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A lot of people I know can't handle it but I actually enjoy working it, No one there to bother you. Can finish early most nights all going well and It's a great feeling going home when everyone else hasn't started.

Anyone else enjoy it?

I shall miss it. Moving to a 7am to 11pm store instead of my current 24hrs store.

Our shifts run from 10pm to 7am. We usually get a delivery around 12 midnight/00:30hrs and the next three hours are spent stocking up the fresh goods. Then the bread and milk arrives around 4am and gets stocked up and the last few hours are spent working any dry goods in the back stock, filling the juice shelves and fronting up the store for the 7am start day shift.

The only down side is that it is only three nights over a Friday to Monday every fourth weekend. Just as your body rythym gets used to it, it's a day off then back to my usual 4pm to 10pm or 7pm to 1am backshifts. Your day off is usually "wasted" sleeping!

Oh aye, I'm at 234x174-823939.jpg8)

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I shall miss it. Moving to a 7am to 11pm store instead of my current 24hrs store.

Our shifts run from 10pm to 7am. We usually get a delivery around 12 midnight/00:30hrs and the next three hours are spent stocking up the fresh goods. Then the bread and milk arrives around 4am and gets stocked up and the last few hours are spent working any dry goods in the back stock, filling the juice shelves and fronting up the store for the 7am start day shift.

The only down side is that it is only three nights over a Friday to Monday every fourth weekend. Just as your body rythym gets used to it, it's a day off then back to my usual 4pm to 10pm or 7pm to 1am backshifts. Your day off is usually "wasted" sleeping!

Oh aye, I'm at 234x174-823939.jpg8)

You coming to Wishaw.....it could do with sorting out.... ;)

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I work on a 4 days on 4 days off, 4 nights on 4 nights off, 12 hour shift pattern, 7 to 7 and have done for nearly 10 years and have seen most of the advantages and disadvantages of this way of working.

I would normally sleep for 7 or 8 hours. With this shift work my sleeping pattern is absolutely wrecked as coming of working days and nights I usually manage about 4 hours. Coming off nightshift this morning and being the first shift of 4 I had been awake for more than 24hrs which is normal for me.

The job is monotonous but requires concentration for long periods under artificial light. The main positive is the money and the 4 days off, the main disadvantage is the possible physical and mental damage its could be doing and has probably shortened my life by a couple of years.

And like Law Stud I appreciate a good cup of coffee. Either Kenco's Pure Brazilian, Peruvian or Dow Egberts Pure Gold at the moment, but you can't beat a good cup of fresh ground. Didn't there used to be a coffee called 'rocket fuel' haven't seen it in a while ?.

Edited by Beastie
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I work a mix of dayshift and nightshift and although I would say I prefer nights, I'm happy to have the variety. There are two definite advantages to nightshift for me; largely being left to your own devices to work in peace, and not having to get up at the un-Godly hour of 4.45am which is when I have to get up for dayshift. I am very much a night time person anyway so working at the un-Godly hour of 4.45am doesn't bother me before anyone points this out. I am definitely more tired on a day shift than a night shift.

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....they are getting paid more than you and you are upset about it huh? :rolleyes:

Ah you sussed it out . That's why I stated that I hate doing them on the odd occasion that I need to in my original post. Not the case my old son, making plenty dosh as an agency supervisor on dayshift.

You stick to the pipe fitting, and just pray that I'm never your gaffer on a night shift, cos you'll not be tucked up in the portacabin by 1 in the morning ya lazy cnt. 8)

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Recently got a job at the new Tesco in Inverness will be working 3 nights a week from 8pm till 1, cant really consider that a nightshift so i should be alright

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I love walking home and passing people going to work looking miserable in the rain while I am happy knowing I am going to bed to sleep the whole day :D

On the side flip if you do nightshifts at the weekend sitting in the pub all day with your mates on a Saturday drinking juice while they knock back the pints isn't much fun. Still the cash saved and the extra money earned makes it worth it.

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  • 2 years later...

Did a 4 month nightshift when I left Uni and was working in Asda. It was ok to start with but then I stopped being able to sleep during the day. I was fuckin miserable. The only good thing was getting a carry out on a Saturday morning with some of my co workers but even that became shite. f**k night shift.

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. Didn't there used to be a coffee called 'rocket fuel' haven't seen it in a while ?.

Asda still stock it from time to time and B&MHomebargain type shops sell it in a 3 in 1 sachet.

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I've never done a proper nightshift,ive worked in a nightclub

it was a bit of a pain tbh but i would do it every day if it meant i could stop this utter utter shite 6am on a Sunday morning shift i cant rid myself of

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