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Game of Thrones

Quentin Taranbino

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Just thought I'd Google to see who this year's returning character is, but the internet appears to be awash with articles titled "the entire plot of season 7 of Game of Thrones has been leaked online", which I'm definitely not going to read.  Could someone spoiler tag who it is for me - and also not reveal the whole season's plot.  Ta.

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51 minutes ago, Forfinn said:

Just thought I'd Google to see who this year's returning character is, but the internet appears to be awash with articles titled "the entire plot of season 7 of Game of Thrones has been leaked online", which I'm definitely not going to read.  Could someone spoiler tag who it is for me - and also not reveal the whole season's plot.  Ta.

The one I saw was Gendry, but it was far from confirmed and he personally commented that he'd love to be back but doesn't know if he will be (which is standard fare in shows like this)

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2 minutes ago, Spain said:


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The one I saw was Gendry, but it was far from confirmed and he personally commented that he'd love to be back but doesn't know if he will be (which is standard fare in shows like this)


Well, that was predictable. Thanks, though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

managed to get the bookset for 23 squids on amazon.. Used.. normally i wouldn't buy a bogey ridden earleafed set of books, but they were all spanking new and untouched, the box set thing is ruined, but don't really care too much for that.

So i would say two things, wow the books really are different from the TV series yet i am only on 3rd book, i really think if you are fan of series, you should start to read them. Each character is different, and there is much more time to find out more about their journeys.

Second thing, if you are looking for literary genius here this is not it. The language is simple, repetitive and full of mistakes that take you out of 'book' as you try to re read  and comprehend what is being said. Martin obviously has a great amount of ideas swirling around his head, but often you are left thinking you are reading some trash magazine article written by two or three different people. There is many moments you can almost feel his lack of creativity as he re grasps past chapters of this story, and the brick walls hit the reader.

It is a struggle at times and without the tv series in my mind i might have put down the books, in the same vain as i would say Dan Browns books were written. Martin however, often finds his writing stride and delights for a hundred pages or more, and there is no blocks and the world he sees unfolds perfectly on the pages in front of you. The characters we know from the tv series mould to Martins visions and you read another 100 pages and another. It is a wonderfully interwoven web of storytelling, and may the old gods, the new gods of the seven, and the lord of light forgive my slight on the words written against ser Martin,

For the night is dark and full of horrors.

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The first couple of books are decent and then it starts to go downhill from there. The TV show has done an excellent job in triming all the fat and rubbish from the books. I would have liked to have seen the Strong Belwas character in the show but other than that have got rid of the right characters. It's no surprise Martin is struggling to finish the latest book as he opened up so many different plot lines and has so many characters to juggle.

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Pish, the books are a fantastic read. Feast can drag but fck it, deal with it and persevere through. I'm going back through them right now and started Feast again last night.

I agree he's made it tough for himself but that's his problem.

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I'm with Jack on this, the first 3 books I enjoyed , the next 2 I endured. They're as boring as f**k (AFFC is slightly more entertaining)! Nothing happens at all, here we are 15 years after Tyrion left Westeros and he's only just arrived in Mereen. The only certainty regarding ASOIAF is that GRRM will never finish it.

It's nearly 5 and a half years since I read the last book. :o

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I got half way through the third book before giving up on it, well over a decade ago.  Not surprised Martin went on and got even more bogged down in it.

A similar thing happened with the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan.  Another epic fantasy series, but with less sex.  Jordan had so many characters and storylines on the go that it really started to drag and I gave up around book 9 the first time round (each one was about 1,000 pages long).  It was originally going to be six books long.  He died whilst writing what was supposed to be the 12th and final book.  His estate got another writer in (Brandon Sanderson) to finish the series from Jordan's notes.  He quickly realised there was no way it was going to finish in just one more book, planned out three final books with a proper arc and wrote them.  You could tell he was a fan of the series who, like the rest of us, had got fed up of all the faffing about.  The final three books really did the story justice.  If you're in to that kind of thing, I'd recommend it.  It's a hell of a commitment to read all 14 books though!

I've long thought the same would need to happen with George RR Martin to finish the series off properly, but perhaps the TV show writers can fulfil the same function as Sanderson and help him focus on an ending before he checks out.

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Think the main problem with the books (I am slowly wading my way through) is the sheer number of characters and the author expecting too much from the reader in terms of keeping track of every minor sub-plot. A few sentences here and there to remind the reader who people are would help a lot. The TV show emphasizes the Mereen and north of the wall stuff more than they needed to along with the tedious Arya and Brienne sub-plots that come across as filler to meet contractual requirements on page numbers a lot of the time. Not sure they made the most of the material available to them. Having more of a Lannister and King's Landing focus rather than a Stark family one might have worked better, but obviously it's difficult to be critical of something that has clearly had a major cultural impact. Got a sinking feeling it's going to fizzle out with an ending like The Sopranos or The Prisoner, because they ultimately won't know where they want to take it. "Bittersweet" may be a coded way of saying that. Having someone like Littlefinger or Tyrion wind up as the winner would be the way it should go based on the character development downplaying heroism and going for realism, but HBO will probably want more of a Hollywood ending.

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The books would be about 5% shorter if 


The doublet was black velvet covered with golden studs in the shape of lion’s heads, the chain a loop of solid gold hands, the fingers of each clasping the wrist of the next. Pod brought him a cloak of crimson silk fringed in gold, cut to his height. On a normal man, it would be no more than a half-cape.

was replaced with 


Tyrion got dressed.

and so on.

Edited by Boghead ranter
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  • 2 weeks later...
Four episodes into series six and loving it! Long term readers may remember I am significantly behind most of you.

9 and 10 are the greatest 2 episodes of dramatic series television, that has ever been made. I'm slightly jealous of anyone who has yet to experience them for the first time.
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