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Game of Thrones

Quentin Taranbino

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f**k me, reading that back makes me realised I've forgot to mention LOADS! What an episode...

Best bit = NHS admin w****r in Old Town!

Loved the shot of Old Town with the ravens and the bit with Sam inside the library, nice to have another new location.

Yet another awesome Lady Mormont scene!

Did not see the Arya bit coming, liked the gruesome bonus of having Bebop and Rocksteady Frey baked into the pie.

LOL at them giving the Dorne storyline the absolute bare minimum of screentime!

Wonder who had the job of lighting those candles in the wildfire. "OK, who's got steady hands?"

I think Cersei's just queen because there's no-one left in power to say otherwise. The whole of the small council are dead now apart from loyal Qyburn (Kevan, Mace and Pycelle were the only others as far as I can work out). Can't see there being much stability though. Wouldn't be surprised if the kingsguard got blown up as well. Logistical nightmare!

I think there's stuff from earlier series that still has to play out. Maggy the Frog's prophecies...

-about Cersei becoming Queen after all her children died - check.

-she'll be displaced by someone younger and more beautiful....watch this space.

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Just watched it a second time. I think it's better on the second viewing! The opening 15 minutes is as good as it can possibly get IMO.


Loved the fact the Sandsnakes got ripped and barely got a line between them :lol:

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Did not see the Arya bit coming, liked the gruesome bonus of having Bebop and Rocksteady Frey baked into the pie.

And a fantastic link back to Bran's story in season 3 about the Rat Cook.

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Just watched it a second time. I think it's better on the second viewing! The opening 15 minutes is as good as it can possibly get IMO.


Loved the fact the Sandsnakes got ripped and barely got a line between them :lol:

Just rewatched it as well, so much to take on for just one watch.



I think Cersei's just queen because there's no-one left in power to say otherwise. The whole of the small council are dead now apart from loyal Qyburn (Kevan, Mace and Pycelle were the only others as far as I can work out). Can't see there being much stability though. Wouldn't be surprised if the kingsguard got blown up as well. Logistical nightmare!


She's very much a tyrant now, who's support will she have when the Targaryen fleet comes knocking? Hadn't realized Qyburn had been named hand as well, very similar to Aerys' decision to name a pyromancer as his hand. You can just tell that Jaime is standing there knowing he's looking at another 'Mad King'.

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I had an inkling that the music at the start was done by the same person that does some of the music for the Leftovers. It helped build towards the pay off up perfectly as the music intensified and really added to the suspense. I had a fair idea about the Wildfire plot, so building it up the way they did really added to it when it happened, instead of diminishing the shock factor, which I was worried about.


I can't have been the only person that found it creepy how much Cersei reminded me of Tywin when she being crowned Queen.


Also there's some irony that Jamie is now shagging a person that did to an extent, exactly what caused him to step in and be dubbed a Kingslayer.

Edited by the jambo-rocker
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In terms of potential suitors for Dany,I can't think of many that we have met that would fit the bill;

Jon - Incest ,can't really see it happening.

Jamie - possibly could see this working once Cersei is out of the picture

Littlefinger- doesn't have Sansa and desperate for the throne. Can't see her going for him but I can't see him not going for her.

Not really many candidates at all that would make sense. Jamie probably does though which could be interesting. Path of redemption, alot of political power in Kings landing, unite the houses etc

Surely not Jaime. He did kill her Dad, Kingslayer and all that.

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I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the fact that winter is finally fucking here.


Steady, lets not jump to conclusions a mere 5 seasons after it's first arrival and march towards The Wall...

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Here's how I see it going down.


Danerys' fleet alight and start ravaging the South of Westeros. The South weakens, but King's Landing remains untouched. As a battle for King's Landing approaches, word comes from the North that shit is going down with the White Walkers. Danerys' recognises this as a bigger fish to fry right now and heads north to fight with the Northerners, using fiery dragons and shit. Little Finger uses this window to coup King's Landing.


They win the North with the help of some timetravelly shit from Bran, her and Snow realise they are related, now he has to help to take the South for her, which they do. She becomes Queen of the South/7 Kingdoms, Snow King of the North. The dragons all die during various battles.




What I'd like to happen is the White Walkers to completely slaughter the whole North via eventual armies of undead Unsullied and Dothraki, the remaining factions to squabble over King's Landing and the South, ultimately leading to the destruction of all the houses.

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Surely not Jaime. He did kill her Dad, Kingslayer and all that.

Although she is now starting to understand what kind of a person he was, thanks to tales from Barristan and Tyrion.

Whether or not that's enough to forgive the person who actually put the sword in is another matter. I reckon she'd be more angry at Robert were he still alive, since he killed Rhaegar.

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Brilliant episode, really looking forward to watching it for a second time.  The Northern Lords proclaiming Jon as the King of the North was just an amazing scene.  


Looks like its all going to kick off next season with Dany finally getting her arse across the narrow sea.

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