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Game of Thrones

Quentin Taranbino

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My girlfriend who has never read the books pointed out something I hadn't really considered - Nothing really happened this season (thoroughly entertaining though it was).

Joffrey is still King, Starks are still rebelling, Tywin is still Hand, Dany is still across the Narrow Sea, dragons are still small, Arya is still lost, Jaime is still a prisoner (of sorts), Stannis is still skulking about with red woman, Jon is still North of the Wall freezing his baws off, etc.

Okay it's not entirely true, some stuff did happen - Theon became more of a dick, Winterfell got burnt, White Walkers became more prominent in the last 5 mins, etc but she actually has a point for once.

Really looking forward to Seasons 3 and 4 when shit will get really real. Books 4 and 5 might be more difficult to adapt though, particularly to prevent putting viewers off.

Also, re the last couple of posts I can't say I'm upset about the visions being cut down upon - I'm not really a fan of prophecies and dream sequences. I feared this episode would be the GoT equivalent of The Sopranos 'The Test Dream'. At least the dream sequence here made sense - Pyat Pree wants Dany to stay because it enhances his magic, so she has a vision enticing her to stay. Prefer that to all of the hints and stuff that come out of nowhere.

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Gotta ask, what happen to the stark men who had surrounded winterfell? Surely once the iron islanders had fucked off the old man would've just sent the boys off with them? Or did they just piss off?

Who said they were Stark men? ;)

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Really looking forward to Seasons 3 and 4 when shit will get really real. Books 4 and 5 might be more difficult to adapt though, particularly to prevent putting viewers off.

I've been wondering how they'll handle that. My thoughts are that they'll squeeze the next three books into three series. I know they've said season 3 will be the first half of book 3 but although book 3 is massive, the two halfs aren't as big as books 1 or 2 and some stuff from the beginning of book 3 has already happened in season 2.

The timelines start to get more messed up from halfway through book 3 so I think they'll put elements from different books into the same series to keep the TV show more or less in chronological order.

Also, re the last couple of posts I can't say I'm upset about the visions being cut down upon - I'm not really a fan of prophecies and dream sequences. I feared this episode would be the GoT equivalent of The Sopranos 'The Test Dream'. At least the dream sequence here made sense - Pyat Pree wants Dany to stay because it enhances his magic, so she has a vision enticing her to stay. Prefer that to all of the hints and stuff that come out of nowhere.

I don't think it's a massive thing. I think the only important part that they've underplayed a bit so far is the Prince that was Promised/Azor Azhai thing. You never quite know whether what some people believe about Gods and prophecies is true or bullshit in the books I suppose. And Mellisandre has already said she thinks Stannis is the 'warrior of light' or whatever. I think they'll introduce that a bit more next season.

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The bit where Jaqen H'ghar meets Arya and reveals his ability was one of the best "holy shit!" moments from the season. Really looking forward to the next season of this already, I'll resist the temptation to read the books, as good as they sound I'm looking forward to having everything fresh each week.

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The bit where Jaqen H'ghar meets Arya and reveals his ability was one of the best "holy shit!" moments from the season. Really looking forward to the next season of this already, I'll resist the temptation to read the books, as good as they sound I'm looking forward to having everything fresh each week.

I think that's a good decision personally.

I think it would be hilarious if someone did a parody of the Jaqen moment, where he turns away, then turns back as the same guy wearing something like this


My ambition now is to get on the writing team for a sketch show and make this happen.

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Ok, damn. Hot Damn! That was a cliff-hanger worthy of a send-off over another cracking season, but we’ll get to that.

Firstly someone said earlier that even with all the plot has went on this season, nothing has actually happened. Well how about we get into where everyone was, and where everyone is now.

Tyrion has gone from hand of the King to nobody again, but he feels a sense of purpose now even if he’s not appreciated for it. He has nothing now, on tribesman, no Bronn and no honours for saving the city. Not only that, he feels broken, his face scared (a monster as he says), although his lady still loves him. Even with all that has happened to him though, he doesn’t want to leave for the easy life he was promised. But almost like a domestic victim, he doesn’t want to leave. Taking them on in a game of wits is best he has ever felt before, and he probably feels with all that has happened to him will give him more motivation to get back at them more than ever, his sister in particular. Varys is distancing himself for the time being, but as we look at I can’t help but feel he’s planting the most seeds for looking to move into power.

The Tyrell’s have united and the lady Tyrell has now the chance to become the queen. Stark girl maybe free of this vow now, but she is still tied down. Will Littlefinger make good or will it be a pawn to finally net Lady Catelyn. Littlefinger has won Harrenhal, and in the process fulfilled his wish to have more power.

Varys is distancing himself from Tryion for the time being, but as we look at I can’t help but feel he’s planting the most seeds for looking to move into power. He sees a business opportunity to take Littlefinger’s main whore. Maybe used as means of getting more information off warm blooded men?

Big Byrienne shows Jaime Lannister a bit of what shes made off, yet he is happy to go along with her when confronted with Stark’s men, as she still is his best chance. I still can’t help but feel it will end badly for her. You can see she’s seen woman go through a lot of pain, probably most of it herself, and seemed to work through somes issues on killing that last guy slowly.

Robb Stark has managed with a bit of luck to see off Tywin, lost his best friend, gained a wife but does have the issue of dealing with the woman she’s promised to. ‘Treat your oaths recklessly, and your people will do the same’. It will bite him on the arse, even if the metaphor will need to get in line behind his new bride to do so.

Stannis is probably the only one that hasn’t went anywhere. I still think Davos is alive but I can’t help but think he’ll be held as a scapegoat. But he did finally show remorse for his brother. ‘This war will last years’ she tells him, and probably illusions on him being the King. Tbh, with all the people staking claims I wouldn’t want to be there just yet. He will betray everything to get there she says, but could he betray everything he stands for in the process?

Theon was for me was tricked by his own people. And I think they burned the place down after. I just can’t think of anyone nearby with the motive. They probably admired the fact he was willing to die, just not over such ludicrous motives as pride, and why should they suffer for him? They probably saved his life if anything, with the bag over his head, but he won’t be grateful, not right away anyway. Theon showed that being at Winterfell clearly hasa bothered him over the years. Maybe he hated being treated so nicely as a prisoner, feel like after all that’s happened he maybe wishes he was treated harshly. Even the priest has sympathetic enough to try and give him advice. The whole speech part was rather funny however. Theon <<<< Riled.

Now it is up to Osha to look after the remaining Stark brother, who are now heading to the North, but I would hardly say that even with all the enemies down south, that going that way is the safer option. The only thing I’d say they have going for them is that Osha is a very clever wilding, and she doesn’t give two fucks about her own people any more (and two nearly grown Direwolves).

Danerys has her Dragons back at least, but not before confronting her demons that the Warlock showed her, past and future by the looks of things too. The possible results of what will be left of King’s Landing(the Iron Throne room looks burnt to the ground), the North of the gate, seeing Drago and her child again(I missed Drago, even his Dialogue was good ‘told the Great Horseman to go f**k himself until he returned with her). The warlock underestimated just strong the combination of the dragons presence with her nearby actually was. People continue to underestimate her, and she just has the aura of somebody that has greatness around her. Drakarys motherfucka. Maybe Iain Glen had a point. And so she shows that she is also punishing. The bluffer and backstabber that is Xaros, is placed in the chamber that gained him almost of his wealth by locking him in there forever. That said, there worse things to be locked in there with than ole Roxanne Anne. In fact is it too late to trade places?...

Arya finds Jaqen again. Maybe all that red god stuff has a point to what he has been saying. To be a faceless man is something else entirely, he foreshadows. With as many names as that, learning those skills are something that she needs to get them with, and she hasn’t completely denied the opportunity to learn them, just delay until she knows her family is safe. Valar Morghulis. Oh my god on that moment. I can’t say anyone must have seen that coming, no wonder he’s so good at killing people. I wonder if he’s older than he lets on. It’s like a more medieval (and slightly cooler) timelord regeneration if he is.

Now for the most important points that were shown right at the end. The watchers of the wall and Jon Snow have their work cut out. I’m looking forward to meeting Mance Ryder, he’s seems the kind of charismatic chap that audiences that are drawn to. The Wilding army is arguably the biggest one going for it, but is not anything, I repeat, nothing compared to the Walkers at the end. They’ve always been lurking in the shadows since the first episode, probably more than ever they could be stronger as the Dragons get stronger also.

That last scene was executed perfectly. There the three of the wall are minding their own business. One blow, everything is ok Jon snow and his friends are back, let rejoice. Two blows, its long and more eerie than the last one, be on guard Wildings are coming. Three blows, this one lasts an eternity…f**k. Run, run like f**k. But Samwell can’t do it and is left alone. Everything starts to fog, shadows emerge ominously, and we see walkers that would put the walking dead to shame. Then we see the leader, all through Samwell’s eyes, which helps to convey just what it must be like for him. Trapped, alone and shit feared of probably the most frightening creatures in the land. The leader looks sternly into his, the bright blue is piercing and almost hypnotising at the same time. Then the war cry, not loud, but and yet at the same time worse. Purposeful, and hundreds follow, I wouldn’t want to anywhere within a continent or two, let alone where Samwell is right now. And it leaves us on some rather morbid music for the credits. Is this what is too come? More terror, more magic? God help us all. I thought it was executed with perfection.

So, the Lannisters are still in power, but the Starks have the free run now to rip apart their lands, but no winterfell. Stannis is back to square one, Danerys is finally coming across after two seasons across the sea. It’s the North that we know is going to kick off though. The problems might always have been there, but at least we know they are there now. I could see the watchers and wildings teaming up against the Walkers, as I just can’t see either side surviving otherwise. So yeah, the Throne is still in the same place, but the people in charge as far weaker than before, Danerys has her Dragons and none may survive if the battles north of the wall go to shit. 10 months? Fucking Pregnancies don't last that long...

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Who do people find themselves routing for?

In the battle episode I found myself firmly in the Lannister camp although that was purely because I love Tyrion and Bronn.

The Starks are clearly the 'good guys' but I don't find myself routing for them much. Really looking forward to see the Khaleesi build her army, I think that's who I will be backing.

Am I right in thinking the different sides so far are:

The Lannisters

The Starks

Khaleesi's mob

The Nights Watch

The Wildings

The White Walkers

The Greyjoys

Stannis's crew

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With Joffrey kicking about it's pretty much impossible to root for the Lannisters. Most people probably root for whichever side is most likely to chop his head off and play basketball with it at any given time.

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Tyrion and Bronn are obviously fantastic, but the rest of the Lannisters are bawbags! It'll be interesting to see what happens with Arya ,who seems to be the most street-wise Stark out of the whole bunch. As mentioned Jaqen H'ghar was probably my favourite new character introduced. Daenerys, while also having the advantage of being exceptionally tidy is also rather badass in that she has dragons and can walk through fire. Have to say, looking back it might have been possible to suggest that they may have struggled with the second season with no more Sean Bean about, but Peter Dinklage who plays Tyrion is utterly superb, as is the girl who plays Arya as mentioned earlier on. Hopefully they can continue to increase the budget in the same style that the Pacific did (also by HBO) after Band of Brothers through DVD sales.

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I was just listening to a review of the final two episodes and they mentioned a couple of things that I didn't pick up on at all when I was watching it.

- The reason the Hound retreated and left the battle was because he is terrified of fire (hence his scars etc) - I didn't pick up on that at all at the time. It makes sense of course but I didn't find that clear

- That Dany's handmaiden was conspiring with the 'king of qarth' (the black guy with the empty vault)

- That Jon Snows 'fellow nightsman' had a plan to get free :unsure: why did Jon kill him then. A bit confusing

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- That Jon Snows 'fellow nightsman' had a plan to get free :unsure: why did Jon kill him then. A bit confusing

So that Wildings would think he is traitor to the night's watch, so he would gain their trust. That's they way I saw it anyway.

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So that Wildings would think he is traitor to the night's watch, so he would gain their trust. That's they way I saw it anyway.

Yeah, I don't think that he had a plan to escape, I think he knew it would help John Snow in the long term if he killed him.

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I must admit, I love the Lannisters/Baratheons, however you look it. Tyrion excepted, they're absolute b*****ds, but they're intelligence and cunning is a joy to behold (and read).

I'm very much in the Targaryen camp 8)

The Starks are all about honour and are a bit boring, Stannis and his hoard are nothing to me and Renly was a pretender, even to Stannis. The Tyrells are opportunistic, but are quite interesting.

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