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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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People playing games polluting my news feed with pish like Needing gold for HAnk and Fanny's Wedding, or needing an energy pack etc.

Can't fucking hide this yet either, must be too new.

Yes, I'm looking at you, Ayrgirl!!!

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People playing games polluting my news feed with pish like Needing gold for HAnk and Fanny's Wedding, or needing an energy pack etc.

Can't fucking hide this yet either, must be too new.

Yes, I'm looking at you, Ayrgirl!!!

I've been off sick for 8 weeks. Gies a break. You should be able to hide it all anyway :rolleyes:

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People playing games polluting my news feed with pish like Needing gold for HAnk and Fanny's Wedding, or needing an energy pack etc.

Can't fucking hide this yet either, must be too new.

Yes, I'm looking at you, Ayrgirl!!!

Hey! She does NOT have a honkin' fanny!

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This girl I know but aren't friends with is taking the piss.

11th of August - "bit of monopoly" with Neil and Andy at Peden's Flat (my two friends)

12th of August - "mineswept far too much last night and passed out on the sofa" with Neil and Andy at Peden's flat.

9 hours ago - "Having another chilled out night with Brad and Ange in the Merchant City with! Neil, Andy and Chloe(other friend) at Andy's flat

7 hours ago - with Neil, Andy and Chloe at Flat 54(her flat)

3hours ago - "chhhhhiiilllliiiinnnnngggg" with Neil, Andy and Chloe at Single Supper.

Jesus christ, I can sort of understand if you're doing something special, like going away on holiday you might check in to the airport but sitting in your mates' flat? Why the f**k?

I was invited to hang with them last night, couldn't cause I've got an exam in a couple of hours, but I may as well have been there, I'd hate to see what it's like to have her as an actual friend

9 hours ago - "taking a slash" at the loo.

8 hours ago - with ________ in bed

10 minutes ago "woke up"

1 minute ago "got some cereal" at Flat 54.

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If you are a friend click on the like button and then repost this on your profile to keep it going .. Let's see how far we can go with this !!!!

Friends are like undies....Some crawl up your butt. Some snap under pressure. Some don't have the strength to hold you up. Some get a little twisted. Some are your favorite. Some are holy. Some are cheap. Some are naughty. And some actually cover your butt when you need it


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In my news feed earlier:

PLEASE put this as your status if you know someone who has been eaten by penguins. Penguins are nearly unstoppable, and when hungry, also breathe fire. 71% of people won't copy this into their status because they have already been eaten by penguins, 28% are hiding in their showers with fire extinguishers awaiting the coming penguinocalypse, another 3% can't do maths, and the remaining 1% are awesome and will repost!

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If you are a friend click on the like button and then repost this on your profile to keep it going .. Let's see how far we can go with this !!!!

Friends are like undies....Some crawl up your butt. Some snap under pressure. Some don't have the strength to hold you up. Some get a little twisted. Some are your favorite. Some are holy. Some are cheap. Some are naughty. And some actually cover your butt when you need it


This particular Facebook friend is a fat c*nt..

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I've had these from the same person in the last hour...

My curfew was the street lights, and my mum didn't call my mobile she yelled "time to come in". I played outside with my friends, not online. If I didn't eat what my mum made me then I didn't eat. Hand sanitizer didn't exist, but you could get your mouth washed out with soap, and your parents could kick your arse without being done for assault. i have much respect for the way i was brought up even if it was tough at times. Re-post this if you also turned out fine

Except she didn't turn out fine, she got knocked up at 15 and hasn't worked a day in her life!

6 years: Mom knows everything !

8 years: Mom knows alot !

12 years: Mom really doesn't know everything !

14 years: Mom knows nothing !

16 years: Mom, what mom !

18 years: Mom is outdated !

25 years: Maybe Mom knows!

35 years: Before deciding, let's ask Mom!

45 years: I wonder what Mom thinks!

75 years: I wish.Mom was here to ask

Thumbs Up! if you have the BEST MOM IN THE WORLD !

And just incase it wasn't shit enough the first time, 10 minutes later we got...

At 3 yrs old we say: "Mommy, I love you".

At 10: "Mom whatever!"

At 16:"My mom is so annoying"

At 18: "I wanna leave this house".

At 25:"Mom, you were right".

At 30: "I wanna go back to my Mom's house"

At 50: "I don't wanna lose my Mom".

At 70: "I would give up EVERYTHING for my Mom to be here with me".

You only have one Mom.

*LIke if u ♥ your mom*

And with that she is deleted.

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I'm begining to wonder why most folk posting on this thread have a FB account, all they seem to do is moan about it.

I like Facebook as I'm sure most do but this is the "annoying things people write on Facebook" thread, so I wouldn't expect to many compliments.

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Checked in? What the f**k ? Checked in - what planet are these people on? The only place you check in at is the airport possibly to get as far to f**k anyway from these fruitcakes.

Edited by Kejan
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I've had a bit of a Facebook clearout recently. Any racist bile or orange walk crap, anyone who votes BNP and anyone who just generally gets on my nerves will never darken my screen again. Everyone's entitled to an opinion, just as I'm entitled to not have it posted on my news feed 17 times a day.

I trust that guy that replied to your status about the Southmead shops apparently being on fire during the riots was one of them?

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