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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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no one is denying its tedious, thats why we have a 7071 page thread with over 200000 replies on it :rolleyes: because its so incredibly boring for the mainly celtic diddy fans who have devoted years to it.

as for the date on the calendar, it was posted when the newclubbers daft new club argument that uefa hadnt updated the clubs history on its website which you have been using for 4 years was proven to be absolute bollocks by them updating the page and confirming we are the same club

as usual your response is full of nonsense which attempts to pass off the official duff and phelps report on the sale of the club as assertations, they are the experts and both them and bdo have confirmed that we are the same club

hers the appropriate bit from the report 100% clear that the club was sold as part of the business, history and assets, fact not an assertation

"the Joint Administrators were able to secure a going concern sale of the business, history and assets of the Company to Sevco"

"Following the sale of business and assets of the Company, the responsibility for maintaining all trading operations passed to Sevco which continues to operate the Club"


as for your gibberish about the ethereal its down in black and white that the club was sold to sevco as a going concern directly after the cva failure and months before oldco was put into liquidation which shows and entirely seamless transaction, there is absolutely no confusion about any of the dates, at no point did the club ever not have a company running it , at no point did we ever have two memberships on the go. to believe otherwise shows a blatent disregard for all the evidence.

you continue to attempt to muddy the waters with zero facts and fail every time

Your logic seems to be: if a company puts out a press release saying something, then it must be 100% true and anyone who disagrees with it is just wrong.

Now I accept Rangers continuation, but the idea you can "buy" history is self-evidently bollocks.

The idea of a club is totally imprecise and open to interpretation. I certainly wouldn't be taking Duff & Phelps word for anything.

Edited by BinoBalls
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You can't buy or sell history. To suggest otherwise is nonsense, and casts doubt on everything else D & P said.


As for Leeds, Middlesborough etc., their continuity is a harmless fiction which people go along with. It makes their fans happy, and no-one else cares much either way.


If you want to believe that Rangers is still the same club that's ok by me. Other people believe that God or Santa Claus exists, or that the earth is flat. Or even that Rangers is the most successful club in the world, when all the evidence says they were just a big fish in a very small pool.

utter bollocks the history comes with the club which was sold to sevco according to every credible source, legally we are the same club, offically we are the same club and just like leeds , luton, hearts etc we remain the same club - to claim otherwise when the facts show differently is equivalent to believing santa or god exists, you are the loonballs in this scenario who deny facts and evidence


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idiots think the club died backed up by 4 year old newspaper reports and some statements from non expert ex players, both the newspapers and ex players have since intimated that the club survived numerous times - so you have zero credible evidence whatsoever

we know the club survived based on official confirmation from uefa, the eca, spl, spfl, sfa and sfl

every legal expert that has commented on it, lord glennie, nimmo, brodie all saying club and company are seperate entites and can and were separated in rangers case

the two companies that were responsable for the sale of the club both stated clearly that the club was sold

the asa stated the club has survived

hmrc and the stock market also stated the club was the same club

there have been numerous examples of clubs going throuh the same process as rangers and surviving - hearts, leeds, luton, middlesbrough etc that you all accepted without question for years

you have absolutely nothing

Thanks for proving my original reply to The_Kincardine

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Your logic seems to be: if a company puts out a press release saying something, then it must be 100% true and anyone who disagrees with it is just wrong.

Now I accept Rangers continuation, but the idea you can "buy" history is self-evidently bollocks.

The idea of a club is totally imprecise and open to interpretation. I certainly wouldn't be taking Duff & Phelps word for anything.

well luckily we have bdo, lord glennie, nimmo, brodie, the asa, uefa, fifa, spl, spfl, sfa, sfl, hmrc , the stock market and many others all telling you the same thing and no credible sources suggesting otherwise to back up duff and phelps


the business, assets and history of the company were sold i.e the club, the history wasnt sold on its own, duff and phelps state the club was sold in the next paragraph, something backed up by bdo in their report. its nonsensical to claim otherwise when you have no evidence backing you up

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the business, assets and history of the company were sold

Hypothetically speaking, would it be possible to buy a club *without* the history?

Please try and answer that without banging on about your list of sources for the 500th time. Believe it or not people are allowed to have their own opinions.

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utter bollocks the history comes with the club which was sold to sevco according to every credible source, legally we are the same club, offically we are the same club and just like leeds , luton, hearts etc we remain the same club - to claim otherwise when the facts show differently is equivalent to believing santa or god exists, you are the loonballs in this scenario who deny facts and evidence



If I were to buy one of Jack Nicklaus's clubs - let's say the putter he used in final round of the 86 Masters - and he was good enough to throw in its history, would you laugh your head off if I was daft enough to claim that history as my own?

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If I were to buy one of Jack Nicklaus's clubs - let's say the putter he used in final round of the 86 Masters - and he was good enough to throw in its history, would you laugh your head off if I was daft enough to claim that history as my own?

That putter now actually belongs to a bloke in Dumfries.

True story, although obviously not a remotely relevant one. Sorry.

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idiots think the club died backed up by 4 year old newspaper reports and some statements from non expert ex players, both the newspapers and ex players have since intimated that the club survived numerous times - so you have zero credible evidence whatsoever


we know the club survived based on official confirmation from uefa, the eca, spl, spfl, sfa and sfl

every legal expert that has commented on it, lord glennie, nimmo, brodie all saying club and company are seperate entites and can and were separated in rangers case

the two companies that were responsable for the sale of the club both stated clearly that the club was sold

the asa stated the club has survived

hmrc and the stock market also stated the club was the same club

there have been numerous examples of clubs going throuh the same process as rangers and surviving - hearts, leeds, luton, middlesbrough etc that you all accepted without question for years


you have absolutely nothing

Oh for Christ's sake, why do you keep reeling off this list of bodies who reached opinions as if they each did so independently and as if such opinions represent irrefutable evidence?

And why, above all, do you feel the need to tell us all of it all the time? Seriously, what's it for?

If you're so convinced and consider the entire issue as utterly beyond question, why keep rising to any wee suggestions of 'new club'? Why the Hell does it matter what the "idiots" think if the whole thing is so cut and dried?

You're pretty much the only one who goes on so regularly about ex-players' views, or about liquidated clubs in England, yet you claim that it's the ideas associated with such things that you wish to counter. It begs questions about why you keep highlighting such matters at all.

I'm actually basically fine with continuation, more or less, but all you keep doing with this regular, repetitive nonsense, is remind us of quite how insecure you are about it all. It's kinda funny.

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as for the date on the calendar, it was posted when the newclubbers daft new club argument that uefa hadnt updated the clubs history on its website which you have been using for 4 years was proven to be absolute bollocks by them updating the page and confirming we are the same club.

What are you on about?

What website have I been using for 4 years?

I've not once mentioned such a thing.

You just lash out indiscriminately at anyone who doesn't share your reading 100%. It's senseless and makes you look childish and a bit daft.

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Simple solution that will end all the arguments. If you are the same club, pay the millions and millions that you owe, especially the amounts owed for the face painter and your clubs paper bill.....lol. Deal?

Edited by Sting777
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What are you on about? What website have I been using for 4 years? I've not once mentioned such a thing. You just lash out indiscriminately at anyone who doesn't share your reading 100%. It's senseless and makes you look childish and a bit daft.

Of course. Since he's wrong he can only respond to the points he wishes you'd made - not what you actually typed. Let him. Laughing at bears is kinda the raison d'être for being here.

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well luckily we have bdo, lord glennie, nimmo, brodie, the asa, uefa, fifa, spl, spfl, sfa, sfl, hmrc , the stock market and many others all telling you the same thing and no credible sources suggesting otherwise to back up duff and phelps


the business, assets and history of the company were sold i.e the club, the history wasnt sold on its own, duff and phelps state the club was sold in the next paragraph, something backed up by bdo in their report. its nonsensical to claim otherwise when you have no evidence backing you up


A football club in its simplest form is a group of people who get together to play football, apply to join a league and are granted a membership license from the SFA via the Association they have joined (Amateur, Welfare, Junior, Youth, Schools, etc).  If Rangers are the same club why did they have to apply to join a league and transfer a license?  The SFA only grant licenses to Football Clubs not companies and clubs that restructure the company structure don't have to apply for a new license so why did Rangers?

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If they were the same club, it would've been ''yeah, whatever" for a couple days and the thread would've petered out.

The fact that the Bearmacht on here having been having meltdowns for years , throwing spurious shite as a defence, means it's a sore point .

Conclusion - new club.


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If they were the same club, it would've been ''yeah, whatever" for a couple days and the thread would've petered out.

The fact that the Bearmacht on here having been having meltdowns for years , throwing spurious shite as a defence, means it's a sore point .

Conclusion - new club.


You could apply the same logic to the obsessed , day after day arguin the same points

The obsessed spend day after day having meltdowns on here trying to convince us and most of all themselves that we are a new club

54 and counting

We welcome the chase

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