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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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In a similar vein. This one is doing the rounds here.


I would love to hear the other side of THIS story but given that Mr. War-Hero felt the need to work the word "Veteran" into his post no less than 11 times, I'm willing to bet there's a lot more to it than he's telling. Memorial Day is just around the corner and I know that many restaurant staff are already bracing themselves for the hordes of arrogant "I'M A VETERAN - WORSHIP ME" types that show up every year demanding discounts and free food. Apparently they treat the wait-staff like shit and and are horrible tippers too.


"Concerning the incident at Mule Lip Bar in Mingus, Tx located in Palo Pinto County

There has been so many comments and individual interpretations that I feel some clarity is needed from myself, the first hand participate. We were a group of motorcycle riders from the VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars) and the American Legion returning from visiting a fellow veteran. We wore vest with patches indicating we were veterans from these post. Our road captain decided to stop at the Mule Lip bar in Mingus. I have never been there before nor was I aware it was just a bar as opposed to a restaurant/bar. Most everyone had gone inside and seated themselves while I was getting my service dog ready.

Upon entering the establishment with my service dog I was approached by a lady bar tender and told no dogs were allowed. I replied that the dog was a service dog and pointed to her vest which clearly identified the dog as such. The bartender raised her voice somewhat belligerently that she did not care. That absolutely no dogs were allowed. I replied in a calm voice that it was against federal law to deny a service dog entry. She said okay, let me see the papers. I showed the bar tender the dog's ID card with her photo and registration number. The bar tender looked at it and then went to get the Owner/Manager. The Owner/Manager came over and said to me, I understand I cannot deny the dog entry. However, I have the right to refuse service to anyone I choose. Therefore, the dog can stay but you have to go. I refuse to serve you. In which I replied, in a calm voice, You are refusing to serve me to make me leave and therefore take my dog with me. The Owner/Manager replied, in a calm voice, Yes Sir. So I turned and walked out. And the group I came with also got up and walked out.

I have never encountered this tactic before and frankly did not know what to make of it. I have a registered service dog that is well behaved and has never had an accident in all the hotels and restaurants that we have visited. The dog will not bark or jump on other people or their pets. The dog is very well trained and behaves appropriately. It is considered rude to ask why you have a service dog as this forces the owner to relate their physical and medical history that they may not want to share publicly. The owner is, however, responsible for the dog's conduct and behavior. Arguing in a loud voice can put the dog on a defensive alert and spook the animal. Hence, I retained a calm voice during the entire altercation. I do not know why the Owner/Manager has such a phobia for dogs. I did not consider it worth trying to find out as the absurdity of their tactic defies reason.

Upon entering the establishment and seeing it was just a bar, I would have had a soft drink because I do not like to drink alcohol especially when on a motorcycle. I just wanted to remain with the group in order to continue and complete our ride. And even though we were identified as veterans by our vest, the subject of veterans never came up. So I cannot say specifically that the establishment was targeting veterans. However, many people committed on the fact that since I was a veteran that their attitude was particularly offensive. As a veteran I am focus on helping other veterans and their families. I will not wear my rank on my vest nor signify a particular country of conflict. It is never about me or what I did. But rather to help the families of those who did not return and the veterans with disabilities and handicaps far worst than anything I experienced. A Veteran is someone who wrote a blank check payable to the United States of America for an amount up to and equal to their life. I am a 70 year old widower who with the aid of my service dog thrive on bringing a smile to those we seek to help and the satisfaction that in doing so we did the right thing. Therefore, I will not dignify the aforementioned establishment with either my presence or rebuttal to their behavior. They choose their path, let them live with it. Case closed!"

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I can't imagine I'll be walking around Teesside any time soon but if by some chance I am, and one of those fuckers tries chasing me, I will absolutely refuse to "avoid conflict". Baseball bats were invented for a reason.

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I can't imagine I'll be walking around Teesside any time soon but if by some chance I am, and one of those fuckers tries chasing me, I will absolutely refuse to "avoid conflict". Baseball bats were invented for a reason.


Yes. To play baseball.

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A lassie I was kind of seeing about 15 years ago has been dumped by her fiancee.  I had expected to get some material for this  thread but I can't.  It must be terrible for her and the nice things her friends have said to her seem to be giving her some sort of comfort.


I'm softening in my old age.

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A lassie I was kind of seeing about 15 years ago has been dumped by her fiancee. I had expected to get some material for this thread but I can't. It must be terrible for her and the nice things her friends have said to her seem to be giving her some sort of comfort.

I'm softening in my old age.

Scouting for an easy ride eh? Good luck.

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A lassie I was kind of seeing about 15 years ago has been dumped by her fiancee. I had expected to get some material for this thread but I can't. It must be terrible for her and the nice things her friends have said to her seem to be giving her some sort of comfort.

I'm softening in my old age.

I'll tell you what'll give her some sort of comfort...

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