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Game of Thrones

Quentin Taranbino

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The giant eagles will save Bran and Meera. 


I need to stop getting up at 5am to watch the overnight episode, I must have nearly woke up the whole street when it became obvious what was happening to Hodor.


See the speculation bores, and yes I know I have done it in the past, they are becoming as boring as the book bores now. Gonnae just enjoy it and stop analyzing everything in minute detail.


Littlefinger is gonna get the crown in the end, isn't he?

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If you're not interested, don't read the posts. People can discuss what they want.

I would discuss your Littlefinger on the throne thing, but that would be over analysing things :P:lol:

Edited by Kyle
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Baelish and Varys are the only two intelligent characters left from the original cast. The whole show has been about the stupidity of the actions people take forgetting about the subsequent consequences. Baelish and Varys have watched this and influenced this, in the same way as Pycelle did to let Robert's army into King's Landing.


Only thing is, now there are no natural leaders left for the main families, like there were at the start of the story. They are all dead now. Only the weakest members of all the families have survived. There is a strong theme there about the stupidity of man. They cannot unite to face the real enemy coming.


Edit :- Apart from Tyrion, who is wanted for murdering his father and can't go home, obviously.

Edited by Musketeer Gripweed
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Nah, that's never been implied anywhere. The idea that he's actually Jaqen or another faceless man is just wishful thinking on the part of everyone who loved Syrio, ie. everyone.

Not quite. There are a coupla "hints" they are one and the same. Jaqen knows things about Arya that Arya never mentioned.

Could be Jaqen can just read people well or does his homework on folk. But it's not totally without merit.

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Its gets on my fucking tits we saw a two second clip of Pycelle stretching and jumping about like a 20 year old bloke and then its never, ever been touched upon since.

Also. f**k BRAN. f**k MEERA. f**k THE WEE TREE FOLK AND f**k THE OLD c**t. f**k EVERYONE.

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Its gets on my fucking tits we saw a two second clip of Pycelle stretching and jumping about like a 20 year old bloke and then its never, ever been touched upon since.

Also. f**k BRAN. f**k MEERA. f**k THE WEE TREE FOLK AND f**k THE OLD c**t. f**k EVERYONE.


Why would you? I don't see how it would be integral to anything to show you again? It was just enough give you an insight into his character, and nothing more. It's not like he's suddenly going to surprise everyone by springing to life and slaying everyone on the small council one day. He's just going to keep playing his part, and appearing more feeble will keep him that little bit safer.

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Why would you? I don't see how it would be integral to anything to show you again? It was just enough give you an insight into his character, and nothing more. It's not like he's suddenly going to surprise everyone by springing to life and slaying everyone on the small council one day. He's just going to keep playing his part, and appearing more feeble will keep him that little bit safer.


I dont know why it annoys me, it just does.

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Why would you? I don't see how it would be integral to anything to show you again? It was just enough give you an insight into his character, and nothing more. It's not like he's suddenly going to surprise everyone by springing to life and slaying everyone on the small council one day. He's just going to keep playing his part, and appearing more feeble will keep him that little bit safer.


Fuxake, spoilers man!

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