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climate change


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On 27/11/2011 at 09:14, Reynard said:

Scargill was a Marxist. He thought he would be able to bring down a government and destabilise the country as a result. The union members were pawns in his game, as you rightly point out, he didn't give a f**k about them and he still doesn't. That was the way the unions were operating back then, led by bitter little Marxist pr1cks with too much power. Thankfully thats gone now. Unions are a little bit more democratic now. Their leaders are still thick lefties and they still get over involved in politics rather than trying to help the members but that will change in due course.

What helped Thatcher was the utter predictability of Scargill. She knew fine he was spoiling for a fight, she stockpiled coal, fucking masses of it. And Scargill brought the men out in the summer.:lol: He then kept them out for far too long and wrecked the industry completely. There were a lot of men that wanted to go back to work but were afraid to do it thanks to the attitude of the likes of thick f**k socialists like Motownclic. So the pits all flooded. The equipment couldn't be salvaged and Scargill went back to his mansion to live off the proceeds of his union while his men lost their jobs. Thatcher won their little spat, the unions lost the power they once had and that was pretty much that as far as flying pickets, walk outs and idiots like Scargill were concerned.

The strike next week was at least balloted properly and while its a tiny minority of members that bothered to vote to walk out, they have the right to do it. It was all done properly and thats their affair.

As for coal, there is loads of it under the ground in my part of the world. Absolutely masses of the cleanest burning stuff in the world. It is the highest grade of coal around but it will stay under the ground. Health and safety would be all over deep mining like a rash nowadays and it would become too expensive to bring it out. So we will build shit, innefficiant windmills (I mean we will install the ones we buy from abroad dry.gif ). We are being conned by a bunch of fucking liars about climate change.

Anyway. Climate change science is a load of bollocks peddled by utter c***s.


Here's dear old Reynard frothing up to a frenzy.

Note to hard trying trolls - this is p&b polemic that you should aspire to.


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5 hours ago, BigDoddyKane said:

I was thinking about the Dutch at some point soon you would think you wouldn't get a mortgage in Holland or maybe as they say the Dutch are more prepared for this than anyone else due to constantly living under the threat of flooding

Let's say the waters rise 5-10 feet and put all the low lying areas like the Netherlands underwater, don't you think the Dutch will just sell their homes and move?

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4 hours ago, NotThePars said:

Let's say the waters rise 5-10 feet and put all the low lying areas like the Netherlands underwater, don't you think the Dutch will just sell their homes and move?

You are Ben Shapiro and I claim my $100.

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7 hours ago, Theroadlesstravelled said:

It looks like climate change hasn’t affected Glasgow at all. Totally normal summer.


On a more serious note that's a bridge above the River Kelvin. How hard can it be to have a run off from that and keep it clear?

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7 hours ago, Theroadlesstravelled said:

It looks like climate change hasn’t affected Glasgow at all. Totally normal summer.


I love the way that guy is just drinking his pint and checking his phone as if nothing is happening.

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Climate change suits me. Scotland is a bit too cold and I live up a big hill so my house is safe from flooding. It also fucks up Hawick so this can only be a good thing for the Borders long term. 

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15 hours ago, oaksoft said:


Climate change isn't my area of scientific expertise so I'm unable to fully judge for myself.

Add to that my trust for my fellow scientists has been almost completely ruined by the last 12 months of utter quackery from all sides.

In short, I'm not listening to the "experts" and will instead trust my own instinct.

I understand enough to know about the interaction with UV radiation and CO2 so I have at least a basic understanding of the concept of the greenhouse effect and global warming.

Leaving aside man's impact, global warming is a natural phenomenon and climate change is ever-present. Without it, Earth would be like Mars.

I know man-made CO2 emissions are only about 5% of the total CO2 in the atmosphere but I also understand that there's a delicate balance in the thermodymanic equlibrium present in the world. It is my suspicion that our tiny 5% contribution has shifted the position of that equilibrium. The question is whether it's been shifted enough to cause the runaway greenhouse effect which happened on Venus and left it uninhabitable. That, I don't know. And I also don't trust any scientist using computational models to make predictions.

Any effect we're seeing right now in our climate is because of things we were doing in the 1980s and 1990s. Any changes we make now won't take effect until the 2050s or 2060s. I'm afraid there's no speeding that up. That's thermodynamics for you.

My bigger concern isn't really irreversible climate change but pollution and our inability to re-use things like precious metals in tech stuff but the solution to the latter will probably help the former.

Renewable energy, electric cars, electrified public transport, re-use and salvaging of electronic equipment, a reduction in fossil fuel usage, improved insulation in homes, better solar, wind, geothermal, tidal power capture and a reduction in all sorts of consumption. All of these are just good things to do. IMO that's all we need to worry about as individuals.

Your 5% figure is wrongly used. It isn't 5% of the stock of co2, it's 5% of co2 emissions.  

So man made sources increase emissions by 5%.

The usual estimates of man made contribution to increased levels in the atmosphere is a 40-50% increase on pre-industrial levels, or about 1/3 of atmospheric co2. 

Being numerate > trusting instincts

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6 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

I did say it wasn't my area of expertise and I did also say that I support climate change measures.

So it makes no difference whether I made a mistake with my number. The outcome of what I believe we should do is the same.

So take yer last sentence and shove it.

It seems that, for you, being a smart arse trumps realising the bigger picture is that I'm on the same side of the debate as you. :rolleyes:


Being a smart arse trumps everything. 

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  • 2 months later...

Adapt or die - the main thing happening in the world at the moment. However all the saddos in the covid 19 thread think the worst thing in their virgin little world is that their civil liberties will be taken away if they have to wear a mask or have a vaccine passport . Gotta love P&B for it's meteor dinosaur attitude.


Edited by pawpar
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4 hours ago, pawpar said:

Adapt or die - the main thing happening in the world at the moment. However all the saddos in the covid 19 thread think the worst thing in their virgin little world is that their civil liberties will be taken away if they have to wear a mask or have a vaccine passport . Gotta love P&B for it's meteor dinosaur attitude.


Fascinating nexus on display here of climate change denial, covid scepticism, being a bit of a dick and a perverse, extremist attitude to crime and punishment.

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