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I have to say, the final season so far has been highly underwhelming, but the final 10 minutes of Sunday night's episode made me sit up and take notice. Safe to say it's looking like finally coming to life.

Yup, it's been very lacking in pace so far.

Yvonne Strahovski would get up anyone's heart rate though

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Just watched episode 7 (last nights US episode) and whilst its been a decent enough season for Dexter standards, its been bitterly disappointing as a final season. There are like 3 episodes to go and its not building up or leading anywhere. I was sure the final season would be all about him getting caught etc

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I've slipped to being a couple of episodes behind now but not surprised to hear the standard hasn't got any better. There are 5 episodes left though, so there's still time. The last 2 seasons both suffered in the same way and still managed to pull something huge out of the bag for the finale each time, so I'm sure we'll still get a decent ending.

Edited by Rossco1893
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This season is boring me to tears. Dexter doesn't teach well, as seen with Miguel, should not be using this storyline, albeit different circumstances, but similar idea.

I liked the mystery behind Vogel, now she's just became boring and wasted. I hope there's a huge twist coming because everything should be coming together before now, instead of all being packed into the final few episodes, may seem like overkill. I still reckon she has a connection to the Brain Surgeon however.

Is it just me or does Dexter even seem pretty bland this season. His voiceovers aren't the same....They used to be haunting and intimidating, now he might as well be saying he has an itchy sack. It's as if he's been as bored as me watching it. Maybe the supporting cast are causing misjudgment from me but the whole final season just seems boring. The Masuka stuff, the stuff with Deb, the next protege scenario. Not a fan so far.

I also wanted Hannah to come back on a revenge mission, I hope this lovey dovey stuff is some evil plot. Unless there will be a Zach vs Hannah scenario, with Dexter going after Zach.

I've not given up hope, I am confident there will be a good ending to the season, just wish it'd hurry up.

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Can only echo what's already been said re this season. It's been shite frankly, filled with so many pointless scenes.

At the moment I'd even rate Season 6 ahead of it whilst the likes of Season 4 is miles in front.

Definitely. Season 6 was awful, and if this doesn't shape up. It's going in that direction.

If this was a Season Premiere it'd never last.

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I thought season six and seven were pretty bad and were only saved by the cliff hanging final episodes. This season has been fairly underwhelming. Last night's episode was the best of the season so far, but as a stand alone episode it wouldn't be in the top twenty Dexter episodes.

Up to Season Five you probably have one of the best written and produced TV programmes in recent years, but the poorly written latter seasons with poor character development choices has resulted in other series being better than it in my opinion. The high of Season Four is difficult to be matched by anything though.

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Yeah they need to pull it out the bag in these last 5 episodes and start getting towards to the end game which presumably will see Dexter caught/jailed/dead etc.

I couldn't give a fcuk if Quinn becomes seargent or not and frankly him and Batista have been terrible cops for about 5 seasons now so I can't see him meriting it. What a shit storyline to fill our screen time with. Same applies to Masuka and his daughter, we don't need a sub story with this crap or with Debs boss.

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Yeah they need to pull it out the bag in these last 5 episodes and start getting towards to the end game which presumably will see Dexter caught/jailed/dead etc.

I couldn't give a fcuk if Quinn becomes seargent or not and frankly him and Batista have been terrible cops for about 5 seasons now so I can't see him meriting it. What a shit storyline to fill our screen time with. Same applies to Masuka and his daughter, we don't need a sub story with this crap or with Debs boss.

Thing is though, with it being the final series, I think they want to close some stories on other characters, but some of them have been tedious as f**k.

Deb's has been fine, i think she'll end up all happy with the boss, ok, but the crap with Quinn not getting the Sergeant job, I couldn't be more bored with it.

Also, going back to the start of the series, anyone else find it fucking ridiculous that Batista comes out of retirement and jumps right into the Lieutenant's job? Utter nonsense.

Anyway, it's looking like Dexter isn't going to be caught or killed, he's going to end up all lovey dovey with Hannah, which is a lot of pish. I was hoping this series would be all about the world closing in on him, everyone coming for him, but no, looks like he'll be getting away scot-free.

My only hope is that Vogel is, as I suspect, actually going to turn out evil. Got to happen sooner or later though, only 5 episodes left.

Underwhelmed doesn't even cover it so far.

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Thing is though, with it being the final series, I think they want to close some stories on other characters, but some of them have been tedious as f**k.

Deb's has been fine, i think she'll end up all happy with the boss, ok, but the crap with Quinn not getting the Sergeant job, I couldn't be more bored with it.

Also, going back to the start of the series, anyone else find it fucking ridiculous that Batista comes out of retirement and jumps right into the Lieutenant's job? Utter nonsense.

Anyway, it's looking like Dexter isn't going to be caught or killed, he's going to end up all lovey dovey with Hannah, which is a lot of pish. I was hoping this series would be all about the world closing in on him, everyone coming for him, but no, looks like he'll be getting away scot-free.

My only hope is that Vogel is, as I suspect, actually going to turn out evil. Got to happen sooner or later though, only 5 episodes left.

Underwhelmed doesn't even cover it so far.

I noticed they've tried to repeat a few things this season such as Dexter having another protege. I hope they don't make Deb's new boss/boyfriend out to be some evil twisted killer again.

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I'm swaying towards her being the brain surgeons mother, or has some connection to him.

This season is boring me to tears. Dexter doesn't teach well, as seen with Miguel, should not be using this storyline, albeit different circumstances, but similar idea.

I liked the mystery behind Vogel, now she's just became boring and wasted. I hope there's a huge twist coming because everything should be coming together before now, instead of all being packed into the final few episodes, may seem like overkill. I still reckon she has a connection to the Brain Surgeon however.

Is it just me or does Dexter even seem pretty bland this season. His voiceovers aren't the same....They used to be haunting and intimidating, now he might as well be saying he has an itchy sack. It's as if he's been as bored as me watching it. Maybe the supporting cast are causing misjudgment from me but the whole final season just seems boring. The Masuka stuff, the stuff with Deb, the next protege scenario. Not a fan so far.

I also wanted Hannah to come back on a revenge mission, I hope this lovey dovey stuff is some evil plot. Unless there will be a Zach vs Hannah scenario, with Dexter going after Zach.

I've not given up hope, I am confident there will be a good ending to the season, just wish it'd hurry up.

I noticed they've tried to repeat a few things this season such as Dexter having another protege. I hope they don't make Deb's new boss/boyfriend out to be some evil twisted killer again.

I am now more sure than ever Oliver is the brain surgeon, which is disappointing as we've been down this road before. I am sure he will be of relation or connection to Vogel too.

After he claimed he had never seen Zach before, to Quinn, then Zach ending up dead, made it more predictable for me.

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I'm swaying towards her being the brain surgeons mother, or has some connection to him.

I liked the mystery behind Vogel, now she's just became boring and wasted. I hope there's a huge twist coming because everything should be coming together before now, instead of all being packed into the final few episodes, may seem like overkill. I still reckon she has a connection to the Brain Surgeon however.

I am now more sure than ever Oliver is the brain surgeon, which is disappointing as we've been down this road before. I am sure he will be of relation or connection to Vogel too.

After he claimed he had never seen Zach before, to Quinn, then Zach ending up dead, made it more predictable for me.

Pretty much called everything so far. This is a really predictable season - hope it's all just throwing the viewers off course for a huge twist at the end.

It was obvious as hell that she was the brain surgeon's mother and that it would be Oliver.

The writers have run out of ideas this season and came up with a similar idea to Brian. I therefore believe Saxon will attempt to, or kill, Deb. Similar to Brian but he ultimately failed. I reckon Saxon will get there.

Doctor/Brain Surgeon (not technically but still the same idea).

Both were in relationships with someone Dexter knew.

Both were related to cast members (Dexter and Vogel).

Both were in mental institutes.

What confuses me is Elway's role in things. I'm sure with this episode he's going to help the Marshalls get Hannah, but I'm unsure. Maybe he will kill Hannah? No idea idea with this one.

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