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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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some p***k who I dont even know more a friends friend who was at a few parties and nights out I was at. regular shitey updates and finishes every status with "tho". pubtime tho, worktime tho, so hungover tho are a few of the ones he has used. what is this atrocious patter, and the only person who seems to comment is his sister. What a state


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some p***k who I dont even know more a friends friend who was at a few parties and nights out I was at. regular shitey updates and finishes every status with "tho". pubtime tho, worktime tho, so hungover tho are a few of the ones he has used. what is this atrocious patter, and the only person who seems to comment is his sister. What a state


He thinks highly of you tho.

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Lassie on mine got dumped by her hubby for her best pal a good while back, now every time she's out she tries that wee bit (ok HUGE bit) too hard to prove what a great time she's having. Checking in at every place she goes to, sometimes more than once if she's met someone else that she didn't check in with before. Which makes that Saturday night or Sunday morning's newsfeed scroll absolute torture.


Amazing chat AND a pizza? Wish I'd been there, said no-one ever.

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Lassie on mine got dumped by her hubby for her best pal a good while back, now every time she's out she tries that wee bit (ok HUGE bit) too hard to prove what a great time she's having. Checking in at every place she goes to, sometimes more than once if she's met someone else that she didn't check in with before. Which makes that Saturday night or Sunday morning's newsfeed scroll absolute torture.


Amazing chat AND a pizza? Wish I'd been there, said no-one ever.

A.) Is she a ride?

B.) Do you have her number.

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Lassie on mine got dumped by her hubby for her best pal a good while back, now every time she's out she tries that wee bit (ok HUGE bit) too hard to prove what a great time she's having. Checking in at every place she goes to, sometimes more than once if she's met someone else that she didn't check in with before. Which makes that Saturday night or Sunday morning's newsfeed scroll absolute torture.


Amazing chat AND a pizza? Wish I'd been there, said no-one ever.

I love the Bier Halle

A.) Is she a ride?

B.) Do you have her number.

also, this

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play the waiting game on this one , it will deffo be worth it

already some contenders making noises

Carla Marie Disgusting and racist. I left school aged 16 and went straight to work full time.
Father left aged 14 to support his family. Brits are not lazy. Stupid stupid girl
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45 & Rising posted this on their page. I sent a reply to it and then posted the similar screenshots and stories which I've posted on the thread about the ship Parida with the radioactive waste. Just received some long winded response accusing me of being a spin doctor. I'll need to re-read it as it's quite baffling haha.


Edited by BigMartyn86
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Cousin posted a bunch of pictures of her massively premature wean at home, which died. I understand it's a difficult thing they've gone through, but it's also creepy as f**k. Canny even tell if the thing is alive in the pictures, with all the requisite 'Awww she's beautiful' comments.


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