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Anyone still play? Feel like I'm finally getting the hang of things (after months!) and winning more games thanks to big plays from myself rather than relying on others. Had my first proper "I'm Sven and I'm going to crit your team to death in one giant cleave" moment today. Wonderful stuff.

I love this game.

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Getting really into this. I play with a few mates most nights. Some we win and some we lose. Sick of playing in teams that go 4 or 5 carrys. There are some really op classes in this game. Drow Ranger and phantom lancer are just sick damage and easy. So I started playing support. Venomancer is great for lane pushing. But my current fav is wisp/io. Floating ball of light that can teleport people and properly heal and buff teammates.

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Getting really into this. I play with a few mates most nights. Some we win and some we lose. Sick of playing in teams that go 4 or 5 carrys. There are some really op classes in this game. Drow Ranger and phantom lancer are just sick damage and easy. So I started playing support. Venomancer is great for lane pushing. But my current fav is wisp/io. Floating ball of light that can teleport people and properly heal and buff teammates.

True support is under rated by most people because they don't go for the flashy plays. My favourite hero is probably Windrunner, such a good utility hero in most teams that play anywhere from the 2 position to the 4. Usually I'll go mid lane unless there's a better candidate and I tend to do quite well. Lost my first 5 games in a row with her though but only in retard Russian 4 carry dickhead teams. Won the following 6.

Other supports I tend to play would be Bane and Shadow Demon.

As for Drow Ranger, she's pretty nasty given some good farm but at higher levels she's not often seen because she's easy to shut down and squish. Phantom Lancer is nigh unstoppable with 6 slots but without a good support his early-mid game is pretty non existent and all he can do is farm while his towers go down.

The carries I hate playing against would be Phantom Assassin and Lifestealer. A lot harder to deal with most others even at low skill levels just due to their skills. NOthing worse than a Lifestealer being left to jungle for 20 mins then leaving with an armlet, basher and whatever else he wants and turning fights on his own.

Addictive game though innit.

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  • 2 months later...

I'm still loving this! Play with voice chat on teamspeak with 4 other mates and we're pretty set on our combinations. In public games I tend to either go a supporting kotl (occasionally, I got a bit mental and get a force staff/dagon combo which is always amusing). When playing with my mates, I'll tend to edge onto jungles such as Enigma, Lycan and Axe. I'm loving having the ability to jump into a team fight with my mates (one as a dark seer, the other a warlock) to use the wombo combo of vacuum/black hole/golems/wall. Almost guarantees to wipe their whole team if you have a BKB barring a silencer.

Re-reading this, anyone who hasn't played this game won't have a clue what I'm talking about!

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I'm the opposite. I don't like most wombo combo heroes. I prefer slightly more solo heroes who are only as good as you are but with potential to make big plays if you play well. Puck, Leshrac, Doom, Windrunner, Weaver etc. Generally still play suicide lane with my mates but occasionally carry or support. I don't get to play as much solo mid as I'd like :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

Any of you fckers watching The International 3? Some epic epic shit in the main event over the last few days. Just from today...

Epic base race with a Divine Rapier Alchemist:

An American team unexpectedly take down a Chinese powerhouse:

Nerdchills ahoy! :thumsup2

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Been watching. Na'Vi and Alliance have been terrifying so far, utterly crushing Dota. IMO it's either EGM or Kuroky for player of the tournament up to now.

Hopefully that'll be the final too but it's been really unpredictable.

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Just finished watching Na'vi beat Orange to make it to the grand final. Orange were stomping them and took down Roshan only for their windrunner to deny it somehow. They held back trying to wait for a respawn while Kuroky as Enigma gradually got his BKB. Eventually managed to get it which changed their team fights. Completely ridiculous come-back from Na'Vi. Should be interesting to see who wins it overall!

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My first International and it was immense. Na'Vi are truly the kings of the comeback. Took the day off on Monday so I could stay up at my pals with a few beers and watch the whole thing. Alliance deserved it but that Na'Vi comeback against Tongfu in game 3 will live very long in the memory.

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  • 4 months later...

Bump. Been a while since anyone updated here. Anyone still playing? I'm still on quite regularly. For those who want to know what this shit's about, here's a screenshot I got using the model viewer before a game:


And who doesn't love giant demons with fiery swords? Oh and I won that game. Doom is a boss.

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Of course I'm still playing :-D

Doom is a big fuckwagon and you should be ashamed at playing him. I bet you're a Slark picker too.

By now you should be on to pwning nubcaeks with Chen, Meepo, Visage and Beastmaster, all with nothing but Necro 3 and brown boots.

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Of course I'm still playing :-D

Doom is a big fuckwagon and you should be ashamed at playing him. I bet you're a Slark picker too.

By now you should be on to pwning nubcaeks with Chen, Meepo, Visage and Beastmaster, all with nothing but Necro 3 and brown boots.

I randomed because I am not afraid of showing off my micro skills. Ended up with Doom and how very dare you. Slark is up there with Earth Spirit in the stupidlybrokenasfuck column though. Doom is in fact the hard counter to such asshole picks. Give him respect.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Anyone watch the Free 2 Play documentary? Actually very interesting and at times quite bleak and emotional. Would recommend it to fans of any game, especially competitive ones. Good to see Fear getting some exposure, what a player.

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Anyone watch the Free 2 Play documentary? Actually very interesting and at times quite bleak and emotional. Would recommend it to fans of any game, especially competitive ones. Good to see Fear getting some exposure, what a player.

Just finished watching it. A bit disappointed, I think they got the balance wrong in respect to how much they focused on the games compared to the people (though the people stuff is obviously a good insight, and important). Certainly not enough about the game, and oversimplified with too much CGI. I got the feeling that they didn't know which audience to go for - Dota players or gamers who'd never seen Dota, and didn't succeed in really hitting the mark with either.

Would like to have seen more behind the scenes stuff too, again about the game rather than the people.


Edited by banana
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I'll need to get round to watching it at the weekend. My mate watches a load of the Pro matches but personally I prefer to just stick to playing myself.

In terms of playing, I got a new PC towards the end of last year and my new monitor is a ridiculous size. It makes getting last hits/ denies ridiculously easy. I'm trying to random as often as possible to get a better pool of playing. I've started playing a few games with Enigma (character, not the Raith fan from here) and have had a few fantastic moments on that in terms of 5 man black holes. I've met a ridiculous mix of people who have then gone and added me on steam. I think about 80% of my friends list consists of people I've played dota with once, and still get the occasion ask for a game.

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Just finished watching it. A bit disappointed, I think they got the balance wrong in respect to how much they focused on the games compared to the people (though the people stuff is obviously a good insight, and important). Certainly not enough about the game, and oversimplified with too much CGI. I got the feeling that they didn't know which audience to go for - Dota players or gamers who'd never seen Dota, and didn't succeed in really hitting the mark with either.

Would like to have seen more behind the scenes stuff too, again about the game rather than the people.


Hmm, I thought it was good for a start. Depending on how you interpret the 'Free' in Free 2 Play it was quite a tasteful nod to how the game itself freed 3 individuals from the troubles they had going on elsewhere in their lives.

I agree it didn't show much about the game but you really can't do that in one video anyway. Purge's 'Welcome to Dota: you suck' is probably the best resource for that. I liked the clips of the International (1) with Tobi and LD going apeshit at some of the more insane, baws-oot plays in the tournament.

I liked it and even bought the Free 2 play cosmetic pack, ha.

Edited by GiGi
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