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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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We're in the USA but that doesn't diminish the fuckwittery.

apologies, mobile version of site doesn't show.

still, epic fuckwittwery from the boy

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Some fucking idiot on my FB just shared a video of a guy getting his face punched in cos he apparently did something bad to a dog.

Thanks for sharing m8. :huh:

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Some fucking idiot on my FB just shared a video of a guy getting his face punched in cos he apparently did something bad to a dog.

Thanks for sharing m8. :huh:

Seen that as well mate. Pretty horrific stuff, I can only hope he deserved the beating and it wasn't a random act of violence.

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My one redneck Yankee I'm not gonna bin because he 'likes' pages with shit like this...


Should be annoying but the amusement outweighs it.

He sticks his testicles on women's eyes because he supports the constitution?

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I’m a RACIST for criticizing Obama
No, you’re a RACIST for using racist epithets when describing him. And because you think "Muslim" is an insult

I’m a TERRORIST because I want to protect my 2nd Amendment rights
No, you’re a TERRORIST because you don’t care how many innocent Americans are murdered as long as you don’t have to give up your toys. Toys which the 2nd Amendment does 'not' give you rights to own.

I’m a TEABAGGER for supporting the Constitution
No, you’re a TEABAGGER for thinking Constitution should be applied selectively

I’m a NATIONAL SECURITY THREAT because I speak my mind
No, you’re a NATIONAL SECURITY THREAT because you regurgitate whatever you hear on Fox News, no matter the damage they’re doing to this country.

I’m a TROUBLEMAKER for asking unanswered questions
No, you’re a TROUBLEMAKER for denouncing anyone who asked those same questions when a Republican was in the White House then suddenly claiming outrage once the Democrat didn’t immediately reverse the policies you once supported.

I’m a BIRTHER because I dare question the documentation of the President.
No, you’re a BIRTHER because despite the President’s documentation having been verified ad nauseum; you still keep trying to manufacture a scandal where none exists.

I’m a TRAITOR for exposing the corruption in my government.
No, you’re a TRAITOR for supporting people who would rather see America fail than this administration succeed. You didn't have any problem with corruption when Bush was in office.

I’m a CONSPIRACY THEORIST for presenting documented facts
No, you’re a CONSPIRACY THEORIST for believing anything you’re told, no matter how ridiculous or unsubstantiated, just as long as it makes Obama look bad.

I’m ANTI-AMERICAN for not towing the party line
No, you’re ANTI-AMERICAN for supporting initiatives which contradict everything America is supposed to stand for.

I’m a WAR MONGER because I support the troops
No, you’re a WAR MONGER for supporting a President who sent the troops into a pointless and unwinnable war which cost thousands of them their lives.

I’m a GREEDY CAPITALIST because I believe I am entitled to what I earned.
No, you’re a GREEDY CAPITALIST because you’re believe you’re entitled to everything the people of this country have given you, while insisting you shouldn’t have to contribute a damn thing. See above re “Supporting the troops”. Where do you think the money comes from to fund the wars you love?

Guilty as charged, and proud of it! So what?
You’re a hypocritical moron, that’s what.

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Seen that as well mate. Pretty horrific stuff, I can only hope he deserved the beating and it wasn't a random act of violence.

Apparently the video going round of someone beating up a dog is in a different language. Going to take a punt it wasn't the same guy.

Even if he did beat a dog, why would that make you enjoy watching someone get their head punched and kicked in? Beating animals = very bad, beating up a person = "gid oan ye". People are such fucking idiots sometimes.

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Apparently the video going round of someone beating up a dog is in a different language. Going to take a punt it wasn't the same guy.

Even if he did beat a dog, why would that make you enjoy watching someone get their head punched and kicked in? Beating animals = very bad, beating up a person = "gid oan ye". People are such fucking idiots sometimes.

I tried to hear what they were saying, sounded like a different language to me.

Either that or they were just Scouse.

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With excellent communication and organisational skills, you will also have a working knowledge of various communication packages e.g. Bebo and Facebook


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