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Game of Thrones

Quentin Taranbino

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It wasn't particularly clear but I think that the shot through the trees was of the Wall in the distance.

That was the same tree that Jon and Sam took their vows, so it can't be far from the Wall.

Its within a mile or two from the wall at a guess, if memory serves when they took thier vows they went on foot to the tree and back, i cant see them venturing much further than a couple of miles from the wall with a couple of brand new members and only a few people to watch over them. Id be surprised if Brandon isnt at the gates by the end of the first episode of season 7

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Shireen Baratheon was cured of Greyscale. I expect to see Ser Jorah Mormont back in action at some point.


Jorah's greyscale incident was given in the book to another, utterly pointless character to try and speed up their decision-making before its effects would properly set in. Obviously no-one has a clue as the series is well beyond and considerably different to the books by now, but I don't see any good reason why Mormont would be cured. It would be a bit Hollywood-convenient for the writers, at a time when they're gladly culling off other minor characters by the score. 

Edited by vikingTON
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Sam's obviously still got a part to play in the overall story. He will find someway of helping to stop the White Walkers, I think.

Probably by picking up a random book and finding the answer straight away.
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Probably by picking up a random book and finding the answer straight away.

he will be struggling to find the book and then Gilly will sneek in and sit on the book with the information that they need
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So long to wait for next series :( but the way this episode went and previous ones, it wouldn't be so frustrating if that was just the end. Unlike other cliffhanger endings that have gone before they could really just end it here.


Quite glad try are reducing the number of episodes which will hopefully up the quality per episode, i just cant see them topping the last two episodes, but will be delighted if they do :)

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HBO have diagram of Jon Snows family 


How are they able to list Rhaegar as Jon's father when it hasn't actually been revealed yet?  Surely all we actually know at the moment is that Lyanna is his mother?

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How are they able to list Rhaegar as Jon's father when it hasn't actually been revealed yet? Surely all we actually know at the moment is that Lyanna is his mother?

I'd say it has been confirmed. Rhaegar didn't leave the best knight in Westeros guarding Lyannas child birth for nothing.

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How are they able to list Rhaegar as Jon's father when it hasn't actually been revealed yet?  Surely all we actually know at the moment is that Lyanna is his mother?


The whole war that saw the Targaryans being butchered root and stem was because Fat Robert couldn't handle that Lyanna - whom he was obsessed with and betrothed to in a pre-arranged marriage - really loved Rhaegar instead. She wasn't "kidnapped", contrary to the narrative from Season 1. The truth was Robert was known as an obnoxious pig that treated women like shit (even by Baratheon standards), & Rhaegar's sense of honour demanded he rescue her from what would have been a marriage from hell.


The Lannisters used the subsequent war as a means of levering themselves to prominence by having Cercei married to Robert after double crossing the Targaryans. Had Robert known that Jon Snow was the fruits of Lyanna and Rhaegar's bedroom labours, he would have been slaughtered (see the way he lost the plot over discovering the two Targaryan children were over in Esso & fell out with Nedd Stark about it in season 1, who clearly saw the danger).


There's some debate about whether Jaime had figured out that Nedd hadn't been telling the truth about Jon Snow from the off, or that the Lannisters in general did. Certainly Tyrion's decision to follow Jon to the Wall for a jaunt was a curious one that's never been fully explained, nor his close attention to Jon's progress.

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The whole war that saw the Targaryans being butchered root and stem was because Fat Robert couldn't handle that Lyanna - whom he was obsessed with and betrothed to in a pre-arranged marriage - really loved Rhaegar instead. She wasn't "kidnapped", contrary to the narrative from Season 1. The truth was Robert was known as an obnoxious pig that treated women like shit (even by Baratheon standards), & Rhaegar's sense of honour demanded he rescue her from what would have been a marriage from hell.


The Lannisters used the subsequent war as a means of levering themselves to prominence by having Cercei married to Robert after double crossing the Targaryans. Had Robert known that Jon Snow was the fruits of Lyanna and Rhaegar's bedroom labours, he would have been slaughtered (see the way he lost the plot over discovering the two Targaryan children were over in Esso & fell out with Nedd Stark about it in season 1, who clearly saw the danger).


There's some debate about whether Jaime had figured out that Nedd hadn't been telling the truth about Jon Snow from the off, or that the Lannisters in general did. Certainly Tyrion's decision to follow Jon to the Wall for a jaunt was a curious one that's never been fully explained, nor his close attention to Jon's progress.

Couldnt agree more with this.

The Narrative that said he stole her for reasons never explained was weak at best. I'd be surprised if Tywin wasnt aware of Jon's parentage, i'd imagine that because Jon took the black that he didnt deem it important to advise anyone of this.

The Martells may have been aware of this also, The Tower of Joy is based in Dorne, the Martell's were on the side of the Targaryan's during Roberts Rebellion, although i dont think there are any left alive that know of this if any did. Apparently Howland Reed(i think he was the bloke who fought beside Ned at the tower of Joy) is the only person still alive who was aware of Jon's Parentage.

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What if Lyanna just thought Rhaegar was the father, but in fact he was actually Robert's - from some drunken pump?


Jon Snow doesn't have the right skin, eyes and hair for a Targaryan, does he?


Probably not, just wondering if it's a double-bluff.


eta: nah, he's sized up for a dragon.

Edited by milton75
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What if Lyanna just thought Rhaegar was the father, but in fact he was actually Robert's - from some drunken pump?

Jon Snow doesn't have the right skin, eyes and hair for a Targaryan, does he?

Probably not, just wondering if it's a double-bluff.


Now that you mention it, mind in season 1 when Nedd was reading that big book and all of the Baratheon males were "black of hair" apart from Jeoffrey.

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What about him being a Dragon? Not literally of course but in the sense that they refer to Dany as one and her Brother thought he was one, that handy immunity to fire that they never actually explain? Has there been any moments were Jon has burnt himself, been burnt, mentioned it in any way? One would assume he would have noticed it by now but the show seems to suggest that Dany was aware of the ability in her bloodline but not if she herself was one until her dragons were born

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What if Lyanna just thought Rhaegar was the father, but in fact he was actually Robert's - from some drunken pump?


Jon Snow doesn't have the right skin, eyes and hair for a Targaryan, does he?


Probably not, just wondering if it's a double-bluff.


eta: nah, he's sized up for a dragon.

I think Cersei mentioned something about Robert's ability or lack off in bed 

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