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Game of Thrones

Quentin Taranbino

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as all have said brilliant episode. Which, I reckon, is because the whole time was centred around the one part of the story, instead of jumping from Qarth to the Wall to Winterfell to,.......

I understand why they need to keep all the different characters and stories bubbling along, but focussing on the battle alone last night made great TV. Highlighted all the more by the fact that Mrs Ranter was watching TOWIE immediately before. 2 extremes.

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Let’s be clear here, that is how Television is fucking done! I don’t know if I can find the words to do that episode justice but here goes anyway.

Blackwater has had a lot of hype surrounded by it, what with all the budget constraints in the series, with being able to bybass around some of the previous scenes beforehand in a near satisfying enough manner for most of the bookreaders, that they finally decided to devote a whole hour to a real battle scene. The hype was every bit worth it. The execution, the suspense, hell even the one liners were just outstanding. In budget comparisons, it should have made most directors re-think how it needed to done(I'm looking at you Speilberg).

But it wasn’t the scope that made it so impressive, but the focus. People have already stated that this is how good it can be when it devotes its attention to something. Not Danys greeting about her ‘children’, no Theon over his head, and no Jon Snow being called Brave, but stupid in so many broken up scenes. Game of Thrones seemed to always be moving from continent to continent every 15 minutes and not that I’m complaining, but if this is what it’s capable of producing when they really focus on an area, then almost every other show on the box right now would be left for dead. No this bad boy went for continuity, even when there was no fighting, it did built on the depth of everything. The scenes where Davos lost his son(I’m guessing he survived considering the blast sent him a mile in the other direction from ‘that scene’), Tryion showing that he is a superb tactician and leader, and then the hound offering a way out for Sansa. His one liners that were all the more funnier by the fear he put into the people around who were probably thinking this c***s just crazy enough to make good on his threats. All the more attention to detail made this episode all the more genuine and sweeter.

It wasn’t even action all the time. There was plenty of suspense of Stannis sailing to the King’s Landing, letting the tension build for the audience in anticipation for its epic(that even sells it short collision). We such satisfying scenes as Bronn saving the Hounds life after their brilliant little square up at the start. Joffrey was the unsurprising coward. Tyrion’s Emmy winning speech(it will be), which starts as if even he doesn’t believe in what he’s saying, let alone the people he’s trying to convince until he builds momentum. Even Cersei’s scenes with Sansa(was I the only one that thought she was trying to get her drunk?). Although I appreciate any stone cold character with a lack of emotion, I don’t see how being made to be a woman(which she obviously is) could lead her to becoming an incest spawning toff with a silver spoon shoved up her arse, was going to get any sympathy from me. I do respect however that she registers that she is rather fucked in the head though rather than deny it.

But what about “that scene” I ask you? All 75 seconds of it, (Yes I counted, I mean I watched the fucking moment about 9 times!) from the moment the arrow left Byron’s bow to the smug face of old dude who made the wildfire, and maybe even the suspense before it. As soon as you saw that one ship, you just know the shit going to hit the fan. Credit to Davos noticing what it was (how did he know what it was?), but by then Tyrion had gave the signal. The sheer silence of the 8 seconds that arrow floated in the air, and KA-MUTHAFUCKIN-BOOOOOOOM!!!!!!! (Michael Bay must have came watching that)It wasn’t just a contained explosion, but one the sustained in burning everything in sight. The looks one all the characters faces from the wall must have reminiscent of the first time the scientists that first fired the atom bomb looked like. It was the highlight of the season for me and nearly every bit as epic as the Baelor moment. As I said on Twitter last night, the only thing missing was Tryion shouting after it (A casual ‘Deal with it’, ‘Wildfire bitch!’ Or just puts on a Greggy Wallace mask, whatever your fancy).

Let’s not forget the superb mis-direction of Tywin Lannister showing up at the death, knowing that he was needed more here. I honestly didn’t click when I saw the horses arriving and thought they were the enemy( it wasn’t until after I was thinking how the f**k did horses get from ships to dry land?!), but then maybe I was to busy worrying for Tryion not to die. I’d have been inconsolable had that happened. His little one liner after charging outside was simple and yet genius at the same time. ‘Oh…f**k!’

I don’t deny for a second obviously that this could be nothing more than a ‘one episode like this per season’ deal, as the budget for something like this would have to be astronomical. The problem will be that now that we know just what the show is capable of, it’s going to be incredibly difficult to match let alone surpass something of this magnitude. Hopefully the writers see that there really is value towards shaking things up a bit now and again like this. Don’t get me wrong, I find the endless list of characters in numerous locations as plot-enthralling as the next, but I didn’t feel like I necessarily missed them either. I don’t think that I, nor would many others be complaining if we saw the story fixed a bit more in the same areas more often. I don’t know what more I can add now, as anything more I say or have already said will probably have diminished the sheer brilliance of that wonderful hour.

Edited by the jambo-rocker
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as all have said brilliant episode. Which, I reckon, is because the whole time was centred around the one part of the story, instead of jumping from Qarth to the Wall to Winterfell to,.......

I understand why they need to keep all the different characters and stories bubbling along, but focussing on the battle alone last night made great TV. Highlighted all the more by the fact that Mrs Ranter was watching TOWIE immediately before. 2 extremes.

Long, enthusiastic, accurate synopsis

All that, plus Jerome Flynn was allowed to sing!

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One thing I didnt get last night was why that guy sliced open Tyrion's face. He's in the kings guard is he not?

Yes, that was Ser Mandon Moore of the King's guard, who was standing just behind Tyrion when he rallied the men to go out one last time. He told him he'd be the KIng's standard bearer.

When it happened in the book, its not obvious what's going on and why. When I read that chapter, I knew Tyrion was seriously injured but it's obviously right at the height of the battle and I had to go back and read that part again to make sure I knew what happened

Did Ceresi have something to do with it?


Edited by Gordon EF
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What is the house of the undying!

It's warlock HQ.

Episode 10 last time was a bit of a breather after the shock of 9 last season, this one looks like it's going to be fucking brilliant.

I agree with whoever said the Hound kind of stole the show last night, he was fantastic. So many great performances from the cast.

"If any of those fucking burning arrows come near me I'll strangle you with your own guts!". :lol:

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Let's be clear here, that is how Television is fucking done! I don't know if I can find the words to do that episode justice but here goes anyway.

... extended writing

Sorry TV and Film forum readers and indeed readers of jambo-rockers excellent reviews I have some terrible news to bring you.

jambo-rocker is a plageriser.

He does write his reviews, but much like a student copying from a textbook he merely changes words, flips around some sentences but these are not his thoughts. It isn't really surprising though since the quality of the reviews are good and a standard that he doesn't maintain throughout his other posts. You see the occasional rough paragraph where he throws in his own thoughts but they are never as insightful as the rest. I dare anyone to read this review and compare it to jambo-rocker and come to any other conclusion. Direct lifts, the overall structure, even some of the witty comments are taken straight. I have had a quick look back through some other reviews and the same pattern arises.

How long did you think you could get away with it? You are copying Alan Sepinwall, one of the most well known internet TV reviewers.

For Shame


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I just thought,why didn't Stannis unleash the smoke monster to the battle? Surely that would have tipped the scales.

I'm sure Davos convinced him to keep her in the house, so that the victory would be his and not acknowledged as hers...

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