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Game of Thrones

Quentin Taranbino

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Far better moments in this episode than any recent episode (Jamie at Riverrun, slavers arriving, kings decree) but still utterly dreadful stuff with Arya (no tension whatsoever in the ludicrously scripted chase, you'd already made it clear she's immortal for now) and Tyrion (ANOTHER cringe scene with the other two? Really?). Dialogue again awful in places, but thankfully picking up elsewhere.

The whole opening scene with Ayra was miracles and soap opera.


Agree with that almost word for word.


I think this episode benefited from showing lengthier scenes/multiple scenes from fewer stories. One thing that's been beginning to bug me slightly is that you only get like 5 minutes of each storyline per episode on average and it almost became formulaic; this episode seemed to buck that trend slightly and I felt it was all the better for it. 

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Is the rumour that the maester and Cersei mention in the throne room something that's been mentioned in the show already, or is it something to be revealed? I can't remember.

Tyrion and Varys have been horrifically misused in this series so far.

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Perfect opportunity for a certain Targaryan to swoop in....

Robert after all claimed his legitimacy (apart from right of conquest) from a distant Targaryan relative so with his line dead, a restoration of that Royal house would make sense....

Except that the current rightful heir to the Throne is Gendry, who ive no doubt will be back in some form

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Except that the current rightful heir to the Throne is Gendry, who ive no doubt will be back in some form


I'd forgotten all about him. Did he not end up with Mellisandre or something? I mind she put leeches on him or something?

How would he verify any claim to the throne though?

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The battle next week is all over my Facebook already. :lol:


Now I have enough time to put some real thoughts down on last nights episode. It could and should have been a lot better than it was. The deaths of the waif and Blackfish have been built up for weeks, then they get done off screen? Now, I can understand the sense in Arya doing the deed in darkness given her recent blindness (poor girl has been through a lot recently :rolleyes: ) but both events really disappointed me, especially the siege of Riverrun.


Mereen is shit. The story there is shit. The characters there are shit. The accents they have are shit. It's shit and I don't care about it now, never have done to be honest. Make it stop.


The Hound's comedy routine is wearing a bit thin for me already. The writers look like they could ruin a great character if it keeps up. His meeting with Tyros and Beric Dondarrion, while interesting to diehards like ourselves, probably went over a lot of people's heads. Those two haven't been seen since Season 3?


Kings Landing was better last night, but still not as good as previous years as the dialogue isn't as good. It's all clunky and formulaic.


Erm, still love it though of course.

The offscreen deaths pissed me off, there was almost no point in bringing back Blackfish.

Couldnt agree more with Mereen, Tyrion needs to go join his wife and Jon and take some unsullied with him and Varys too. few Dragons too wouldnt hurt.

Delighted the hound is back, he needs to get his burnt arse north and go help out Sansa and John, take Beric with him too, he hates the lannisters and served Ned, his character would join with the Starks again.

The resurgence of the Starks vs the boltons is gonna be the best storyline this season IMO

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I'd forgotten all about him. Did he not end up with Mellisandre or something? I mind she put leeches on him or something?

How would he verify any claim to the throne though?

Ser Davos released him before Mellisandre could top him, he was last seen heading back to Kings Landing by boat, i suspect that the rumor that Cersei was discussing was him being alive and his location. I can see Cersei having Gendry as her final ace in the hole if she cant get Tommen back to her side, she will confess her sins to dethrone Tommen and shove Gendry in his place, all the while having him in her pocket.

She will confirm his lineage being Roberts wife.

Edited by EdgarusQPFC
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The rumour will be the wildfire that is stored under the city. Cersei's only hope now really.

Surely that was all used after black water bay battle destroying stannis fleet?!

Also mountain ripping the guys head off was class. Tommen is a wee bitch.

Bit annoyed with edmure and the fact we never saw blackfish fighting

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Remember Bran's vision of wildfire?


How can Gendry be heir when Tommen is going to be bumped of for being a b*****d as well?

Aye but Tommen isnt a b*****d, he was born to incest and has no actual claim to the throne like Joffery. Robert was a bit of a mad shagger and all his b*****d children were killed except for Gendry, so he is the only person left alive with Roberts blood, he is the only remaining remotely legitimate heir. Cersei tried to kill all roberts b*****ds to remove any threat to her sons claim. She failed obviously but it might be her only saving grace now.

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Right, haud oan. Sansa sent Brienne to Riverrun because she couldn't trust the ravens getting intercepted by Ramsay. So, Brienne in return tells Pod to send a raven to Sansa to tell her she failed.


Glad I watched this again now.


Writing doesn't stack up at all at times now.


If she had written to the Blackfish, she'd have to put a lot of information in her letter to try and convince him to help her which could compromise her position. Brienne's letter will literally say 'I have failed my mission', so Ramsay will be none the wiser what that's all about.


I would think.

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He only knows no Tully troops are on their way. 


That wave by the way, fucking cringe.


The letter is from Brienne though, not the Blackfish. If Brienne just says she has failed her mission without saying any specifics (she doesn't need to specify what the mission is as Sansa knows already) Ramsay can intercept it and not have a clue what's going on. Sansa's letter to the Blackfish would be a desperate plea for help, could give away their position, their army size etc so an intercepted raven going that way would cause a lot more damage.

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Arya killing the waif had to be done in the dark so no problems there.


The Riverrun arc was shite and not seeing the Blackfish dead added to Brienne sending a raven, nah we are not finished there at all.


Have a few ideas what happens next there but I'll leave it to next week.

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