out of it.

Edit - book w****r comment but surprised the Maderlys weren't on Jon's side considering what happens in the book.

They were name dropped a few times which got me excited but otherwise, we've literally never seen them so now that Winterfell has been taken I can't see them appearing in any meaningful capacity

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Is the next episode the last in the current series? Pretty sure it will be but I was surprised that my tv coverage didn't give it a massive "in next week's season finale..."

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Is the next episode the last in the current series? Pretty sure it will be but I was surprised that my tv coverage didn't give it a massive "in next week's season finale..."

it is. And i think there will be 13 episodes left split over 2 seasons 

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I know its entertainment and suspension of disbelief etcetc,but that was utterly preposterous tosh.

john snow is the worst general ever,fictional and non fictional,deserved to be defeated a thousand times over


You know nothing.

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^ umm hmm not watched many episodes have you?


seen them all,thanks.this is as crap as game of thrones has ever got

Glad to see you found the dragons perfectly normal though  :thumsup2

its a fantasy series so yes I did.doesnt say that human vs human battles have to be such a joke

best episode ever some of you are saying?and its me that's being asked if ive not seen many episodes?seriously

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Is the next episode the last in the current series? Pretty sure it will be but I was surprised that my tv coverage didn't give it a massive "in next week's season finale..."

The feed I watched had stretched this episode out to a 70 minute marathon by including a "next week on Game of Thrones" trailer (which revealed absolutely nothing) and, for some reason, an "Inside The Episode" interview with two of the writers, describing the progression of the female characters.

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According to Liam Cunningham (Ser Davos - who nearly got beheaded during the Battle of Winterfell), next week isn't the usual tying up of this season's loose ends and previewing next season's plots malarkey. Apparantly all hell breaks loose. Could be that dinner party of the Freys is about to have some special guests...

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seen them all,thanks.this is as crap as game of thrones has ever got

its a fantasy series so yes I did.doesnt say that human vs human battles have to be such a joke

best episode ever some of you are saying?and its me that's being asked if ive not seen many episodes?seriously




Hush, you fucking welt.

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I know its entertainment and suspension of disbelief etcetc,but that was utterly preposterous tosh.

john snow is the worst general ever,fictional and non fictional,deserved to be defeated a thousand times over


"deserved to be defeated a thousand times over"


But hasn't that been the watchword of Game of Thrones from the start? The ones you think are certain to survive because of their virtues quite often perish whilst the ones with all the vices you're sure will pay for it "swim on" as Varys put it.


Yes, Jon Snow has made mistake after mistake. And yet, like Arya, there he is - outlasting supposedly cleverer & more experienced people whose cleverness and experience ultimately proved their undoing as they refused to accept changing realities. Sansa's made so many mistakes she should be in the Game of Thrones remedial class, yet she lived long enough to get it right twice (jumping with Theon & swallowing her pride to ask for Littlefinger's help). Sometimes even in this brutal world of GoT they live to fight another day, whilst sometimes "better" people don't.


There are some parallels to what's happened with Jon (& the others) elsewhere. Napoleon used to ask of his commanders abilities "he is brilliant, yes, but is he lucky?" because his own rise to the top came courtesy of a number of random events in his favour. On an ordinary foot soldier's level the likes of Capt. Ronald Speirs suicidal charge during the Battle of Foy (or for that matter paratrooper George Luz throughout WW2) shows that there are some who somehow manage to avoid getting so much as a scratch for reasons defying all logic and statistical chance. It happens.


The foolish believe it to be "destiny" (eg. Hitler and Patton, both gifted with the luck of the devil throughout their lives). The more pragmatic like Machiavelli knew that it's merely a factor which can and does come into play no matter how clever a commander or politician may be, & the wise learn to allow for it but never depend on it. The Battle of Aughrim was lost by the Irish because they panicked when their commander Marquis de Saint Ruth was killed by a random lucky shot just as they were about to win the day. Similar situation at Killiecrankie years before with the killing of Bonnie Dundee, the Scots kept their focus - & won.


The battle scene itself was brilliantly done, showing that no matter how skilled a warrior, sheer random chance can & does affect the fate of each & every soldier, not least of all whether there's someone in the position to kill each of the others trying to kill you at the same time you're trying to kill the man in front.


Kick back & enjoy the nonsense, the "ah, COME ON!" moments. It may all make sense in the end.

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Apparently the reason ghost wasn't in the battle was because of CGI budget constraints. It was either the giant or ghost not both. Sake suppose he'll be in the book instead.


By all accounts they spent $10m on that battle scene.  I'm sure it wouldn't have made a huge difference to that level of spending to add in a big dug.

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This article touches on my thoughts a little bit. People can claim that anyone who isn't furiously masturbating over the episode is just trying to be different all they like, but in my opinion, the decline in the quality of the show has been pretty blatant this season. I still enjoy it, and I'll still watch it to the end, but a lot of the wit and genius in the writing has faded away.

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They were name dropped a few times which got me excited but otherwise, we've literally never seen them so now that Winterfell has been taken I can't see them appearing in any meaningful capacity


I quite enjoyed the episode, but that article is pretty spot on. I don't think it's too controversial; a lot of folk on here have been bemoaning the drop in quality over the past few seasons.

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