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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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It was actually meaningless - EFFC are solid mid table 2nd Div, never gonna win the Scottish Cup or League cup again. We had a good SC run which was income and paid some debts off faster than we planned.

Really if the Soccerboys stay in SPL it is meaningless to us except as a point of principle

If SPL fans can't be arsed complaining aboots it, then it is also meaningless and just think less of yez

So theres no point to either of our clubs carrying on? We should shut them down and I should go shopping with Mrs P&B is a Disgrace on a Saturday?

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direct action (or inaction, more to the point):

let's take it as read that The Rangers are going to be in in the SPL next season and that any amount of submissions, however cogent or impassioned, from supporters of other clubs to to their respective chairmen, to media outlets, MP's, or anyone else is not going to make the slightest bit of difference; you can register your displeasure with whoever you like, however you like, for as long as you like - waste of time.

what you need is a coherent, ongoing, long-term protest to make it clear to anyone who ever takes even a cursory look at scottish football of the utter contempt in which rangers will be held from next season onwards, to make them ask why that is the case and to make it abundantly clear of the depth of that feeling

we've all seen the disagreements on here about how not renewing season tickets is a moot point - it harms your own clubs, obviously, and yes they are to blame by being complicit in the whitewash which will see rangers railroaded back in to the league, or carrying on with pisspot little penalties with short lived consequences, but that's not the point, and for those that are happy to still watch their own clubs it a non-starter anyway.|Why should they give up their footballing love because of rangers and a spineless set of officials anway. Without the sort of drastic, nationwide action that you all acknowledge football fans are unable to implement - for whatever reason - it's just going to be a fairly derisory protest anyway, bordering on the "sad little individuals" scale of things

What you need to do, as football fans, from the start of next season onwards, is to undertake never to visit Ibrox to watch your club's play ever again. you deprive Rangers of the comparative pin money from tickets - big deal - but more than that you're making your point. they're cheating b*****ds, and you want no part of putting money in to their coffers. if your own clubs make money from ticket sales, so what - they probably won't get paid for it anway, no great loss....

as for the issue of supporting your own club at an away game - f**k 'em; they've told you what they thought of the value of your support by re-electing rangers newco to the SPL or whatever, so for one or two away games a season, let them fucking know you don't agree with them - season in , and season out. turn up for home games and trips elsewhere by all means, support them in every other way you can, but for those trips to ibrox that they wanted, and you didn't, just turn your backs on them

imagine the impact in the wider footballing world: glasgow rangers - the club that no away fan will ever visit; everyone will want to know why, and a few well placed websites explaining things will get the message across. it'll become as big a part of that club's profile as any other part of their history (possibly sic) - and what do you have to do to make that happen - absolutely nothing, just sit on your arses and do nothing !

again, we all know it's impossible it is to orchestrate any sort of protest whch requires fans to do something positive, so make this the one that's taken forward by them simply not doing something - how much easier is that to sort out ? all the rangers games are going to be on tv anyway - get down to your own clubs on the day of a trip to ibrox, fill your own team's bar with customers, spend money on their pies and their beer and their merchandising - make enough noise about what's planned, they'll love it and be be queuing up to turn what would otherwise be a blank saturday (or whatever) in to a decent pay day by laying on big screen coverage for those who would once have travelled, but now refuse to do so; go to your local pubs, buy your local pie and chips, and avoid any of the other potential nastiness involved with a trip to glasgow.

make this happen, make it an institution, make it part of the fabric of your game just as much as ranger's cheating has been - and make sure that everyone knows why you're doing it !

ahh - jog on - probably a shite idea, but that's my thoughts anyway - is that 30,000 words yet ?


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Claymores, you are starting to make a proper c**t of yourself. Pozbaird has been a fuckin outstanding contributor to the analysis of the currants demise. He has already made it clear that he speaks only for himself and has "sorted" his position with his club.

You crack on like Wolfie and his freedom for Tooting gang if you like but guys like Poz have said plenty and DONE plenty to ensure their club knows the score.

There is no need whatsoever to disrespect someone with broadly the same views as you just because he chooses to voice them differently. That sort of mob mentality is just the sort of thing that made Sandy Jardine look like a total dick - with no evidence as yet that being a total dick has made any difference at all. Time will tell. In the meantime, guys who have watched their team for 40 years as Poz has and who know the people at their club will be listened to.

I've no probs of looking a c*nt - what you say I will answer - I answered honestly.

If non OF fans do walking away by a wee email or call to their club nobody gives 2 fecks and that's their personal choice. Don't think the clubs will give 2 hoots by 'falling on the sword' - unless SPL Assocs say something of why their members are bleeding away, nobody knows or cares.

If yez do it this way, you'll only hurt yer own clubs - it's not rocket science DOH

Writing eloquent/intuitive theses on this thread is a hobby which helps nobody except the others of like mind who nod their heads behind screen

You have a different view and think writing 300 words makes a difference - pah

Edited by Claymores
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Direct action may be needed here.

For me, i would.....

Last game of the season.

For the first half only- clap the players in and out, yes and if yer team scores... nothing else.

For the second half- give them the full vocals an cheers (including no to newco !)

Anyone else have any idea ?

We cant just roll over and let it happen !!

you've cracked it with that idea mate! no chance of a newco now.

just to be sure i'd turn on all the taps in your house and then ask your neighbour on either side to do the same and get them to ask the guy on the other side to do the same and repeat. if everyone in scotland turns all their taps on at the same time it will send out a clear message to neil doncaster.

Edited by T_S_A_R
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If Aberdeen and Hibs do well inthe league next season their attendances are going to go through the roofcompared to this season; if Hearts and Motherwell go into decline and rattlearound the arse end of the table all season their attendances will fall.

Rangers 1872 or rangers 2012 won’tmake much difference.

Fans are fickle b*****ds at theworst of times and are loyal at the best of times, what happens to rangers iscompletely irrelevant to the vast majority.

Organise to your heart’s content, walkout, walk in, turn your back, shake it all about, it won’t make a blind bit ofdifference, the performances out on the park will.

Principles are for losers infitba.

Just enjoy the utter humiliationof the Institution that will continue for years to come and don’t feed thedimwit troll.

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No, you need to get names. Direct email addresses. You need to clog up someone's personal inbox until they get the point. General email addresses won't do.

When we do get a drafted email and addresses to send it to, get the information all over the internet. Facebook, other forums, everywhere. Get as many people as you can involved.

It can be done.

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If Aberdeen and Hibs do well inthe league next season their attendances are going to go through the roofcompared to this season; if Hearts and Motherwell go into decline and rattlearound the arse end of the table all season their attendances will fall.

Rangers 1872 or rangers 2012 won’tmake much difference.

Fans are fickle b*****ds at theworst of times and are loyal at the best of times, what happens to rangers iscompletely irrelevant to the vast majority.

Organise to your heart’s content, walkout, walk in, turn your back, shake it all about, it won’t make a blind bit ofdifference, the performances out on the park will.

Principles are for losers infitba.

Just enjoy the utter humiliationof the Institution that will continue for years to come and don’t feed thedimwit troll.

Nice post. :)

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So theres no point to either of our clubs carrying on? We should shut them down and I should go shopping with Mrs P&B is a Disgrace on a Saturday?

Nope - we detest RR almost as much as the Ranjurs idiots! That's the beauty of the SFL - the Fife can come to Kirkald!

If SPL were bombed out of existence tomorrow and no Ranjurs or Celltic, I wouldn't care less - SFL would carry on as normal - I honestly can't see yer point

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