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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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I take it this rainbow filter over people's profile is to show their support for gay people's rights? All very well, but some stupid bint who used to work for me has this filter on and written numerous 'speeches' ( barely legible may I add ) stating her support for LGBT rights and how it's a disgrace that they are persecuted for their lifestyles. . .

This complete oxygen thief is the same slag who voiced her concerns to me about a guy I hired ( gay guy ) " you can't have him working here!" "He's sick" "Poofter should be burned" etc. . .

Telling her that she was sacked was a great day - my takings were up over £300 a week too. . .Thieving bitch!

The whole of Facebook is really just a freak show. It's no better than having a laugh at the likes of Joseph Merrick.

That's the first time I've had a look at Facebook in months and it's got to be the last for my own sanity! Hopefully I can keep it deactivated for ever.


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I take it this rainbow filter over people's profile is to show their support for gay people's rights? All very well, but some stupid bint who used to work for me has this filter on and written numerous 'speeches' ( barely legible may I add ) stating her support for LGBT rights and how it's a disgrace that they are persecuted for their lifestyles. . .

This complete oxygen thief is the same slag who voiced her concerns to me about a guy I hired ( gay guy ) " you can't have him working here!" "He's sick" "Poofter should be burned" etc. . .

Telling her that she was sacked was a great day - my takings were up over £300 a week too. . .Thieving bitch!

The whole of Facebook is really just a freak show. It's no better than having a laugh at the likes of Joseph Merrick.

That's the first time I've had a look at Facebook in months and it's got to be the last for my own sanity! Hopefully I can keep it deactivated for ever.


So she's a homophobe, you sacked her, and you reckon she had her hand in the till?

Definitely a reason to be Facebook friends. Definitely.


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I'll raise you STV News

Pauline Glen The orange order is not the shame of scotland tourists come over to glasgow to see this walk rebulicans should be banned they walk against anything British

Keith Grant What happened to religious freedom in Scotland;all these people against the order are as bigoted and more that they say we are...Was it not Protestant Scotland who took in irish/emigrants when Ireland was hit with the Famine and it's own religious ..We the Scottish Protestants by using our Christianity let catholics who were going hungry into our mist..If history tells us the Irish have never integrated with the Protestant sin our Country ;they have never thanked Scotland for giving them jobs ;food and housing..On Bigotry it's not the protestants with there own Schools and it's not the Protestant majority in this country that walks about with a huge chip on its Shoulder..Also after the Irish came to Scotland ;some of them tried to flee home when both world wars started...SO Why shouldn't the Orange order parade in its own city on Saturday;were is the Catholic religious tolerance now..Sorry to say both sides have their fair share of bigots;but the Order it's is Christian organisation and fantastic charity work in the Glasgow community. .So orange men and ladies and visitors enjoy the day /we have nothing to fear about offending people;we are the who are offended were is our Religious rights. .

Barry Smith We will March the streets of Glasgow!. Hope you haters are woken especially early this Saturday with the loud bang of the bass drum. Yeha

Lynne Brown Doesn't matter if it's hail, rain or shine we will walk the streets of Glasgow with our heads held high xx if u don't like it don't watch it. Never slag something u know nothing about xx GSTQ xx

  • 63442_385717714928560_652481679640906711
    Adrian Atkinson What a bunch of hypocrites commenting on here with comments such as "Glasgow out of bounds" "Glasgow closed for business" etc etc....The Orange walk brings more money into Glasgow in one day than most of the shops make in a week (combined) I didn't see any such comments when the SNP/SF held their "Hope over Fear" rally and invited Republican flute bands who glorify murderers to take part in their "march/rabble"
    You are the ones who are hypocritical bigots!!!!
    Like · Reply · 60 · 3 hrs
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