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Black Mirror

Al B

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I thought it was an OK piece of television but at times it felt very Chris Morris. I agree that the act was far too extreme to make the plot have any kind of plausibility so it never felt dramatic to me. Why Charlie Brooker has been namedropping The Twilight Zone regularly in regards to these programmes is a mystery as I couldn't see any real connection at all.

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I enjoyed it. He ripped the idea off a Christopher Brookmyre book, I think "A Snowball in Hell". Liked the way that by having one outrageous idea the actors could play it straight and still be very funny. Laughed out loud a few times..

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I agree that the act was so extreme it made the whole programme lack a certain drama. However, the concept is a very interesting one - essentially that the dehumanising culture of the internet/Twitter/social media actually dehumanises all of us. Choosing a rather Cameron-esque PM was an interesting move as well, they made him relatively realisitic rather than a caricature. Probably the most telling scene was the slow-motion pans over the faces of the crowds watching, in disgust and fascination. Perhaps it's an indictment of a misplaced sense of entitlement in our society that sees those in authority or prominent positions to be targets deserving of utter contempt - he has succeeded, I have not, therefore I will laugh when he is brutally humiliated haha lolz.

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Couldn't they tell it was a male finger, one that belonged to a guy who was quite well built, as opposed to a princess's? That was the only glaring plot hole for me. Otherwise, it was decent enough.

I was bothered by the finger as well, if you know what I mean.

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Couldn't they tell it was a male finger, one that belonged to a guy who was quite well built, as opposed to a princess's? That was the only glaring plot hole for me. Otherwise, it was decent enough.

Agreed. Given that the guy was supposed to know all about faking scenes, something more like the ear cutting off bit in Reservoir Dogs would have been better..

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Agreed. Given that the guy was supposed to know all about faking scenes, something more like the ear cutting off bit in Reservoir Dogs would have been better..

She had her face to the camera though, I think they would have noticed that she still had two ears. wink.gif

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I thought it was excellent. like ICTChris,the stand out moment for me was seeing the public reaction, from a laddish "way hey" when he netered the rooom to shock and disgust as it unfolded.

People saying the extemeness of the act make the show hard to take seriously miss the point i feel, it had to be something ludicrous and disgusting to make it work

My only major issue is that the UK stance of not negotiating with terrorists was barelyacknowledged - it was at first, opbviously I;m not doing, but it would have been good if the PM repeated it when public opinion shifted, iot would have shown how "spin" can influence policy decsions.

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My only major issue is that the UK stance of not negotiating with terrorists was barelyacknowledged - it was at first, opbviously I;m not doing, but it would have been good if the PM repeated it when public opinion shifted, iot would have shown how "spin" can influence policy decsions.

Been reading a lot about the constitution in regards the royal family recently, and the instructions to the PM that he WOULD be fucking the pig might be closer to the truth than you think, with regards to legal loopholes that place the royals somewhere above God in the UK.

I know we have a stance of not negotiating with terrorists, but regardless of your opinion on the royals, do you really believe that if the Queen was kidnapped we would stick to that?

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I know we have a stance of not negotiating with terrorists, but regardless of your opinion on the royals, do you really believe that if the Queen was kidnapped we would stick to that?

I reckon the UK would probably cave, i just wanted a wee acknowledgement of the policy,and why it wasnlt applicable

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15 Million Merits was much better than last weeks.

It was okay,but I "preffered" the first. I liked the gimmickry of it immediately following the X Factor final, but I personally find these "proper" sci fi a bit difficult to connect with initially

I thought the second one was quite dull. An hour and twenty minutes was an unnecessarily long time to tell the story.

I;d agree with that, although I suppose it has something to do with the monotony of the chracters lives.

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I didn't manage to catch the first episode, although intending to, and now that I've read reviews I probably won't in a hurry having been spoiled badly on the twist, but will eventually get round to it I'm sure (probably once 4od comes onto the Xbox, but I digress).

Watched 15 million merits last night, and got to say, it was one of the better dramas I've seen in a while on TV. Although he's more known for the rants and outbursts on Screenwipe etc, Charlie Brooker is an extremely good writer, and he can definitely do the more serious issues - Newswipe at times was very poignant. I thought the way he handled this story had everything that is good about his writing.

I can definitely see the point of some that say it was dull in parts, even though I disagree. It definitely took a long while to get to the point of the matter, when Abi stood in front of the judges on the show, and that could've probably been done in a shorter time. However, I think that was intentional in part, like Banterman says. Their life was monotonous and dull. When it did reach that point, you could see it all quickly unravelling, and I must admit, the final twist I didn't see coming in full - I expected a far more predictable end.

I guess the best (or worst) part of it is that although it's supposed to be set in a dystopian future, it was easy to see how that future might not be too far away from what we have today...

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