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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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How does this affect their standing in the FFP regulations? If they win the SFA cup will they have a licence to play European football next season?

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Currently doomed regime?


You do realise that the DR story was about accounts due to June 2015 and the results were for the main down to complete mismanagement of the PREVIOUS regime?


The CURRENT regime seem to be making a much better job of things, the interim results for THIS financial year show losses have been cut to £0.5m for the first 6 months.


...and shouldn't that CURRENT regime be taking on the financial responsibilities of the old regime?

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Currently doomed regime?


You do realise that the DR story was about accounts due to June 2015 and the results were for the main down to complete mismanagement of the PREVIOUS regime?


The CURRENT regime seem to be making a much better job of things, the interim results for THIS financial year show losses have been cut to £0.5m for the first 6 months.




I think the latest set of accounts will show that Rangers are not a million miles away from being ran sensibly, the rumours are a £7.5M loss, if we were getting anywhere near what we should be from retail then this would be closer to £4M, then we have the advertising revenue loss through Ashley's involvement, our ridiculously overpaid and inept management team is another obvious area for cost cutting, I actually believe that had King taken over in the summer and rid the club of these ridiculous contracts then the club would have broken even this year, it certainly would have another 15k ST holders.  Yes King was involved with the previous regime, albeit at a distance but I firmly believe that when it comes to Rangers he would rather see the club being ran sensibly while using all of its revenue stream for the good of the club, Ashley does not have the same motivations.

THe previous regime that you thought had Rangers "not a million miles away from being ran sensibly"?  Revisionism is alive and well.

Edited by strichener
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THe previous regime that you thought had Rangers "not a million miles away from being ran sensibly"? Revisionism is alive and well.

Stubborn Ted will be along shortly to openly acknowledge his inconsistent opinion and apologise for any confusion. He definitely won't deflect or sidestep this, it's not his style.

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Currently doomed regime?


You do realise that the DR story was about accounts due to June 2015 and the results were for the main down to complete mismanagement of the PREVIOUS regime?


The CURRENT regime seem to be making a much better job of things, the interim results for THIS financial year show losses have been cut to £0.5m for the first 6 months.


That's according to an unaudited 'Consolidated Income Statement'.  It doesn't tell you how they're moving financial amounts around behind the scenes.  I don't even see an accountant's name on it, never mind an auditor's.

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Sir Phil told them all yesterday morning anyway...

..An excellently placed source at Ibrox has told me that there was a high powered conclave on Friday afternoon.

The main players of Rangers International Football Club (RIFC) had business to discuss.

Mr David Cunningham King decided not to Jet In, but instead, I am told that he has hooked up by video link.

The accounts of The Rangers Football Club (formerly Sevco Scotland Limited) were discussed.

My thanks must go to Rugger Chap for spending a sunny Sunday afternoon excavating them for me.

I hope to have his forensic assessment of them in a day or so.

On the back of that Mr King, the Chairman of the RIFC issued a fiat that a good news story was required.

Therefore, expect something suitably Panglossian from the stenographers.

Now, let’s be Candide about this dear reader, it is rather their raison d’être.

So you have been warned.

Anything that is utterly gushing in the tabloids tomorrow apropos Sevco just might have emerged from that dignified order issued south of the Limpopo.

Ps...How many Ashley leaving Rangers story's today?

I wonder how much he received in donations for that lovely article?

The guys nuttier than a barrel full of Normans....

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Wait the thing you are calling revisionism is a previous post where i said we were not a million miles away from being ran sensibly if;


We were to get rid of our over priced management team.


We were to get another 15k ST holders.


We get get another regime to run things.


That is not revisionism you daft kunt.


We are almost there, now if only that last thing were to happen that I suggested would make a difference... :rolleyes:

No the revisionism is the part where you stated that if all these things happened the the club would be breaking even.  Are you?  You have the new regime and are still losing money.


That is revisionism.

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"You have the new regime and are still losing money"

Did you expect the mess to be sorted out overnight?

It'll take a few more years atleast to get this sorted, so patience young grasshopper....

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He just dug up an old post without reading it, or maybe he did read it but just failed to grasp the basic concept, either way he has fucked up yet again.

Typical stricky, he'll try to bluff it out and get a few of his chums to back him up.

Too many people saw the headline today and went a bit loopy.

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Said this a few weeks ago but this story, for now, is dead.

Rangers are not going bust anytime soon, the "good guys" inherited an almighty mess and from what I see they are slowly but surely sorting it out.

So long as there isn't pressure to repay the working capital loans any time soon they will continue to borrow it until they can reasonably get back into a positive cash flow. I would imagine this will take promotion (now guaranteed) and subsequently European football (far from guaranteed).

I would think it is in their interests to trim their cost base as I'm guessing sympathetic shareholders will only go so far. On promotion to the prem it will be interesting to see how hell for leather they go on challenging rasellick. That will be crucial to their recovery.

For what it's worth I think they have a decent manager in place who can make them competitive at least for Europe without spending a wad of cash. In this regard they are in good stead.

This is the reality of it folks, as much as I hate to say it, they are doing ok.

I really do hate to say it.

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Check this c**t..





 take it you think I'm a Rangers fan posing as an Aberdeen because I dared to say anything other than they're going bust they just don't know it.


Look through my posting history, I am no fan of that club.


I am calling this like I see it.

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Fucking hell, did you even read the post?  I mentioned the retail deal in that ALL, think it is pretty clear who is desperately trying to revise things here.

Yes, I did read the post.  Now remind me again, were you in favour of Rangers taking back majority control of the retail operations?  If it was so fundemental to the financial position then I would presume you would be.  A quick look however and we see that this is not the case.




How much does the security over these assets cost Rangers? £0?


How much extra income will Rangers get if they get the 26% shareholding from RR back? £0?


Will Mike Ashley still have a huge influence over retail if this loan is paid? Yes


He does not have anyone employed by the club.  Indeed his only influence is to call a GM and raise resolutions which the shareholders can then just say 'no' to.


Does paying this loan off at this stage benefit the club or shareholders in any way? No


The main reason not to pay is to force a much better deal for Rangers from the retail operations, as a shareholder I will be voting against this resolution.


26% to yield £0??  The last set of accounts show that this is not the case and surely 51% going to Rangers is better than 26%.  Not in Tedi land though.


ETA: Your post indicated that you thought that retail would net £3.5m.  JJB payed £3m per annum to Rangers prior to administration and they were losing money on this (as they stated during their many fund raising attempts and multiple CVAs) so why would you have £3.5m income now?


Typical stricky, he'll try to bluff it out and get a few of his chums to back him up.

Too many people saw the headline today and went a bit loopy.


Edited by strichener
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