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    Partick Thistle

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  1. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/articles/c900ekgv7kwo.amp
  2. I have no idea whether we are or not but as has been pointed out, the way our board is now set up should ensure no reckless spending or going over budget after the next set of accounts are issued.
  3. Highly unlikely we will be overspending given the mess the last board left us in!! Doubt with the way the club is run now that would be allowed to happen!!
  4. Was a rumour he had signed a PCA with Hearts but assumed that would have been announced by now!
  5. Disappears when things are tough for his own club but posts more in other teams threads when the going is tough for them. He revels in it rather than concentrating on his own sides shortcomings! Better to ignore the simple-ton
  6. https://ptfc.co.uk/ptfc-news/david-mitchell-signs-new-one-year-deal/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR0G4MGi6LWceCB4bi5VfXWrKis7tLUTX1cpRPtCE2gYpmTuurtXP2B2JPE_aem_AbVpSaDopTDWiSYl1McCP5UwDz04k2oPiTu8yFiWCuP4QB0L-GbXiUPOpyT1wfiGbsvehdhB1SewXA5vUuhf78it
  7. McBeth contract extention is a fantastic bit of business by the club!!
  8. Would fancy either of the teams tonight to beat the Wendy's in the final if thats the way it turns out!
  9. I would also book goalies when they make a save then throw themselves to ground for 15 seconds. Its bloody infuriating and Dabrowski was guilty of it on several straightforward saves tonight!
  10. Take that all day long after an horrific 1st half. We could easily have been out the tie by half time but fair play to Doolan for the subs. Neilson and to a lesser extent McInroy were awful and we only got going after they were removed. Funny how a goal changes a game. We suddenly looked full of running and Rovers looked leggy. Got to start the 11 that finished the game tonight. First goal at Starks will be crucial!
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