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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I just cant see why Rangers should be allowed back into the SPL if they were to bust. As Calidad said if it was any other team they would be punted down to the third division or at worse the junior ranks like Clydebank. Fans off the SPL teams should let their clubs know that if they vote them back they wont be going back. And anyway if Rangers do come back as a new club what happens if they finish bottom? Are the SPL going to tell the winners of the 1st that they aren't aloud up beacuse Rangers have finished bottom or the team that finished 2nd bottom they are relegated.

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I just cant see why Rangers should be allowed back into the SPL if they were to bust. As Calidad said if it was any other team they would be punted down to the third division or at worse the junior ranks like Clydebank. Fans off the SPL teams should let their clubs know that if they vote them back they wont be going back. And anyway if Rangers do come back as a new club what happens if they finish bottom? Are the SPL going to tell the winners of the 1st that they aren't aloud up beacuse Rangers have finished bottom or the team that finished 2nd bottom they are relegated.

Ground criteria will be upgraded to exclude the promoted club...especially if it's Falkirk ;)

Edited by EdTheDuck
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Thing is though the Already ridiculous 'share' of prize money would play into the hands of whoever finishes 2nd. I don't have the exact figures but the prize money had very inconsistent increments designed clearly to give 1st and 2nd (Rangera and Celtic) a big payout to supplement their big spending. Something like:

1st: 1.3 million

2nd: 1.1 million

3rd: 500k


and down in roughly 70 k increments, completely unfair but would play into the handa of whoever fininshed 2nd on a rangerless league.

Or we will see the 3rd div champions suspiciouslly be awarded 1million....

Each club gets 4% of the Net Commercial Revenues.

Then there is a breakdown of top-ups as follows:

1. 13%

2. 11%

3. 5.5%

4. 4.5%

5. 4%

6. 3.5%

7. 3%

8. 2.5%

9. 2%

10. 1.5%

11. 1%

12. 1%

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Sorry, why do we have to tell Sky to poke it? Why can’t we take their money and improve the league in Scotland at the same time?

Why is it always necessary to impoverish Scottish fitba to improve it? And indulge in mental gymnastics while we do it.

Reduce the amount of money in the game and Scottish football finances will improve.

Pay the players £500 a week and we’ll end up with better players.

Fill the schedules with endless amounts of utterly meaningless lower profile games and more fans will show up.

Tell Sky to ram it and lose their money and vast amounts of commercial & advertising money and we’ll be better off.

Winston Smith didn’t have to deal with this amount of doublethink…

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Sad to see the decent discussion on the what happens next thread had been lumped in here. :(

It made sad reading. The whole process of administation is a joke.

Dundee benefited greatly from their 2nd administation.

They got rid of their shit manager and shit players for nothing; and were allowed to keep their best players.

Looks like Ranjurs will do the same.

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I'm getting more and more wound up listening to he media tell us all that the clubs should be helping Rangers. I must have missed the years of pillaging of best players for peanuts, the ridiculous split of monies fom the league and the sterling good name they (and their city neighbours) give to Scottish football.

I dont want Rangers to completely die, but i do expect them to be treated the same as another team would be and for once show a little humility...however i suspect that there is little chance of this..

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Currently Al Lamont of BBC quoting from Administrator on twitter

“@BBCAlLamont: Administrator told Rangers fans group audited accounts are unlikely to be filed. That would almost certainly mean the club doesn't get ...”..licence to play in Europe next season, missing out on extremely important revenue stream.”

Also said Liquidation was unlikely

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If a Phoenix Rangers is admitted right back in, nobody should have anything to do with them. Take zero fans to Ibrox and stay away from your home games against them. They should not be recognised by decent fans of decent clubs who have been shafted these past ten or so years.

Tbh I think many fans will simply never return to watch even their own clubs if this sham is allowed to go on.

Simply pointing out that the SPL have more options than just maintaining status quo and kowtowing to the same old same old. The workers control the means of production, and to each according to his worth. That sort of thing. Sorry if I went on a bit, and REALLY sorry if you're dim enough to think the post is about rangers. It's about the possible future for the rest of us.


Of course they do. The SPL could be structured to provide proper competition. Rangers and Celtic would still be top but the gap would not be unbridgable. However they have spent an awful lot of PR money the last 20 years propogating the lie they the ONLY way to run Scottish Football is to make the OF the sole focus and ignore everything else.

This is completely contradictary to any other league I have ever seen where the structure is there to even the playing field is much more even.

In Scotland its quite obvious to me and an increasing number of people that instead of a top league designed to protect the elite teams the league should be designed to protect the smaller teams and by doing so increase the competiveness and therefore the quality of the product.

I actually cannot see a single valid argument against this. If we are really saying a league "competition" shouldn't be about competition then what is the point?

Apologies for long post…

Before I start I am very aware of the past /current economic arguments of having Celtic and Rangers in the SPL. They have the two biggest stadia in the country which every other week are full ( more or less). The TV companies want to show that derby and people abroad want to watch it. Both clubs take a large support to other SPL clubs ( mostly probably made up of the fans who for one reason or another can not get in to the home games). Without a doubt the other SPL clubs coffers are given a good boost when either side of the old firm come calling.

Right lets forget about the past, lets forget about the current situation. Lets move on to what should happen.

Lets say this was Dundee Untd or even Hearts going to administration, and possible liquidation. If Liquidated they would be out of the SPL quicker than blink of eye and would be restarting their life in 3rd Division. This is what should happen to Rangers and there should be no argument or debate.

NewRangers FC at worse might not have Ibrox to play at. It might be sold off to whoever bids the highest price. Where are they going to play? Some smaller stadium? The least worse option that whoever buys the stadium will rent it back, more money out the door and less on players. Either option is less money on players, they will be siging players the likes of Dunfermline and Partick Thistle sign. They are not going to win the league, they will finish mid table if they are in the still in the SPL. The hordes that travel from Northern Ireland and England will not be willing to stump cash to watch a them toil away in mid table. Neither will the usual glory hunters. What will be left will be the true heart of the club, 8or 9k if they are lucky

If this derby is all that matters to Scottish football then everyone else should pack up and go home now. I can count on my hand how many of these games were actually worth watching. The amount of drek that is written about it covers up the fact that most of the games are dreadful.

Put Rangers in the Third Division but if they really want to old firm derby let them organise themselves ( 1 at the start and 1 at the end of the season) they could sell the television rights independently of the SPL. Might actually generate some cash for the clubs. But it would be separate and independent from everything else.

There will be short term damage to the SPL no doubt about it. But we have chance here to change the centre of gravity of Scottish football, I can still mind of Dundee Untd beating the cash rich Barcelona home and away because the league at the time was more balanced in its spending. All the clubs should be thinking of a more organic way existing -playing youth instead of imports- It will make our top league exciting and dynamic. Granted we will not have a bunch of millionaires strutting about our pitches, but we will have healthy clubs, and exciting game. Would you want that over every going bust because club are paying over the odds?

I am off to watching Raith hopefully pump Livingston on Saturday, I hope all football fans make that extra effort this weekend to show that we can healthy football leagues, where television money is a bonus but not a necessity ….

Rant over.


I'm at the stage now where I'd happily see my club stripped to the bone if that was necessary to see them compete on an even playing field with the other sides.

Its team to tell the SPL and the OF to stick the TV money up their arse and lets just get on with getting fans back in through the gates.

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Dundee benefited greatly from their 2nd administation.

They got rid of their shit manager and shit players for nothing; and were allowed to keep their best players.

Looks like Ranjurs will do the same.


Have you looked at that squad, just who are their "best" players?

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Have you looked at that squad, just who are their "best" players?

I'd say their best players are Wallace, Davis, McGregor, Whittakar, Lafferty (maybe), Naismith...

Keep them and dump the shit that they don't want like Cellik, McKay, Bedoya etc.

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