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Think you've fucked up a bit here pal. You're the one that is coming across as intolerant, not the other way round. Own goal.

Intolerant of bigots?

ETA. If not. What do you think he is bring intolerant of? Not trying to be a dick, just curious.

Edited by aofjays
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By directly addressing "the bigots" and describing something only bigots would be annoyed by? I think you're reaching a bit there.

Even the **** on here acknowledge they have a bigoted element in their support ergo they would not be offended by someone addressing a part of their support which they acknowledge exists, unless they feel that the remark was directed at them personally.

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Intolerant of bigots?

ETA. If not. What do you think he is bring intolerant of? Not trying to be a dick, just curious.

He's the one making the distinction, any bear (correctly or otherwise) could just point out that it makes no difference to them - "why are you so bothered?"

They usually don't need much rope to hang themselves, no need to force the issue.

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He's the one making the distinction, any bear (correctly or otherwise) could just point out that it makes no difference to them - "why are you so bothered?"

They usually don't need much rope to hang themselves, no need to force the issue.

Yet RedRob managed it spectacularly, would it be fairer to say it was nearly an own goal but luckily deflected wide by an opposition striker?

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Really? You accused me of "Typical behaviour though, those who throw insults about our support and religion ...". (Post #206027). Seems pretty clear to me.

For what it's worth, I wasn't insulting your support (except the bigots who are allegedly a 'tiny minority'), nor indeed religion. If I was insulting anyone it was the bigots.

I would respectfully suggest that anyone who mentions "our" religion in the context of a football club is probably somewhat less than un-bigotted.

Read it again, I didn't say 'our religion', I said 'our support and religion' (in a wider context), we are constantly slated for religious bigotry within our support, yet certainly on P&B it is other supporters who generally bring it up. That's all.

Edited by RedRob72
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Trying to pretend you were not being inclusive, nobody is buying it.


If the bigots really are a "tiny minority", then the mainstream support shouldn't feel offended. If they do feel offended, then maybe it isn't a "tiny minority" after all.

Puzzling, isn't it?

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Bring up the subject of religious bigotry?

Why not, Rangers bring it to the grounds of clubs that have nothing to do with any of it?.

Supporters of these clubs are going to get annoyed

Imagine being among lets say Dunfermline fans for example at EEP or Motherwell fans at Fir Park and hearing the BB song being blasted out from the away end and then see the bemusement and confusion of the home fans over why they need to do that here. Then this turns to annoyance and anger and some of the home fans start shouting ''scum, scum, scum'' at the Rangers fans, then the Rangers fans start singing you're only f*****s in disguise or raising their hands in that red hand of Ulster salute which gets mistaken for a nazi salute because most Rangers fans are doing it wrong.

The Beatles well got that song wrong, if only you'd been around then...

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I got called an Orange B at EEP a few years ago, to be honest I just found it funny, especially as plod was standing right next to the moron and promptly lifted him, I laughed, at least he missed his team getting humped by four goals.

Cool story.

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I got called an Orange B at EEP a few years ago, to be honest I just found it funny, especially as plod was standing right next to the moron and promptly lifted him, I laughed, at least he missed his team getting humped by four goals.

If only the police would do the same at Ibrox.

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Bring up the subject of religious bigotry?

Why not, Rangers bring it to the grounds of clubs that have nothing to do with any of it?.

Supporters of these clubs are going to get annoyed

Imagine being among lets say Dunfermline fans for example at EEP or Motherwell fans at Fir Park and hearing the BB song being blasted out from the away end and then see the bemusement and confusion of the home fans over why they need to do that here. Then this turns to annoyance and anger and some of the home fans start shouting ''scum, scum, scum'' at the Rangers fans, then the Rangers fans start singing you're only f*****s in disguise or raising their hands in that red hand of Ulster salute which gets mistaken for a nazi salute because most Rangers fans are doing it wrong.

Fir Park last season for the play off 2nd leg. The Sectarian abuse and goading of our fans throughout the game was constant. How it didn't kick off at the end of the game I don't know. There's still more to do to further improve upon the behaviour of certain sections of our support, but we are not alone in that respect. That isn't whataboutary, it's a fair and accurate reflection.
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Aye, I met No8 at the Pitfarrane Hotel, had a tasty pasta with Chicken, Bacon and Mushrooms, washed down with a few good pints, our designated driver for the night parked in the retail park, we walked down to the ground minding our own business and talking about what shite tactic McCoist would employ, our designated driver moaned about being sober, we approached the ground and the Dunfermline fan shouted Satsuma* b*****d at us.

*Deliberatey bypassing the sectarian word filter

you and No8? Probably justified then!
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Fir Park last season for the play off 2nd leg. The Sectarian abuse and goading of our fans throughout the game was constant. How it didn't kick off at the end of the game I don't know. There's still more to do to further improve upon the behaviour of certain sections of our support, but we are not alone in that respect. That isn't whataboutary, it's a fair and accurate reflection.

Cry me a river (© every p&b bluenose when their fans are criticised)
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